365 Reasons Why I Love You: You Can Steal This List! (2024)

A romantic way to make your partner feel special is to write out a list of 100 (or more) “Reasons Why I Love You.”

If you want to make it even more of a romantic gift you could do a full list of “365 Reasons I Love You” as well…that way they could read one reason every day for a year!

365 Reasons Why I Love You: You Can Steal This List! (1)

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Love is such a beautiful feeling, and we should share it with those around us; this includes your friends and family.

What a more thoughtful gift than to write out lists like these to give to your loved ones.

These lists can also be written as love letters (so they know how you feel about them- like these love letters for her or love letter for your boyfriend), poems (harnessing the power of rhyme), or even as notes (they will know you are thinking about them, but can only be found if they look for them).

You could do it old school with list of paper reasons in a “Reasons Why I Love You Jar” or you can create your own customized “Reasons I Love You” cards on the computer to give to them.

Or, if you want something more current (and less dusty) than the traditional paper lists, you can even text them each day with a new number, so they can look forward to receiving a text from you each day.

Start by writing out as many reasons as you can think of to let your person know the reasons why you love them.

Need more? Try these Reasons I Love My Husband or Reasons I Love My Wife.

Get a printable version here!

50 Reasons Why I Love You

  1. You are my best friend.
  2. I love your personality.
  3. I love how we can talk all night long and never run out of things to say.
  4. You make me laugh like no one else can.
  5. You make my heart melt with just a look from across the room.
  1. I would do anything for you, and trust you with my life anytime.
  2. You are always there for me.
  3. You know how to make me feel better when I’m down.
  4. You are a good listener, and you always have the right words of encouragement for me.
  5. You look great in all the photos we take together.
  1. You are a great cook, and I love your food.
  2. You always know how to make me feel better when I’m upset about something.
  3. You’re always up for an adventure.
  4. You have the cutest laugh, and I love that I’m the one who makes you laugh like that.
  5. I love being around you because you make me a better person.
  1. I am so comfortable around you…I feel like I can be myself when we are together.
  2. You know how to turn my bad day around.
  3. You always help me celebrate the good things that happen to me.
  4. Our time together is never wasted, and I can always rely on you for support no matter what life throws at us.
  5. I love your kind heart.
  1. I am proud to be with you.
  2. I love how I can use you as my pillow on the couch.
  3. I love to cuddle with you while watching our favorite TV show, movie, or even YouTube video (maybe of cats).
  4. You are an amazing mother/father to our children (if applicable).
  5. You always help me out when I need it most.
  1. You make me feel like I can do anything when you believe in me.
  2. The sound of your voice is music to my ears.
  3. You are everything to me, and I am truly blessed because I get the chance to spend each day with someone as wonderful as you.
  4. I think about you nonstop.
  5. You are the best thing that ever happened to me.
  1. I am so proud when people ask who my partner is because when they hear it’s you, their face lights up with a smile from ear to ear.
  2. You are very understanding and supportive of my goals, dreams and aspirations.
  3. The way you look at me when you think I’m not looking.
  4. You always know how to make me smile, even when I don’t want to.
  5. You are a great problem solver and very patient with me.
  1. You are very supportive of my friends and family, even when they can be a pain sometimes.
  2. The way you can make me feel better just by holding me in your arms.
  3. I am so blessed to have you in my life.
  4. You are someone I can count on when times get tough, and you never let me down. You always keep your promises to me.
  5. Your smile brightens up my day, even if it is just for a moment.
  1. I love watching our favorite movie together.
  2. I love you because you are my best friend, lover, confidant, and now…my wife/husband.
  3. I love you so much for always helping me whenever I need it most.
  4. I love how your mere presence can lift up my spirits when sadness sets in.
  5. I love you because you were there to support me through everything life brought our way, and I will always be here for you.
  1. The way you will always hold my hand when we’re walking down the street, even if no one is looking.
  2. You are thoughtful and always remember to do the sweet little things.
  3. The way you will run to me when I come home from a long day at work to give me a big hug and kiss because you missed me.
  4. I love you because you are my rock, my foundation, and I know that no matter what life throws at us we can weather it together as one.
  5. I love you for always being there to support me.

52 Reasons I Love You

If you’re doing one per week for a whole year, be sure to add 2 more of these romantic words of affirmation for him or words of affirmation for her!

  1. You are the most amazing person I have ever met, and I hope that someday all of your dreams come true just as mine have with you by my side.
  2. I love how you love me unconditionally.
365 Reasons Why I Love You: You Can Steal This List! (2)

100 Reasons Why I Love You

  1. You give me a chance at our happily ever.
  2. I love how you pray for me.
  3. I love you because you keep me safe.
  1. I can be myself around you…no matter what.
  2. You still try to impress me.
  3. I love how you are always checking in on me to make sure I am ok.
  4. I love that you love my family and friends like they were your own.
  5. I love how you make our home a cozy and warm place to be.
  1. I love being yours.
  2. The way you kiss me.
  3. I love you because you never stop trying to make me happy.
  4. I love holding hands with you.
  5. You are always there for me, even when I didn’t ask for it.
  1. I love how your cologne/perfume lingers in my car and on my clothes long after you have left.
  2. I love how proud you are of me.
  3. The way you look at me sometimes makes me think you can see right through my soul.
  4. I love how I find it impossible to stifle a smile when I am around you.
  5. I love how our future is full of infinite possibilities.
  1. You always know just what to say to help me feel better after a bad day.
  2. You always let me know how much you appreciate me and all that I do.
  3. You are very creative and artistic, especially when it comes to writing love songs for me.
  4. You are very good with children, especially our son.
  5. You are very good at making decisions and seeing the big picture, especially when it comes to our family’s future.
  1. You make me feel like I’m the most important person in the world.
  2. I love you because you’re my soul mate and best friend.
  3. You are very passionate and proud of who we are as a family unit.
  4. You have an amazing sense of direction, especially when we’re driving somewhere new.
  5. You are very good at problem solving, especially when we’re facing a crisis or challenge as a couple.
  1. You have an amazing sense of style and always look so handsome.
  2. You are very good at working with your hands and fixing things.
  3. Your ability to make me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world when you look at me with your eyes full of love
  4. You are very good at protecting me and keeping me safe.
  5. Your ability to always know what I’m thinking and feeling, even when I’m not sure myself.
  1. You are very good at giving me your opinion on things without being pushy or bossy.
  2. You let me know you’re always thinking about me.
  3. Your ability to make me feel loved, wanted, and appreciated every day.
  4. You have an amazing sense of humor that I love so much!
  5. The way your voice sounds over the phone when we talk for hours every night.
  1. I love how you never give up on our friendship or relationship.
  2. The way your voice sounds when you sing to me.
  3. You have an infectious laugh that always makes me smile and laugh along with you.
  4. You are a very fast learner, especially when it comes to new skills and abilities required for our everyday life as working parents.
  5. The way your hands feel in mine.
  1. I love how you always know the right thing to say in every situation.
  2. Your devotion to God and his path for your life is so amazing.
  3. How you don’t mind cuddling when we’re watching a movie at night.
  4. I love how when I come home from work you always ask about my day, even when it was terrible and I’m upset.
  5. I love how you are committed to not only our relationship but your friendship with me.
365 Reasons Why I Love You: You Can Steal This List! (3)

365 Things I Love About You

Want to make it the most special gift ever?

Try to write out 365 Reasons why I love him or why I love her to your partner and have them open one every day of the year!
Words of affirmations are great ways to get started on your ideas.

  1. The way you hold me when I cry.
  2. You are very good at making difficult decisions quickly and efficiently, even under pressure.
  3. You make me feel like I’m the center of your universe.
  4. I love how you support me in my career.
  5. I love how you encourage me no matter what.
  1. I love that you believe in me, more than I do myself sometimes.
  2. I love how you never give up on our relationship no matter what.
  3. You are very intuitive and always seem to understand what I’m thinking or feeling without me having to say it out loud.
  4. You always make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
  5. You always make me feel like I’m loved unconditionally by more than just our children.
  1. The way your hair feels when I run my fingers through it while we cuddle.
  2. I love how you never give up on us, even when things get really hard for us as a couple.
  3. Your ability to be considerate of other people’s feelings.
  4. I love how our son will grow up with all the memories we’re making together as a family.
  5. The way you protect me and put our safety first, especially when we’re out in public.
  1. You make me feel like I’m your soul mate and best friend too.
  2. Your ability to handle crisis situations with grace and ease under pressure.
  3. I love how kind hearted you are towards others, no matter who they are or where they come from.
  4. I love how you hold my hand no matter where we are.
  5. You never judge me and always want to hear my side of the story.
  1. The way our children snuggle up to you and love on you so much!
  2. You are very good at balancing work and family, no matter how stressful either becomes.
  3. I love how affectionate you are with me when we’re out in public or it’s just us hanging out.
  4. Your ability to put other people needs before your own, even if that means sacrificing something important for yourself.
  5. How comfortable you make me feel about ourselves as a couple.
  1. You take care of me when I’m sick or not feeling well.
  2. I love how humble and kind hearted you are towards others – especially those who don’t treat you the best sometimes.
  3. Your ability to always find the silver lining in any situation.
  4. You help me when I’m feeling vulnerable or insecure.
  5. Your ability to always know when I need a hug or some reassurance.
  1. Your ability to always find the perfect gift for me, even when I’m not sure what I want or need.
  2. I love being able to share my thoughts and feelings with you.
  3. You know how to make me feel like a million bucks when you compliment me on the little things, like my smile or the way I walk.
  4. You never give up on me even when I’m being a big baby.
  5. You are the most caring person I know.
  1. I love how passionate you are about your work as a surgeon.
  2. You always know just what to say no matter the situation.
  3. The way our kids greet you at the door when you come home from work every day.
  4. You’re analytical abilities and problem solving skills are impressive!
  5. I love how ambitious you are in life – career, family, friends etc…
  1. I’m so glad I met you because you make me feel like me again.
  2. Your optimism towards life always makes me feel better about whatever is going on in my world.
  3. Your ability to listen attentively without interrupting me mid thought.
  4. The way your forehead feels against mine when we kiss.
  5. The way you encourage me to follow my dreams.
  1. The special moments we share together that I will cherish forever.
  2. You are very selfless in life, always putting others needs before your own.
  3. I love how much courage you have when it comes to doing things that scare you or intimidate you.
  4. I love the little details of who you are, like when our daughter tells everyone her “daddy is very strong” because he can carry her around all day!
  5. How cute you look when trying to study or read with one of our kids snuggled up beside you on the couch.
  1. Your ability to connect with our children and get down on their level so they feel loved and important.
  2. Your loving personality is contagious!
  3. You are so responsible.
  4. You’re very crafty when it comes to gift giving – you know how to read me well.
  5. Your wacky sense of humor is always making me laugh.
  1. How helpful you are around the house with chores or other tasks.
  2. I love how secure I feel when we cuddle together at night before bed.
  3. The way you handle stressful situations with patience and grace.
  4. You make me feel like a princess every single day!
  5. I love how you make me feel like we’re a team.
  1. I love the way you look at me!
  2. I love when we’re together, it feels like nothing else matters in the world.
  3. You’re just the best.
  4. I love that you never stop trying no matter what happens.
  5. You never forget to send me love messages.
  1. When I hear your voice in a noisy crowd of people, I can recognize that immediately and that makes me feel peaceful.
  2. I love the way you care for me.
  3. I love that you are always taking care of me, cooking meals for me when I’m tired or upset, and bringing love notes to remind me to eat breakfast.
  4. Your kindness.
  5. I love that you never trying to change me.
  1. I love that you’re always passionate about what you do.
  2. I love that you give me positive energy.
  3. Our walks in the rain– always caring for my comfort and walking with me to keep myself dry.
  4. I love how hard you work to provide for our family.
  5. Your ability to stay calm when faced with drama or unnecessary conflict.
  1. I love the way you can keep a secret and not tell anyone else.
  2. The way it feels when you wrap your arms around me in a warm, loving embrace.
  3. You’re so reliable! I know that no matter what happens, I have someone who will be there for me.
  4. You have a strong sense of right and wrong that guides your decisions every day.
  5. How much you care about not only my feelings but others feelings too.
  1. How good you are with technology and things like that – I always need help!
  2. You make me feel confident.
  3. I love how much care and effort you put into surprising me for a date night, even if it doesn’t take much because your company means everything to me.
  4. I love how resourceful you are when we’re in a tough spot.
  5. You never stop looking for ways to turn things around or improve our situation, even if it’s as small as turning off the lights when we leave the room so we don’t waste electricity!
  1. Your ideas about life inspire me to be a better person!
  2. How much you work out of love not selfishness.
  3. Your ability to understand new things and make a plan on how to get better.
  4. No matter how busy you are, you always find the time to give me a big smile and encouragement in the morning when I wake up.
  5. Your love is so kind and patient!
  1. I love that we can talk about anything, even if it involves feelings or difficult discussions. I’m lucky to share such an open and honest relationship with you.
  2. You’re wonderful at dealing with kids of all ages, especially ours!
  3. You have so much compassion for others.
  4. I love the way your touch warms my heart and makes me feel special – thank you for making me feel so amazing!
  5. I think it’s great the way you manage our money and never stop looking for ways to save.
  1. I love that you’re an amazing provider.
  2. I love how sweet you are with the kids, even when they’re driving us nuts!
  3. You always find a way to make me feel better when I’m having a bad day.
  4. How much you encourage me every morning before work and every night before bed!
  5. That we share so many interests and values in life.
  1. Your unimaginable outlook on life makes my world go ’round!
  2. I love that we can talk comfortably about anything under the sun (except maybe sports?) and know that we’ll respect each other’s opinions.
  3. You make me realize what I’m doing right as a partner, parent, and person in general.
  4. You’re so creative!
  5. I love how much you have helped me improve my life.
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  1. I love that you’ve stuck by my side through thick and thin.
  2. The happiness that I feel when we are together is the best ever!
  3. Your mental strength inspires me every day!
  4. I love that no matter what kind of mood I’m in or how busy we both get going back and forth to work, you always bring some passion back into my life.
  5. I love that I can be myself around you and know that you’ll understand, accept me, and appreciate me for who I am.
  1. How much fun we have together!
  2. Your patience with others is awe inspiring – thank you for helping me learn to be more understanding of others too.
  3. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me!
  4. I feel like I’m on top of the world when we are together.
  5. I love that I can trust your judgement.
  1. You’re a natural leader.
  2. Every day I’m amazed by the strength and wisdom you show when we face difficult situations in life.
  3. I love who you are as a person!
  4. Your ability to learn from your mistakes in life and strive for a better future is so inspiring!
  5. The way you see the good in every situation, no matter how negative it may seem at first is truly amazing.
  1. I know that with you on my side, I can accomplish anything.
  2. I love knowing that no matter what happens, we’ll be there for each other to face any challenges that come our way.
  3. You’re just incredible!
  4. I love the way you make me feel like I can do anything.
  5. I love how I never have to worry about anyone else, because you always say I’m the only one for you.
  1. I love that I can trust you with my whole heart.
  2. I love that you make me feel secure.
  3. I love how even though we may be independent individuals, when we are together, we are inseparable.
  4. I love you because even though you are completely drop dead gorgeous on the outside, you are even more beautiful on the inside.
  5. I love you because of the way that you look at me makes me feel so special that I still get butterflies in my stomach sometimes from it.
  1. Because we can sit in silence together and things do not get uncomfortable or boring even when it is quiet and nothing is going on.
  2. I love you because we can take pictures with the most awkward facial expressions or postures, yet we still see each other as the cutest person on earth.
  3. When I am with you, I can be myself.
  4. Whenever I am with you, I can walk tall through the crowd.
  5. Whenever I am with you, I feel like anything in this world is possible.
  1. Because you make me feel happy.
  2. Because you are always supportive.
  3. Because you have a beautiful smile.
  4. Because you understand my feelings.
  5. Because you value my opinion.
  1. I love you because you’re an amazing chef.
  2. Because you have an astute business sense.
  3. Because you’re never too cool to do the things I want.
  4. I love that you are fun to be around.
  5. Because you’re wonderful to talk to.
  1. Because you love the things I love!
  2. I love that we can laugh together about even our most embarrassing moments (especially those!).
  3. I love how much sense of adventure you have.
  4. I love your big heart and kind soul.
  5. For always smiling back at me when I smile at you.
  1. I love you for seeing me as the best person in the world, however flawed.
  2. I love you for forgiving me time after time, no matter what stupid mistakes I’ve made or will make again.
  3. When life gets tough, just being by your side makes me feel strong enough to handle it all with ease.
  4. Just being next to you makes everything okay.
  5. I love you for never giving up on me.
  1. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I can’t believe how lucky I am to have someone as wonderful as you by my side.
  2. I love your touch!
  3. The way you look at me with those bright eyes of yours makes me feel like we could conquer the world together.
  4. Your kindness is one characteristic that makes us perfectly compatible.
  5. The way we understand each other even without words is simply amazing!
  1. Every time we’re apart, I feel like a piece of me is missing and can’t wait for us to be back together again!
  2. When we first met it felt like fate had brought us together, and now after all this time, I know that fate is our destiny!
  3. I love how you are always up for watching whatever I want to watch.
  4. I love your intelligence and curiosity about life.
  5. Because you make me feel special every day through the little things you do to show you care about me.
  1. You make it easy to trust you with your kind heart.
  2. I will never stop loving the way we complete each other in every possible way.
  3. The way our hearts beat as one is magical!
  4. Every single aspect of who you are as a person makes me fall deeper and deeper in love with you!
  5. Just being by your side gives me so much strength and courage!
  1. Not only do we understand each other perfectly, but we always agree on the important things.
  2. Because you make me feel comfortable and safe.
  3. You are never too busy or tired to listen to my rants or problems, and I appreciate how much you care about me!
  4. I love your artistic side!
  5. The way we kiss is pure bliss!
  1. Because you value what I have to say
  2. The kisses that we share tell me that we were always meant for each other from the very start!
  3. Being with you feels like a dream
  4. I love how self-less you are.
  5. I love that you put me first, no matter what.
  1. You always treat my family and friends with respect.
  2. We never get tired of talking about our dreams together.
  3. Just laying next to each other feels like heaven on earth!
  4. Whenever we spend time together or talk on the phone, it feels like no time has passed at all (no matter how long we’ve been apart).
  5. Every special moment we have spent together will be treasured forever in my heart.
  1. I love that you loved this gift!
  2. I love how you’re never afraid to tell me how much I mean to you.
  3. I love you because you are always making sure our life is a beautiful adventure.
  4. The time we spend together always feels just like spending time with your best friend.
  5. I love how wonderful you are to every you meet.
  1. I feel the most alive when I’m by your side!
  2. For putting up with all of my flaws!
  3. For pretending like I don’t have any flaws.
  4. Because you find joy in even the smallest things life has to offer!
  5. You make me happy without even trying, because that’s simply who you are as a person!
  1. No matter what happens, no one can take our love away.
  2. The way you treat others is admirable.
  3. Our friendship is a bond I will never let go!
  4. That we understand each other perfectly just by the sound of each other’s voice.
  5. The spark between us still burns as bright as it did on our first date!
  1. I love you for always trying to make me happy and cheer me up when I’m down.
  2. I love how you give me so many reasons to love you even more every single day.
  3. You are my best friend, the one person who understands me completely.
  4. You are willing to try any adventure life throws at us together!
  5. I love you because no one else makes me feel loved like you do!
  1. We might have our differences, but I would never change that about you.
  2. You are my perfect match in every single way!
  3. I love the way your mind works because it’s just as unique as you are!
  4. I can’t imagine spending another day without you by my side.
  5. Because you have taught me so many things about life.
  1. The next 1000 days with you will be even more amazing than the last 1000 days!
  2. For always having a positive outlook on life regardless of any problems we may face together.
  3. For being your wonderfully strong self after all you’ve been through to get to where you are today!
  4. You’re simply wonderful and spectacular in every single way possible.
  5. You make every day feel like a dream.
  1. You are my heart!
  2. For being who you are because that’s just what it takes to make me feel this way about you.
  3. This world is not nearly as beautiful if I don’t have you beside me!
  4. Every day spent with you is better than the last one!
  5. For always respecting and believing in my dreams.
  1. Because no one else could ever do what you do or be who you are, so perfectly in every single way!
  2. I love how you make me feel loved…always.
  3. I love that whenever we fight, you always come and make sure we make up.
  4. I love how we can fight fair together.
  5. I love that we don’t scream, curse, and yell at each other.
  1. I love how calm you can be when you really just want to explode.
  2. I love that you are always willing to put your pride aside for me.
  3. You are the most wonderful person I have ever met.
  4. For helping me learn more about myself.
  5. Because you are willing to give up anything…even if it breaks us apart…just so I can achieve my dreams.
  1. Because no one else gives me butterflies like this, every single time you smile at me.
  2. I love how thoughtful and generous you can be sometimes!
  3. A small gesture from you warms up my whole day!
  4. No matter who walks into our life, we’ll never let anyone come between us because what we have is too special.
  5. For being strong enough to get through all of life’s toughest challenges.
  1. I love how you brush my hair out of my face.
  2. I love how you wipe my tears away.
  3. I love how you pretend that I am perfect.
  4. You make me feel the most confident I have ever felt.
  5. Because I can feel that you care about me just by how close you are to me.
  1. I love how you can be completely honest with how you feel.
  2. I love you for showing me the side of love that no one else has ever shown me before!
  3. You have taught me how to be a better wife/girlfriend!
  4. You are the best husband I could have ever asked for.
  5. I love how you come and help me with the difficult tasks I am doing, even without me asking for it.
  1. I love that everyone loves you!
  2. I love how you are not afraid to show your affection in public.
  3. You make me feel like I can simply be myself around you even though I worry about what people think of me sometimes.
  4. You are the most amazing, supportive, loving husband/boyfriend anyone could ask for!
  5. I love how much our relationship has grown over these years.
  1. For allowing me to be who I am without ever judging or abandoning me.
  2. Because no matter where life takes us together, we’ll always have each other…forever.
  3. Your perfect imperfections are what makes you so wonderful!
  4. I love that you’re my biggest cheerleader.
  5. I love that you asked me to marry you!
  1. I love you because you are always thinking of me.
  2. I love you more than I will ever be able to put into words
  3. Because of how much you want the best for me.
  4. Every single time I’m with you, I realize that life is so much better with you around.
  5. No one else makes me feel like the most special girl in the world like you do.
  1. You make my heart swell every time I see your face or hear your laugh.
  2. Thank you for working on us; thank you for never giving up on me; thank you for loving me unconditionally!
  3. For always putting our happiness first. I couldn’t imagine living without all of these wonderful, loving things about you!
  4. I love that you love me!!
  5. I love that I love YOU!

And, just in case it’s a leap year…

  1. What’s not to love about you?!
365 Reasons Why I Love You: You Can Steal This List! (4)
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How Many Reasons Should You Add?

The number of reasons you can add is all up to you! Here are some fun ideas to get you started:

-50 Reasons I Love My Boyfriend/Girlfriend

52 Reasons I Love My Husband – 1 for every week of the year

100 Reasons I Love You – A fun, full list for them to enjoy

365 Reasons Why I Love You – 1 for every day of the year!

Our advice? Just start writing and you’ll know a number when you can’t think of more…there are probably way more than you think!

How To Make a Reasons Why I Love You Gift?

Make this sweet list a whole gift for them! You can make a Reasons Why I Love You Jar, or add Reasons Why I Love You Cards.

You can send them texts each day of another reason, or slip a secret sticky note around the house, so they have to find one each day.

Are you into the big surprise? Fill the whole house with hundreds of sticky notes full of reasons all around.

This could make for a super romantic anniversary gift.

Other Benefits To Writing Out Your Feelings:

Writing out your reasons is a great exercise to boost your creativity and feel loved.

The more ideas you have written down, the more likely it is that one of them will express how you feel perfectly!

Although writing out your reasons is a good way to express love, it can also be therapeutic if you have had a bad day or need to clear your head.

You can write down anything, but make sure to include all the things you love about your special someone; you might be surprised by how much they mean to you!

Reading over these lists can be a great way to feel inspired, happy, and so loved.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to the things you could include.

365 Reasons Why I Love You: You Can Steal This List! (5)

Write a Sweet Note To Share With Your Gift

Here are some samples you can write in your letter:

“I love you because you are my best friend. You make me laugh, and you know how to make me happy.

I can’t imagine my life without you, and I am so grateful for all the moments we have shared together. I love you because you are always there for me, no matter what.

I look forward to spending many more years with you by my side. Thank you for being the most amazing husband/wife ever!

Here’s 365 more reasons why I love you! :)”

“There are countless reasons why I love you. I could sit here all day and list them off, but that would take away from the surprise.

So instead, I’ll give you just one reason per day for 365 days.

That’s right, I’ve compiled a whole year of reasons why I love you! Hopefully this will show you just how much thought and effort I’ve put into loving you. ♥♥♥”

“There are so many reasons why I love you, and I could never list them all.

But here are 365 of the most important reasons why I love you. Every day, I fall in love with you all over again.

You make me feel so loved, cherished, and admired. I am so incredibly lucky to be your partner for life!”

Sara Kae

Sara, a seasoned expert in wedding planning and date ideas, brings a wealth of experience to our couples blog. With a background in the television industry and hands-on involvement in a dozen weddings, including working as a wedding assistant on "My Fair Wedding with David Tutera," Sara has an innate understanding of the magic that makes weddings truly special. Growing up with four sisters has given her unique insights into the dating world, making her a go-to source for practical and heartfelt dating advice. Her knowledge and enthusiasm make her the perfect guide for couples seeking to infuse their relationships with creativity and love.

365 Reasons Why I Love You: You Can Steal This List! (2024)


How do you explain why you love someone? ›

How to tell someone you love them without saying, “I love you”
  1. My life is enriched by your presence in it.
  2. I'm significantly better off for having met you.
  3. You make me want to be better than I am.
  4. I'd be sad if you weren't around.
  5. You're important to me, and I don't take knowing you for granted.
Jun 14, 2021

How do you explain to a man why you love him? ›

If your boyfriend asks why you love him, trigger his hero instinct by saying you feel safe by his side. Validate his role in your relationship by thanking him for his listening skills or willingness to spend time with you. Lighten the mood by complimenting his physical appearance or sense of humor.

How much you love him paragraph? ›

Your presence is a constant reminder that true love exists, and I'm fortunate to have found it in you. I'm grateful for the way you make me feel special, the way you make me laugh until my sides hurt and the way you make every day an adventure. You are my forever, and I love you more than words can describe.

What to write in 52 Things I love About You? ›

52 Things I love about you...
  • I love the way you dance.
  • You are a giver.
  • I love your analogies.
  • I love that you try new things.
  • You are reflective.
  • You love to laugh.
  • I love that you try to learn Spanish.
  • You are curious.
Dec 24, 2017

What to answer if someone asks why do you love me? ›

I love you because you always make me feel that I am worth something. I love you because you have a nurturing nature & you take care of me. I love you because you made me smile when I have almost forgotten how to. I love you because you have a huge & honest heart.

How can I explain you that I love you? ›

Saying “I love you” with words

I'm in love with you.” “I love spending time with you.” “You make me happy whenever I'm around you.” “You bring me so much joy and excitement.”

How do you explain to someone how deeply you love them? ›

With words:
  1. "I love you."
  2. "My feelings for you are deepening, and I am starting to fall in love with you."
  3. "You mean the world to me, and I appreciate you in my life."
  4. "I can't imagine you not being in my life."
  5. "I want to share more and more of my life with you every day."
Jul 8, 2022

How do you say "I love you secretly"? ›

How do I say “I love you” without saying it in a text?
  1. “Smiling so much today just thinking of you”
  2. “Just wanted to thank you for being you :)”
  3. “I hope you know how much you mean to me”
  4. “I'm so glad you're in my life!”
  5. “You are so amazing!”
  6. “You mean so much to me”
  7. Send a sweet GIF.
  8. Send a romantic song.
Feb 9, 2014

How do men tell you they love you? ›

Many times, the true signs are in the little things like his body language, the way he prioritizes you, or when he goes out of his way to try to make you happy. Other signs he loves you are that he asks for your opinion on things and he says nice things about you.

What message will make him cry? ›

My love for you will always burn brighter than a thousand suns, unmatched till the end of time. My heart beats in rhythm with your name, resonating with a deep affection. I am committed to you, my love. You make me feel like the luckiest person alive by bringing unmatched joy into my days.

How to explain love to a man? ›

Ways to express love for your man other than saying 'I love you'
  1. Don't ignore him when together. ...
  2. Rustle up his favourite meal. ...
  3. Dress up the way he likes. ...
  4. Admire him genuinely. ...
  5. Take his advice. ...
  6. Say 'Thank You' ...
  7. Be a good listener. ...
  8. Get into a quickie mood.
Jun 2, 2023

How do you list reasons you love someone? ›

Let's start with 125 reasons why I love you and see where this could lead us.
  1. I love how you look at me.
  2. Because you have a kind heart.
  3. You have the deepest and the most sincere eyes.
  4. I love how we talk for hours.
  5. Because you look after me.
  6. I love your sweet and caring nature.
  7. Because you respect me.
  8. I love your smile.
May 16, 2023

How to write a list of things you love about someone? ›

120 Reasons Why I Love You:
  1. I love the way you look at me.
  2. You make me feel like I'm the only person in the world.
  3. With you I can be myself.
  4. I love you because we are family and friends at the same time.
  5. When we're together, all my problems disappear.
  6. You make my heart smile.
  7. You know me better than I know myself..
Jun 26, 2018

How do you write how much you love someone? ›

How to Say “I Love You”
  1. I love you to the moon and back again.
  2. We fit together like puzzle pieces.
  3. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
  4. You complete me.
  5. I can't believe you're mine.
  6. You are a beautiful person inside and out.
  7. I am here for you… always.
  8. I'm yours.
Feb 9, 2014

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

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Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.