100+ Happy Birthday Wishes for a Friend - Blog - memmo (2024)

Is there any day better than a friend’s birthday? You get to remind them how awesome they are in a meaningful card, embarrass them with funny photos on social media, and spend the day celebrating together. But what to caption your bestie's dedicated Insta post, or how to express your appreciation for them - that's the big question. That’s why we’re here with 100+ happy birthday wishes for your friend (plus some pretty cool ways to deliver them).

Below you will find inspirational examples, but you can always add your own personal touch. You could even get their favourite celebrity from memmo.me to deliver birthday wishes for you in 24 hours!

Table of contents

The Most Unique Happy Birthday Wishes for Your Friend

Fed up of repeating the same old birthday wishes year in, year out? Make this year’s special birthday wish 100% personalised and off-the-scale exciting with the help of a celebrity saying one of these unique happy birthday wishes to your friend.

  • “You may know me through the TV, but what you don’t know is that I also now know you! Me and your friend wish you a happy birthday.” - Celebrity from memmo.me
  • “I’m getting the word… birthday!” - Clinton Baptiste
  • I wanted to give you a special birthday wish so I got you a memmo
  • You deserve something as special and unique as you, so I got you a video from your favourite celebrity!
  • Nothing says “You’re the best” like a personal birthday message from your favourite celebrity, right?
  • Wishing you a day that brings the same kind of happiness and joy that you bring to me!
  • Birthdays only come once a year, and your friendship only comes once a lifetime.
  • “Actually, I wanted to get you something super special, super terrific, unique and beautiful for your birthday, but I don’t fit into the envelope.”- Unknown
  • Everything’s better with frosting on it, including you! So, dig into that cake baby! Happy birthday!
  • "We turn not older with years, but newer every day." —Emily Dickinson

Curious as to how you could possibly get a celebrity birthday wish? It's pretty easy, just head to memmo.me

  • They say you lose your memory as you grow older. I say forget about the past and live life to the fullest today. Start with cake. Happy birthday, friend.
  • Happy Birthday, AKA all-the-cake-you-can-eat day!
  • Here's to another year of friendship, laughter, and getting up to no good together! Happy Birthday!
  • To the sweetest berry in the bunch, a very happy birthday!
  • Congratulations, you've finally reached the wonder years... wonder where your car is parked? Wonder where you left your phone? Wonder where your glasses are? Wonder what day it is? It's your birthday!
  • Happy Birthday friend! We might be separated today, but I am still raising a glass to your good health and happiness from afar. May you keep strong, stay safe, and take care of yourself. I miss you!
  • If I had a flower for every time you made me smile, I'd have a beautiful garden! Happy birthday!
  • You are the greatest thing since sliced bread.
  • Don't count the candles, but see the light they give. Don't count your years but the life you live. Happy Birthday.
  • Congrats on making it through another year of putting up with me!

Funny Birthday Wishes For Your Joker Friend

Someone call in Chandler, ‘cause he’d be itching to blurt out these funny birthday wishes.

  • “Happy birthday from me to you, not to me, to you, to me, to you!” - Paul Chuckle
  • “Your friend wanted to give you a funny birthday wish, so called in myself as a comedian to do the job - lazy bugger!” - Comedian from memmo.me
  • You know I’m not the funniest, so I got a personalised video from your favourite comedian to make you laugh on your birthday.
  • Ready for the funniest birthday of your life? I kind of told Bootlegger about our inside joke, and well, he has a lot to say! Happy birthday!
  • No one makes you laugh like Jeff from Peep Show, so I got you a little personal birthday surprise from him.
  • Happy 25th birthday! The teens on TikTok definitely think you're geriatric now.
  • You suck at ageing! Can you at least try to look older?
  • “You know you are getting old when the candles cost more than the cake.” – Bob Hope
  • If you're getting old, does that mean I am too?! Happy Birthday, old timer!
  • Don't let ageing get you down. It's too hard to get up again!

Check out these comedians who'll make your friend howl with laughter on their birthday

  • One more year under your belt, and what a pretty belt it is. Happy birthday you stylish thing you!
  • We’re both getting old, but who’s counting? Happy birthday!
  • The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.” – Lucille Ball
  • Let's drink champagne and dance on the tables (until they ask us to leave the bar).
  • Don’t think of it as getting older, think of it as becoming a classic!
  • Don't forget to smile uncomfortably as everyone sings you Happy Birthday!
  • Don't worry, you don't have grey hairs, you have "wisdom highlights".
  • Happy belated birthday. Sorry for the delay, I was busy having fun with you in person but I've made up for it by getting you a video from your favourite celebrity.
  • Best friends are awesome, especially yours. Happy birthday, gorgeous!
  • As your best friend it’s my right to sign you an off tune happy birthday, and it is your right to smile while cringing internally. Happy birthday!

Short & Snappy Happy Birthday Wishes for a Friend

There's nothing wrong with wanting to keep it simple and sweet (plus, it means more time for the celebrations).

  • “This is the shortest but greatest gift you’ll receive - happy birthday!” - Celebrity from memmo.me
  • Happy birthday from me and Jake Canuso!
  • “Big up the most incredible friend” - General Levy
  • Me and a celeb have a birthday wish for you
  • I got you a happy birthday memmo!
  • Happy birthday to my favourite person.
  • Wishing you the best birthday yet!
  • Cheers to you for another trip around the sun!
  • Congratulations on your birthday! Wishing you a truly fabulous day.
  • It's your birthday, let's get up to some mischief!

Quick videos with an even quicker turnaround, check out these celebrities who can deliver happy birthday wishes in less than 24 hours!

  • Can’t keep calm, it’s my bestie’s birthday!
  • Joy, love, and lots of cake on your very happy birthday!
  • Life is more fun with you by my side.
  • Today is about you. I can’t wait to celebrate you all day long!
  • Here’s to your best birthday yet!
  • My life would suck without you.
  • Every birthday is a gift in itself.
  • Hello to a new year with an even better YOU! Happy Birthday!
  • You’re simply the best, better than all the rest ;)
  • We’re a package deal, so happy birthday to us both!

Birthday Wishes For Your Female Friend

Birthday brunches and celebrations with the girlies, now here's what to say in your slightly tipsy best friend speech:

  • “As we used to sing in Blue: You bring out the best in me!” - Duncan James
  • “From one female boss to another - you’re rockin’ it!” - Rita Simmons
  • I know your guilty pleasure is Neighbours, so I’ve called in a special friend to deliver your birthday wish - hope you’re ready to hear from Alan Fletcher!
  • Yes, I’ve managed to get a celebrity to wish you a happy birthday. Yes, this is real life. Yes, I’m the most awesome friend in the world.
  • A happy birthday melody sung by your favourite singer? Yeah I did that, check your phone.
  • Every day, you sparkle, beautiful woman, but today you rule! Happy Birthday, friend.
  • You may not be my sister by blood, but you truly are by heart.
  • Wishing a very happy birthday to my partner in crime. Thanks for another year of once-in-a-lifetime adventures.
  • On this day, a very special person came into the world, and I am beyond grateful.
  • Thank you for being the brightest person I know. Hope to see you shine for years on!

Want to really empower your bestie? Get help from these Power Women who can deliver the ultimate happy birthday wishes

  • "True friends are like diamonds—bright, beautiful, valuable, and always in style." —Nicole Richie
  • It's your birthday, let's party! Cake - check. Candles - check. Drinks - check. Gift - check. Coolest birthday girl ever - check!
  • Happy birthday to the baddest chick I know! Well, you might be a hot hen now.
  • Count your blessings, not your wrinkles.
  • Happy birthday to a truly beautiful soul. Friends like you only come once in a lifetime.
  • Happy birthday to the girl who always has my back and is always there to pick me up when times get tough.
  • Here's my annual reminder that there's no one like you! Wishing you the best birthday!
  • You are my compass. My BFF. Thanks for always showing me the right path and for guiding me in the right direction. For that, I love you! Happy birthday!
  • A friend as touching as you will always be more like a sister than just a bestie. I’m so grateful for you, girl. Happy birthday.
  • "Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears." —John Lennon

Birthday Wishes For Your Male Friend

Brother from another mother? Then here's the best birthday wishes to send to him:

  • You’re a hero who deserves a birthday wish from your own hero, so I booked you a memmo
  • Remember when you joked about getting a birthday wish from Glenn Hoddle? Well, I kind of made that happen…
  • I’m not good with the wordy stuff, so I got a celebrity to help me say my happy birthday wish with a memmo
  • Your birthday round is on me if you guess how I managed to get you a birthday video from your favourite celebrity
  • Check your emails, you have a celebrity birthday message waiting for you
  • A huge hug for you on your birthday this year, bro!
  • Happy Birthday to my incredible friend. I hope the year ahead is full of reasons to celebrate.
  • I admire the man you’ve become. It’s an honour to be your best friend. Happy birthday.
  • Like a fine wine, you're only getting better with age.
  • Happy Birthday from one superhero friend to another.

Blow your mate's mind with a video from these sports stars, they're ready to send personalised birthday wishes

  • Happy birthday, Dude! You’re not old, you’re vintage!
  • It’s a privilege to navigate life with you by my side. Thanks for always being a shoulder to lean on. Happy birthday!
  • "The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate." —Oprah Winfrey
  • Life should not only be lived, it should be celebrated. Happy Birthday to my best friend!
  • I’m sure you feel pretty lucky to call me a friend. Not everyone is as fortunate as you. Happy birthday!
  • Getting older is inevitable. Growing up is a choice! Happy birthday, to the biggest kid I know.
  • Happy Birthday! Wishing you another rocking birthday for a rockin’ guy.
  • I can’t believe it’s your birthday! You make getting older look real good.
  • Fun fact: birthdays are good for you! Statistics show that the more you have, the longer you live.
  • You're another year older, but definitely not any wiser.

Fan favourite - See iconic happy birthday wishes delivered by Louie Spence


So whether you say 'Happy Birthday' with a series of embarrassing Insta stories, a classic hand-written card, or even go the extra mile with a personalised celebrity video message, you now have 100+ birthday wishes for your friend.

100+ Happy Birthday Wishes for a Friend - Blog - memmo (2024)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

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Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.