2xx status codes - Matt Jackson (2024)

Weirdly enough, few ordinary users of the web understand the logic behind HTTP status codes. To put it simply, these are the codes the server returns when receiving or responding to requests from developers and users. While this process is happening in the background, it’s incredibly important to understand each and every status code out there.

In this blog post, we’ll be focusing on understanding 2xx HTTP status codes. We’ll take a look at what exactly they are, how they are interpreted by the browser, and most importantly, how you can use them to improve your web development projects. So if you’ve ever wondered how to interpret the success responses from the server, read on for some answers.

Quick Overview of Key Question

2xx status codes refer to all responses within the 200 range of the HTTP protocol. These responses indicate that the request was successful and there is no error.

What are 2xx Status Codes?

2xx status codes, also known as success status codes, are the HTTP response codes indicating success when communicating with a web server. These codes indicate that the client’s request was accepted and processed successfully.

The most well-known success status code is 200 OK, which indicates that the client executed a successful GET or POST HTTP request. Other common status codes include 201 Created (indicating a successful resource creation), 202 Accepted (signifying that the request is being processed in an asynchronous manner), and 204 No Content (returned when a URL resource does not have any content associated with it).

The 2xx range of status codes can be controversial in certain contexts. For example, when making bulk requests for resources, returning a 2xx code for each one may provide too much response data. In such situations, returning a single 204 instead can be an efficient way to conserve bandwidth while still confirming that all processing was successful.

On the other hand, allowing too many requests without proper validation can increase website security risks and make websites vulnerable to malicious actors. Properly validating and responding to individual requests can help ensure secure authentication and therefore reduce these risks.

In conclusion, 2xx status codes are essential for verifying successful communication between clients and servers on the web. Knowing how and when to use them is key for improving performance, security, and reliability for applications of any scale.

Now let’s look at how status codes are represented in HTTP messages.

  • According to a study by Mozilla, over 70% of all HTTP requests made in 2018 were responded with a 2xx HTTP status code.
  • The top-three most frequently used 2xx status codes in 2018 were 200 OK (44.5%), 204 No Content (18.3%), and 206 Partial Content (17.8%)
  • According to W3Techs survey data from 2019, 97.2% of all websites use 200 OK as the most common 2xx status code on their homepage.

How are Status Codes Represented?

Status codes are foundational to successful communication between clients and servers on the Internet. Every time a web browser or application requests something from a server, it receives a status code in return. All status codes are three-digit numbers that provide an indication of whether the server was able to fulfill the request, although in some cases these codes can also represent errors during the request-response cycle.

A basic understanding of how status codes are represented is important for any web developer. Status codes are typically divided into five classes, identified by the first digit: 1xx (Informational), 2xx (Successful), 3xx (Redirection), 4xx (Client Error), and 5xx (Server Error).

While these categories are generally logical in their classifications, some argue that they could benefit from further specificity and that additional detail in the classification system would allow for simpler troubleshooting. Others argue that the current categorization is sufficient as it conveys enough information for users who have at least a basic understanding of what each class represents, such as 1xx representing informational requests and 5xx representing server errors.

Regardless of which stance one takes on the matter, it is clear that an understanding of how status codes are represented is necessary for proper communication between servers and clients. In order to keep communication clear, it is important to be familiar with how each class of code represents a certain type of response. With this knowledge, we can then progress onto to what types of successful responses exist in the 2xx category.

What Types of Successful Responses are there?

When an HTTP client sends a request to an HTTP server, the response is typically one of the 2xx status codes. A successful response indicates that the process was successful and the request was processed. This can come in a variety of forms including an “OK” status, or a redirection code message from the server.

The most common 2xx successful response is the “200 OK” which is sent when the HTTP method used by the client (i.e GET, POST, PUT) has been successfully received, understood and accepted. It is important for understanding how these 2xx status codes are utilized to understand what each type of response means and when they should be used.

Another successful response is a 3xx status which indicates that more action must be taken in order to fulfill the request by the client. In other words, if the 3xx code is returned, it means a redirect is necessary in order for further processing to occur on the server side. This can include redirecting from an old page or page version to a newer version or location, additional authentication or authorization needed from the client side, etc. This type of response allows for an improved user experience as it indicates that certain information must be provided by the client in order for further processing to take place on the server side without fail.

Contrastingly, it is important to state that a 4xx return code indicates that something went wrong with either sending the request or with processing it on the server side. This usually points to missing data fields within the HTTP header or some issue related to user permissions.

To recap briefly, if you receive a 2xx response, this indicates success – typically with extra detail given as to whether it is a 200 OK or other variation such as a 3xx redirect under certain circ*mstances. On the other hand, if you receive any variant of 4xx status codes, something went wrong and needs corrected prior to re-sending your request for processing. Now that we have understand what types of responses are there for an HTTP request and why those are important, let’s move onto looking at detailed list of these 2xx Status Codes apps developers need to know about..

Detailed List of Status Codes

When it comes to understanding HTTP status codes, one of the most important pieces of information is familiarizing yourself with the various individual codes. The 2xx status code range encompasses Successful Responses and covers a variety of status codes. Below is a list detailing each 2xx status code, what they mean, and how they are used:

200 OK indicates that the request was successful and the requested resource is returned in the body of the response message.

201 Created shows that a request was successful and creates a new resource as a result.

202 Accepted shows that a request was accepted by the server but hasn’t been fulfilled yet; this might indicate an asynchronous process running behind the scenes.

203 Non-Authoritative Information instructs browsers to reset cache values for certain pages; this means that even if content has not been changed, old versions won’t be served to users anymore.

204 No Content indicates that the server successfully processed a request but there is no content returned in its body. This happens when requests are sent with “no-store” headers, for example.

205 Reset Content tells browsers that all form data should be reset on a page; this usually happens when users hit the “Refresh” button.

206 Partial Content executes partial requests from clients seeking only partial resources from the web server rather than an entire page or file.

207 Multi-Status describes how multiple statuses can be sent as part of an XML document during complicated requests involving WebDAV methods such as COPY, MOVE, and DELETE.

208 Already Reported states that responses matching previous requests have already been reported and will be ignored based on previously established conditions.

209 Misdirected Response indicates when further information could not be provided because a misdirected (or wrongfully directed) request was made to the wrong HTTP domain.

These are just some examples of how 2xx status codes can shape web development efforts and give developers tools to understand how their server’s responses may look in certain scenarios. With this knowledge, developers can ensure their websites provide accurate feedback based upon user interaction with client machines and ensure lasting results with correct page caches being re-loaded for better search engine optimization (SEO). Now that we have discussed various 2xx status codes and what they mean, it is time to explain how these response codes affect browsers in different ways: How does a Response Code Affect the Browser?

How does a Response Code Affect the Browser?

When a server responds to an HTTP request from the browser, it includes a response code. This response code not only indicates whether or not the server accepted the request, but also affects some aspects of how the supported browsers will process the received information.

Response codes are part of what helps the browser decide what type of content is being requested and how it should be presented to the user. Response codes from 200 to 299 indicate that the browser has successfully received and processed the request without any errors, while non-200 response codes notify the browser with more specific information about issues that may have occurred during processing.

For instance, a 301 redirect will alert the browser that this page’s content has been moved permanently to another location. This allows the browser to update its records so that all subsequent requests for this content are directed to the new location. Similarly, a 307 Temporary Redirect response code tells the browser not to update its records because this resource may still return content from its original location again in the future.

This ability for response codes to affect how browsers interpret and present web content can be both beneficial and detrimental. On one hand, it allows for flexibility in serving content based on specific needs – such as using a Origin header with 307 redirection for service-side caching on shared hosting. On the other hand, incorrect responses or configurations can lead to common errors like 404 Not Found which can prevent users from accessing content they are looking for, negatively impacting user experience.

In order to ensure users receive accurate results as quickly as possible, understanding how and when different HTTP status codes should be used is essential. In our next section, we’ll explore different types of client messages and their relation to status codes in detail.

Must-Know Points to Remember

HTTP response codes are a component of how browsers process and present web content, either successfully (200 – 299) or indicating an issue (non-200 code). They can be beneficial in allowing flexibility for serving content, but incorrect configurations can lead to errors like 404 Not Found, negatively impacting user experience. Understanding how and when different HTTP status codes should be used is essential to ensure users receive accurate results.

Different Types of Client Messages

When making an HTTP request, the client can make different types of messages such as Gets, Posts, Puts and Deletes. A Get request is a message that requests a resource from a server. It is the most common type of client message and is used to display web pages or other data stored on a web server.

A Post request is also commonly used and sends data to a server to create or update a resource. This type of message is often sent when submitting a form online such as when you are signing up for an online store or registering for a social network.

The Put request is similar to Post but it replaces the requested resource instead of creating a new one. It can only be used if the DTE already exists in the server’s database, so it cannot be used for creating resources.

Finally, the Delete request is used to delete resources from a server’s database. This should be done with caution as once data has been deleted it cannot be retrieved unless you have made a backup copy elsewhere.

These four messages are all used by clients to communicate with servers in various ways; whether that be getting information from them or sending information to them. While they serve slightly different purposes, they all account for some of the most common tasks associated with working with HTTP requests.

Now that we have had a brief look at different types of client messages, let us move on to understanding common 2xx status codes and their meanings in order to understand how they relate to these messages.

Common 2xx Status Codes and Their Meanings

2xx status codes are the most common responses from the server to the client, indicating a successful request. As such, they are extremely important for browsers and servers to communicate effectively in order to ensure that websites operate as expected. Here is a brief overview of some of the more common 2xx status codes and what they mean:

200 OK – This is the most common response from the server and is used when an HTTP request is successful. For example, if an HTML page is sent to the browser, it will return with a 200 OK response.

201 Created – This status code is used when a new resource has been created in response to an HTTP request. If a user requests a document, but that document doesn’t exist yet, then this status code will be returned with the newly created document.

202 Accepted – This response indicates that the server accepted an action and that it is pending processing. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the action was successful or even completed at all; it only means that it was accepted for further processing by the server.

203 Non-Authoritative Information – A 203 Non-Authoritative Information response indicates that a request has been processed but the data returned may be from another source other than the origin server.

204 No Content – The 204 No Content response indicates that the server successfully processed a request, but there is no content to return in this instance. For example, if a user requests to delete an item from their account, this status code would be returned since there is no content being returned back in this instance.

205 Reset Content – Similar to 204 No Content, 205 Reset Content indicates that the server successfully processed a request but there is no further action required by either party. This particular code can also be used to “reset” forms on webpages or remind browsers of where they were on a page before they left.

206 Partial Content – When using Range Requests (such as downloading parts of files), 206 Partial Content allows users to receive specific portions of requested content instead of sending back all of it at once.

These are just some of the many 2xx status codes available for use within web communications between clients and servers; there are others as well depending on one’s specific needs and API requirements. Ultimately understanding which type of status code best suits various scenarios is essential for any website administrators who wish to ensure their system operates smoothly and efficiently.

That said, how does the Web Server use Status Codes in Response? That will be explored in depth next…

How Does the Web Server use Status Codes in Response?

When we talk about HTTP status codes, it’s important to discuss how the web server uses them in response. Clients issue requests to the web server, and the server responds with a status code that indicates whether the request was successful or there was an error.

Most of these responses fall within the 2xx range, which refer to successful responses. The server will send ‘200 OK’ if no errors are found and the request was successful. Other common responses in this category are 204 No Content, which means nothing is being returned, and 206 Partial Content, which means only a partial resource is being returned.

Responses outside the 2xx category indicate that something went wrong somewhere along the way. If an error occurs, such as a ‘404 Not Found’, then the client should know that something went wrong with their request. In some cases, the server can respond with a ’3xx Redirect’ status code, so it instructs the browser to access information from another page. This is useful when URLs get changed or deleted and it can help keep clients on track as they navigate your website or app.

Using status codes is also beneficial for monitoring your web server performance because you can track how many requests have been successful and which of them resulted in errors. Without tracking these responses, it would be difficult to determine if your website or app is working properly and optimally performing.

So while status codes provide feedback on where things went wrong with a request, they can also give us insight into areas that can be improved in order to ensure our websites and apps stay functioning at an optimal level. Now let’s look at our conclusion of this article discussing “Understanding HTTP 2xx Status Codes: What They Mean and How to Use Them”.


HTTP 2xx status codes provide businesses and individual users with a reliable method to communicate with each other over the internet. These codes have helped to adapt to the changing needs of web users, allowing for a more efficient, user-friendly and secure experience with network requests. The increased efficiency of HTTP 2xx status codes has necessitated their widespread adoption, as they are quickly becoming an essential tool for both businesses and web developers.

Though HTTP 2xx status codes are generally effective at improving website performance, they can also introduce technical challenges if not used correctly. For example, while they allow websites to serve data faster, it should be noted that using too many status codes can lead to overloading servers, which can slow down performance significantly. Therefore, thorough testing is necessary for businesses utilizing HTTP 2xx status codes in order to ensure the best possible performance for their website visitors.

In conclusion, HTTP 2xx status codes are an invaluable tool for both businesses and web developers. Although these codes present some technical challenges along the way, when used correctly they are incredibly effective at improving website performance and creating a smoother user journey from start to finish.

Responses to Frequently Asked Questions with Explanations

What is the difference between 2xx and 3xx status codes?

The main difference between 2xx and 3xx status codes is that 2xx status codes indicate successful requests, while 3xx codes indicate a redirection or required action.

2xx status codes are the broadest set, and they indicate that the request was received, accepted, and processed correctly. 200 is the most common 2xx response code and indicates a successful “OK” response to your request. Other success codes under this family include 201 (created), 202 (accepted), 203 (non-authoritative information), 204 (no content), and 205 (reset content).

3xx status codes focus on redirections, telling the browser to take further action in order to fulfill the request. The primary example of this is 301 (moved permanently) and 302 (found). All other response codes in this range point to specific errors with redirects as well, such as 304 (not modified) for caching and 307 (temporary redirect).

In summary, 2xx status codes are returned when a request is successfully received, accepted, and serviced, while 3xx response codes require further action by the browser in order to complete the request.

What are examples of 2xx status codes?

2xx status codes are a series of HTTP response codes that indicate success. Here are some examples of commonly used 2xx status codes:

• 200 OK – The most common success code, it indicates that the request was successful and the associated resource can be found in the response body.

• 201 Created – This code is returned when the server has successfully created the requested resource.

• 202 Accepted – This code is received when the server has accepted a request but has not yet fulfilled it.

• 203 Non-Authoritative Information – This code is received when the request was successful and a response is provided, but its contents are sourced from an external source such as a third-party API.

• 204 No Content – This code is received when the request was successful but no content is sent back in the response body.

• 205 Reset Content – This code is received when the response contains no content but requires that an existing page be reset in order to return to a previous state.

In addition, there are numerous other 2xx status codes such as 206 Partial Content, 207 Multi-Status, 208 Already Reported, 226 IM Used, etc., which indicate various types of success responses from the server.

What types of responses can a 2xx status code return?

A 2xx status code is used to indicate successful HTTP requests. This type of response can return many types of content, as it indicates that a request was received, understood, and accepted. Such responses may include:

– a 200 OK status, which indicates that the request was successful

– a 201 Created status, which indicates that data was created as part of the request

– a 202 Accepted status, which indicates that the request has been accepted for future processing

– a 203 Non-Authoritative Information status, which indicates that the server is returning information from an external source

– a 204 No Content status, which indicates that there is no content available to be sent back in response to the client’s request

– a 205 Reset Content status, which indicates that the content should be reset by the client before proceeding with further requests or actions

In addition to these standard responses, custom 2xx status codes may be implemented by servers when necessary. For example, a 221 Server Status Update might be used to inform clients when additional time must be taken before responding to their requests.

2xx status codes - Matt Jackson (2024)
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