33 Bewildering Tips on How to Make Him Miss You (2024)

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How to make my husband miss me? How can I make him miss me badly? Do these questions intrigue you?

When you miss someone, you surely spend a lot of time wondering how to make him miss you too.

Whether it’s a long-distance relationship or simply wanting your man to love and miss you all the time, it’s a completely normal desire.

When we know someone misses us, we’re reassured that we’re at least equally loved as we love that person.

Men fall in love when they miss you. Missing someone is a sure sign of attachment and closeness.

How to make him miss you psychology

So, you start hanging out with a guy, and you both find interest in each other. However, you both are not currently ready to commit and decide to take a break.

That break can work against you both if you feel you both have potential in the future. Distance plays a role in determining whether the guy will miss you or not. Thankfully, there are tips to keep a guy thinking about you that work psychologically and will work in your favor.

33 simple ways to make a man miss you

How to make your man miss you?

If you are planning on making him miss you, here are some tips that are sure to work in your favor. Take note:

1. Don’t be there all the time

If you want to make him miss you, the very basic thing is – you can’t always be around. It’s the easiest trick on how to make husband miss you.

This means not being there physically and also not being there on social media constantly. Men are more solitary creatures than women. So, if you’re wondering how to make a guy miss you, start with that.

Give him space and make him miss you.

As soon as you’re not constantly around, he’ll be missing you like crazy. It’s tempting to keep texting, calling, or showing up, but try some simple techniques.

For example, turn off the tone on your phone so that you don’t always respond immediately. When you do respond, think of what to text a guy to make him want you instead of boring mundane replies. Limit your posts on social media.

These techniques work well in new relationships, with your exes, or if you want to reignite the spark in your marriage or a long-term relationship.

2. Show small gestures of love

Wondering “How to make husband miss me?” Do the little things!

Now you might think this is the exact opposite of what we were just saying.

Nonetheless, when you’re exploring how to make your boyfriend miss you, you want to also be omnipresent – but in a delicate way.

In other words, when you’re wondering how to make a man miss you, you should think of constant but subtle reminders of your existence.

In specific, since you’ve managed not to be around him all the time, now it’s time to make the void space work to your advantage.

Whenever possible and not obvious, leave something of yours in his car or flat.

Leave surprise notes for him. Small gestures of love are especially effective when he’s not expecting them, so be creative! Think of texts that will make him want you and send them unexpectedly (but scarcely)!

3. Take care of your own needs

How to make him miss you even more? Take care of yourself. No matter how much in love you are, don’t forget that you were in love with yourself first.

In other words, whatever happens with your relationship, you’ll always be in a relationship with yourself. So, put him aside for a bit and live your own life. Show independence and watch what happens.

This really works well with an ex, too. How to make him want you back?

4. Let him take care of his own needs

The same way in which you’re an independent individual worth loving and missing, he is a man with his own needs and life that he had before he met you.

So, as a solution to how to make your boyfriend miss you, you need to respect this, too and give him space.

Don’t be afraid to let your boyfriend or husband go out without you, have hobbies, hit the gym, or do whatever he wishes to do. Giving liberty to a man will make him love and respect you.

5. Don’t act desperate

Clinging to a guy never really produced any good results.

As one of the ways to make him miss you, show him that you don’t need him. Yes, you might want him, but you don’t really need him to keep on going with your life and having fun.

Go out with your friends, pursue your interests and hobbies, and work on your career. Whether you’re in a relationship or you want to make your ex miss you, you’re bound to get a text saying: “I really miss you” the moment you forget about him and go about your life.

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33 Bewildering Tips on How to Make Him Miss You (3)

6. Show you believe in him

Give him support and, most importantly, space and time to fulfill all of his dreams and potentials.

He’ll be missing you all the time while thinking of how wonderful you are! He won’t feel trapped, as many men do in long-term relationships and marriages.

For example, don’t dread his guys’ night out. You’re allowed to send him texts to make him think about you here and there but don’t smuggle him.

The vast majority of men won’t even think of cheating on their partner when out with the guys – they just want a bit of space and sports talk.

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7. Allow him to take the initiative

Don’t always be the first one to suggest plans or make all the efforts from your side.

Let him show some effort from his side too. A relationship only works when both partners play an equal role. If you keep on working hard for him and take all the load, he will be less invested and will be bored with you. Ultimately, he will stop missing you.

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8. Ensure quality time when you both meet

Don’t indulge in boring conversations when you both are around. As one of the answers to how to make him miss you, you can ensure that you both share a quality experience together so that when he gets back home, he has something interesting to think about.

Discuss the topics he likes. Engage in healthy, positive, and happy conversations.

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9. Don’t agree to everything

One of the ways how to make him miss you is to stop acting like a puppet.

In order to please him, you might develop a tendency to say ‘Yes’ to everything he says, but remember, this is a mistake. Unless you show your valid disagreements and speak your mind, he will consider you weak, leaving very thin chances of him missing you.

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10. Develop hobbies together

Make him crave you by having experiences together.

Find hobbies you both enjoy. And if you both don’t have anything in common yet, find something soon.

If he spends a happy time with you doing something, he will be more invested in you and will miss you, and crave for you when you are not around. He just needs to enjoy being with you in order to miss you.

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33 Bewildering Tips on How to Make Him Miss You (4)

11. Use social media to highlight your fun life

Use social media judiciously to tell him you are a happy, chilled-out person. Avoid telling sob stories or sending him direct hints about your interest in him through social media. Let him miss you and your happier, chirpier side.

As one of the tips on how to make him miss you, you have to post colorful images and only post occasionally. Don’t reveal it all online.

12. Use a signature scent

A smell always comes with one memory or the other. If you begin wearing his favorite fragrance, this will not only help you have a pleasant time with him but also give him something to think about when you are not around.

Pick a scent he likes and use that for yourself. If you leave a lingering scent behind, he is surely going to miss you.

13. Be mysterious

Everyone is intrigued by the mystery. So, don’t lay it all out on the table. Being a little unpredictable is something that works well on how to make a married man miss you.

One effective way how to make him miss you is to act mysterious. He should always have something to think about when you are not around. He should always be willing to learn more about you.

You can do that only by not baring it all in front of him.

14. Cook his favorite cuisine

Food is a great medium to bond with someone. It gives you time to connect with your dear ones. You can don your chef’s hat to surprise him with something cooked especially for him.

So, if you know how to cook, cook something for him. The best will be if you know how to prepare his favorite cuisine.

15. Always be sweet and caring

Everyone appreciates good qualities, and for a man you see a future with, it’s good to show your good side and qualities.

Once you are sweet, kind, and caring not just to him but to everyone around you, and he gets the idea of it, he will constantly think about you because he will understand you have a pleasant personality.

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16. End conversations from your side

Don’t stretch the conversation just because you like him. It’s safe to have fewer conversations over texts and calls as a secret to how to make him miss you.

The key is to make him crave more. When he misses you, this will make him contact you again and again because he wants to know more about you and continue the conversation.

17. Say no to text bombing

Text bombing means sending one text after another without waiting for the receiver to respond.

So, does silence make a man miss you?

Well, you must refrain from doing that if you want to make a man miss you. Bombarding him with texts will not give him space to think about you.

So, don’t flood him with texts. Give him time to miss you. You can text him when needed, but ensure you don’t go overboard with it.

33 Bewildering Tips on How to Make Him Miss You (5)

18. Don’t forget your vision and goals

A man will miss you only if you are sticking to your goals, visions, and ambitions. All of this shows your character. So, if you lack the purpose of your life or lose it for him, he will have nothing to think about you.

So, remember your goals and don’t give them up for anyone.

19. Treat him like a friend

Don’t make your feelings obvious for him right at the start if you are looking for ways how to make him miss you.

Treat him like a friend, not a flame. Once you begin doing that, you will be able to control your feelings for him and also make him chase you.

20. Look good

Whenever you meet him, dress to kill in order to make a man never forget you. A well-groomed person will always make a better impact than an ordinary one. So, always look good and make heads turn.

Once he notices that, he will definitely miss you and think of you as a catch.

Related Reading: 5 Ways to Look Attractive Years after Marriage

21. Be yourself

One of the most important tips on how to make him miss you is to be your authentic self.

Every person is unique, and he should be drawn towards you by your uniqueness because if you put up a fake personality, you won’t be able to hold on for long. Besides, he should accept you, like you, and miss you for all your imperfections.

22. Practice transparency

In order to make him miss you, be transparent about yourself right from the start. Every relationship starts with transparency. So, once he understands your true intentions, he will have time to think about you and plan his path ahead with you if he is willing.

Related Reading: 5 Reasons Why Wise Couples Cherish Transparency in a Marriage

23. Mirror him

Mirroring is a sign of attraction.

One of the ways to develop interest is to mirror him. Mirroring means initiating his actions. This will intrigue his interest in you and make him think about you when you are not around.

You can mirror his energy level, his language, mannerisms, movement, etc. This will help you show interest in him in a subtle way.

Check out this video that discusses everything you need to know about mirroring and how you can practice it to your advantage:

33 Bewildering Tips on How to Make Him Miss You (6)

24. Allow him to feel like a hero

Ask for help or advice.

Everyone likes to feel important, and if he feels he could help you in any way or pull you out of a grave situation, he will naturally be drawn to you.

Let him know he is strong and wise. Once you allow him to feel good around you, he will miss you.

25. Compliment him

Complimenting anyone has a positive effect. It will create a fulfilling relationship. So, if you compliment the guy, he will feel good and think about you without even trying hard because your aura will be positive.

Also, he will try to repeat his good actions or attempt to look good in order to draw out a compliment from you.

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26. Play hard to get

It might not be something you know or are fond of, but it definitely works.

Ignore your boyfriend and make him miss you. Don’t fall into his arms right at the start. People like to be challenged. So, if you give him a chance to chase you, he will make that effort. It will make you desirable.

Make sure you don’t come across as cold. You just have to be available only at selected times. Your ultimate aim is to remain busy and not come across as off-limits.

27. Use body language

Your body language is a great way to show your interest in him and make him miss you.

You can do so by laughing at his jokes, placing your hand on his, leaning towards him while talking, etc. Once he feels a spark from your side too, he will not stop thinking about you because he will feel he is winning you.

28. Show you are adventurous

You don’t have to climb the mountain or do somersaults at the beach to show your wild and adventurous side. Just make sure you don’t come out as boring to him.

Show you love the unpredictability of life. Make some spontaneous plans. Be up on your feet. This will excite him, and he will surely think about you.

29. Be happy without him

Ignore a man and make him want you. You don’t have to depend on him to feel happy, and he should realize that.

Be happy in his absence, too. Plan a trip with your friends. Enjoy your work. Enjoy your life. Once he realizes you are independent, he will be drawn towards you and miss you more.

30. Leave things that remind him of you

You can plan on leaving things around him that could remind him of you. This can look like you have accidentally done that, but it doesn’t have to be so. You can leave an earring or a handkerchief.

Things are associated with memories, and this move will definitely leave a mark on his heart.

31. Be unpredictable

Surprise him with unexpected gestures or spontaneous plans. Break the routine to keep the relationship exciting. Whether it’s a surprise date or a thoughtful gesture, being unpredictable adds an element of anticipation, making your presence refreshing and captivating.

32. Look your best

Taking care of yourself not only enhances physical appearance but also boosts confidence. When you look your best, you feel your best, radiating a positive energy that can’t go unnoticed. It’s not about meeting unrealistic standards but embracing your unique beauty and presenting yourself with pride.

33. Celebrate achievements

Acknowledging and celebrating each other’s achievements strengthens the bond. Whether big or small, accomplishments deserve recognition. Celebrate his successes with genuine enthusiasm, showing that you’re not just a partner but a cheerleader in his corner. This shared joy deepens the connection, fostering a supportive and uplifting environment within the relationship.

5 ways to settle your anxiety while making him miss you

You need to keep a tab on your excitement levels while you wait for your actions to bear results. Here are some ways to settle your anxiety while you make your man miss you

  • Focus on yourself

When anxiety kicks in, redirect your attention to self-care. Engage in activities you love, whether it’s a hobby, exercise, or simply pampering yourself. Taking care of your well-being not only eases anxiety but also makes you more magnetic.

  • Positive affirmations

Combat anxious thoughts with positivity. Remind yourself of your worth and the positive aspects of the relationship. Affirmations help shift your mindset, creating a healthier mental space.

  • Trust the process

Anxiety often stems from uncertainty. Trust that the connection you share is strong. Let go of the need for constant reassurance, allowing the relationship to unfold naturally.

  • Communication is key

If anxiety persists, communicate openly with your partner. Share your feelings without blame or pressure. Honest conversations foster understanding and alleviate anxiety for both of you.

  • Stay busy

An idle mind fuels anxiety. Keep yourself occupied with activities and goals. Productivity not only distracts from anxious thoughts but also contributes to personal growth, making you even more appealing.


Wondering how to make that special connection more memorable? Let’s explore relatable ways to create a longing in your man, whether you’re together or apart.

  • What makes a man miss a woman?

He misses her when he feels a unique connection, experiences joy together, and appreciates the happiness she adds to his life. A blend of shared moments and genuine affection creates that longing.

  • How to make him miss you after a breakup

After a breakup, focus on personal growth, positive vibes, and limited contact. Showcase your thriving, independent self, igniting the curiosity that often leads to missing the connection.

  • How do you make him miss you badly over text?

How to make him miss you through text? Be intriguing in your texts. Share exciting snippets of your life, sprinkle in humor, and evoke curiosity. Keep the conversation light and engaging, and leave him wanting more.

  • How do I make him miss me without contact?

Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Create space, focus on personal pursuits, and let the mystery of your life unfold naturally. The curiosity generated during this time can lead to a deeper missing.

  • How do you make a man crave you?

Be your authentic self. Showcase your confidence, pursue your passions, and maintain an air of mystery. When he sees the genuine, vibrant you, he’ll find himself irresistibly drawn, creating that craving for more.

Being what he desires

A guy misses you only when he sees the potential of a good future with you. Small tips like these on how to make him miss you will definitely play a role in making your bond stronger with you.

So, follow these ideas and make him fall for you in no time!

33 Bewildering Tips on How to Make Him Miss You (2024)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.