380 Selfie Quotes & Captions for Pictures of Yourself - Photography Project (2024)

Selfies, regardless of what you think about them, they are an integral part of a social media strategy.

Like any tool, how you use it is vitally important, and selfies are exactly that, a tool.

To utilise your personal image to it’s peak performance, you need to find a way to communicate with your audience in a way that is authentic. This is vital because it builds trust.

People buy from people, so if what you are projecting in your selfies is fake, then chances are your viewership will be able to see through what you’re doing, wont trust you and wont buy from you.

Authenticity is also the key to longevity.

380 Selfie Quotes & Captions for Pictures of Yourself - Photography Project (1)

Your personal brand is with you forever, if you tarnish your online reputation by being false, it’s nigh on impossible to get it back. Look at examples from the liver king for example. No one will ever trust a word that he says because of his history of lying.

Be true to yourself, be authentic with your audience and your engagement will grow. Will it be explosive? Maybe, maybe not. But it will be sustainable and will benefit you in the long run. Building a brand is a marathon not a sprint.

So, selfies. What elevates a good selfie to a great one? The perfect caption! Whether you’re feeling sassy, reflective, joyful, or just in the mood to show off your style, the right words can turn your selfie into a statement. This collection of selfie quotes and captions is curated to match every mood, occasion, and personality. From witty one-liners to inspirational sayings, I’ve got you covered. So, get ready to upgrade your Instagram game, make your Facebook friends smile, or add a spark to your Snapchat stories. Dive into this treasure trove of selfie captions and find the perfect match for your masterpiece. Selfies don’t just capture a moment; you’re sharing a part of who you are, the caption that goes along with the picture has to resonate with your audience and ideally generate engagement. Consider asking questions in your captions too to give people something to engage with.

Whether you’re a selfie aficionado or an occasional snapper, your social media feed is a canvas for your personal narrative. Each selfie you share is an opportunity to reveal a new facet of your personality, mood, or life’s adventures. That’s where this extensive list of captions comes in. It’s not just about finding a phrase; it’s about discovering the right words that resonate with your image and your audience. Bookmark it, and keep coming back.

As you scroll through this selection, consider the message you want to convey. Do you want to inspire, entertain, reflect, or simply share a moment? Choose a caption that not only suits your selfie but also adds an extra layer of depth or humour. Let your chosen words amplify your image, making your selfie not just a photo, but a story worth telling. Happy snapping and captioning!

    1. “Confidence level: Selfie with no filter.”
    2. “Self-love is the best love.”
    3. “I woke up like this.”
    4. “Some call it arrogance, I call it confidence.”
    5. “But first, let me take a selfie.”
    6. “Be your own kind of beautiful.”
    7. “Selfie in the city.”
    8. “Find me where the wild things are.”
    9. “Smile big, laugh often.”
    10. “Some days I amaze myself. Today is one of those days.”
    11. “I don’t always take selfies, but when I do…”
    12. “Just because you’re awake doesn’t mean you should stop dreaming.”
    13. “Be more of you, and less of them.”
    14. “Sassy, classy with a touch of badassy.”
    15. “Life is better when you’re smiling.”
    16. “Who says I never smile in my selfie?”
    17. “Living my life in my style.”
    18. “If you got eyes, look at me now.”
    19. “Born to stand out with selfies.”
    20. “Escape the ordinary.”
    21. “On my worst behaviour.”
    22. “Making peace with my broken pieces.”
    23. “Mirror: you look amazing today. Camera: Nope!”
    24. “I’m not lazy, just on energy-saving mode.”
    25. “Just because you’re awake doesn’t mean you should stop dreaming.”
    26. “Feeling myself.”
    27. “Why so serious?”
    28. “Stay a mystery, it’s better.”
    29. “No makeup, no filters, just me.”
    30. “Taking all these selfies, but yet you can’t find a picture of me caring.”
    31. “I don’t always take a selfie, but when I do…”
    32. “Just me, my selfie, and I.”
    33. “This is the most magical pic of your life.”
    34. “Not everyone likes me, but not everyone matters.”
    35. “Being part of this group is so much fun, I love it.”
    36. “Sending my selfie to NASA, because I’m a star.”
    37. “I was born to shine.”
    38. “I’m the girl you’ve always wanted.”
    39. “You don’t know me.”
    40. “I’m not perfect, but I’m loyal.”
    41. “Just because I’m sassy and have a mouth on me doesn’t mean I’m coming from a negative place.”
    42. “Catch flights, not feelings.”
    43. “Be yourself, there’s no one better.”
    44. “Proof that I can do selfies better than you.”
    45. “Love yourself first.”
    46. “Life is too short for bad vibes.”
    47. “Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s an Instagram filter.”
    48. “Salty but sweet.”
    49. “Sunshine mixed with a little hurricane.”
    50. “I’m not high maintenance, you’re just low effort.”
    51. “Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness.”
    52. “Make them stop and stare.”
    53. “The same old me, just a little bit more fabulous.”
    54. “Turning my dreams into my vision and my vision into reality.”
    55. “Believing in yourself is the first secret to success.”
    56. “Seek respect, not attention. It lasts longer.”
    57. “I’m not gonna sugar coat the truth, I’m not Willy Wonka.”
    58. “Life isn’t perfect, but your outfit can be.”
    59. “Smile, breathe, and go slowly.”
    60. “Confidence level: Kanye West.”
    61. “Be the energy you want to attract.”
    62. “Dream big, sparkle more, shine bright.”
    63. “I don’t always surf the internet, but when I do, eyebrows!”
    64. “A selfie a day keeps the doctor away.”
    65. “Less perfection, more authenticity.”
    66. “Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.”
    67. “No job is complete until the selfie is posted.”
    68. “Reality called, so I hung up.”
    69. “Keep the Smile On!”
    70. “This is me in all my glory.”
    71. “Stop being a zombie. Find something that you’re excited about in your life; otherwise, you’re just walking dead.”
    72. “I’m not lazy, just relaxed.”
    73. “Make today so awesome, yesterday gets jealous.”
    74. “My time is now.”
    75. “I’m not short, I’m concentrated awesome.”
    76. “Sometimes life can surprise you with a happy coincidence.”
    77. “You can’t spell awesome without ME.”
    78. “I’m not a second option, you either choose me or lose me.”
    79. “Be more of you, and less of them.”
    80. “I’m the queen of my own little world.”
    81. “Eyes are never quiet.”
    82. “Life isn’t perfect, but your hair can be.”
    83. “Smile, it confuses people.”
    84. “Don’t let someone dim your light, simply because it’s shining in their eyes.”
    85. “I am not taking a selfie, I am just checking my camera quality.”
    86. “Be a stiletto in a room full of flats.”
    87. “I’m cool, but global warming made me hot.”
    88. “Escape the ordinary.”
    89. “I didn’t choose the thug life, the thug life chose me.”
    90. “A selfie a day keeps the insecurities away.”
    91. “I’m your worst nightmare.”
    92. “Happiness looks gorgeous on me.”
    93. “Sunday funday.”
    94. “I’m everything you want but can’t have.”
    95. “Oh hey there.”
    96. “Why chase you when I’m the catch.”
    97. “Mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?”
    98. “I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right.”
    99. “Life is simple. It’s just not easy.”
    100. “Start your day with a smile because you are lucky to have seen a new day.”
    101. “They told me I couldn’t, so I did.”
    102. “Choose kindness and laugh often.”
    103. “Keep your heels, head, and standards high.”
    104. “Silent people have the loudest minds.”
    105. “I’m not weird, I’m a limited edition.”
    106. “Life is a party, dress like it!”
    107. “Forever chasing sunsets.”
    108. “I’m not perfect but stories are always better with a touch of imperfection.”
    109. “My vibe right now is just living life.”
    110. “Classy is when a woman has everything but doesn’t show off.”
    111. “I am the mixture of a Cutie with a mission and Hottie with an ambition.”
    112. “Falling for you.”
    113. “Just me, myself, and I.”
    114. “Be yourself; there’s no one better.”
    115. “I was born to stand out.”
    116. “Throw sass around like confetti.”
    117. “Simplicity is the key to brilliance.”
    118. “I’m not a beauty queen, I’m just beautiful me.”
    119. “Sometimes you have to create your own sunshine.”
    120. “Always classy, never trashy, and a little bit sassy.”
    121. “Walking sunshine and positive energy.”
    122. “Embrace the glorious mess that you are.”
    123. “Life’s too short for boring hair.”
    124. “Do more things that make you forget to check your phone.”
    125. “Proof that I can do better than just exist.”
    126. “Wakeup and makeup.”
    127. “I’m not lazy, I’m on save energy mode.”
    128. “Be a voice, not an echo.”
    129. “Perfectly imperfect.”
    130. “Coffee and confidence.”
    131. “Don’t dream of it. Train for it.”
    132. “Living my story, one selfie at a time.”
    133. “Take the risk or lose the chance.”
    134. “She acts like summer and walks like rain.”
    135. “Born to express, not to impress.”
    136. “Sunshine mixed with a little hurricane.”
    137. “Serving face and grace.”
    138. “Being happy is my style.”
    139. “Sometimes the best revenge is to smile and move on.”
    140. “Do what feels good for your soul.”
    141. “Soul over ego.”
    142. “Dream without fear. Love without limits.”
    143. “My selfie, my rules.”
    144. “Glitter is always an option.”
    145. “Confidence is not ‘they will like me.’ Confidence is ‘I’ll be fine if they don’t’.”
    146. “Life is too short for bad vibes.”
    147. “Own who you are.”
    148. “Smile, you made it to another day.”
    149. “Let your inner sunshine overpower the shadows.”
    150. “Crazy hair, don’t care.”
    151. “At peace with my path.”
    152. “Creating my own happiness.”
    153. “A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.”
    154. “Vibin’ and thrivin’.”
    155. “Radiate positive vibes.”
    156. “Feeling fresh.”
    157. “Making today a masterpiece.”
    158. “Live more, worry less.”
    159. “Choose to shine.”
    160. “Finding beauty in the ordinary.”
    161. “Dream big, pray bigger.”
    162. “Find your fire.”
    163. “Be a diamond in a rhinestone world.”
    164. “Life is simple when you enjoy the journey.”
    165. “Sparkle every single day.”
    166. “Normal is boring.”
    167. “Embracing my space.”
    168. “My life, my rules.”
    169. “Just because I’m sassy doesn’t mean I’m not sweet.”
    170. “Different doesn’t mean wrong.”
    171. “I’m not short, I’m concentrated awesome.”
    172. “Let your smile be your logo.”
    173. “Dreaming bigger than my imagination can handle.”
    174. “Elegance is an attitude.”
    175. “Forever chasing the sun.”
    176. “Being perfectly imperfect.”
    177. “Let your joy scream across the pain.”
    178. “Too glam to give a damn.”
    179. “I’m not arguing, I’m simply explaining why I’m right.”
    180. “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.”
    181. “Own less, live more.”
    182. “Smile, sparkle, repeat.”
    183. “A little sass goes a long way.”
    184. “Stay wild, moon child.”
    185. “Life is too short for boring selfies.”
    186. “Let life surprise you.”
    187. “Sunkissed and blessed.”
    188. “Just another Magic Monday.”
    189. “Seek respect, not attention.”
    190. “Bold and beautiful.”
    191. “Captivated from life, showing it here.”
    192. “Living my best life.”
    193. “Oh, hello there!”
    194. “Underestimate me. That’ll be fun.”
    195. “Happiness is just a selfie away.”
    196. “I’m not high maintenance, I’m just high on life.”
    197. “Playing the game of life.”
    198. “I didn’t come this far to only come this far.”
    199. “My life’s purpose in one selfie.”
    200. “Don’t follow me, I’m lost too.”
    201. “Turning my dreams into my vision and my vision into reality.”
    202. “Living my story, one selfie at a time.”
    203. “Be the reason someone believes in good people.”
    204. “Just wing it. Life, eyeliner, everything.”
    205. “Don’t let today be a waste of makeup.”
    206. “A smile is the shortest distance between two people.”
    207. “Create your own sunshine.”
    208. “Life isn’t perfect, but your outfit can be.”
    209. “On a journey to find myself.”
    210. “My favourite part of the day is playing dress-up.”
    211. “Not all storms come to disrupt your life; some come to clear your path.”
    212. “Just because you’re awake doesn’t mean you should stop dreaming.”
    213. “Choose to be optimistic; it feels better.”
    214. “Life is better when you’re laughing.”
    215. “Hakuna Matata! It means no worries for the rest of your days.”
    216. “Being happy never goes out of style.”
    217. “Smile a little more, regret a little less.”
    218. “Catch flights, not feelings.”
    219. “Keep the Smile On!”
    220. “Do more things that make you forget to check your phone.”
    221. “Living is easy with eyes closed.”
    222. “A day without laughter is a day wasted.”
    223. “Be the type of person you want to meet.”
    224. “Escape the ordinary.”
    225. “Dream without fear, love without limits.”
    226. “Self-love is the best love.”
    227. “My vibe is my tribe.”
    228. “Life isn’t perfect, but my hair/makeup/outfit is!”
    229. “Whatever sprinkles your donuts.”
    230. “Growing and glowing.”
    231. “Living my life in full color.”
    232. “Be yourself, there’s no one better.”
    233. “Stress less and enjoy the best.”
    234. “Get out there and live a little.”
    235. “I’m not high maintenance, you’re just low effort.”
    236. “I’m not a second option, you either choose me or lose me.”
    237. “Be you, do you, for you.”
    238. “Don’t dream your life, live your dream.”
    239. “The best of me is yet to come.”
    240. “Sunday Funday.”
    241. “Just because you’re awake doesn’t mean you should stop dreaming.”
    242. “Keep your chin up, so your crown doesn’t slip.”
    243. “Life is better when you’re smiling.”
    244. “Who says I never smile in my selfie?”
    245. “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?”
    246. “Love more, worry less.”
    247. “Positivity is the key to happiness.”
    248. “Making every moment count.”
    249. “Find me where the wild things are.”
    250. “Be the energy you want to attract.”
    251. “Dream big and dare to fail.”
    252. “Choose happiness over everything.”
    253. “Living my best life, one selfie at a time.”
    254. “You don’t know me.”
    255. “No rain, no flowers.”
    256. “Being perfectly imperfect.”
    257. “Don’t study me, you won’t graduate.”
    258. “Embrace the glorious mess that you are.”
    259. “Simplicity is the essence of happiness.”
    260. “Capturing the joy in the ordinary.”
    261. “Life is short. Make every hair flip count.”
    262. “Radiate positive vibes.”
    263. “Creating my own happiness.”
    264. “Grateful for where I’m at, excited for where I’m going.”
    265. “Living my story, one photo at a time.”
    266. “See the good in all things.”
    267. “Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.”
    268. “Smiling on the inside.”
    269. “I didn’t choose the selfie life, the selfie life chose me.”
    270. “Be a little more you, and a lot less them.”
    271. “Messy hair, don’t care.”
    272. “Life isn’t perfect, but my outfit is.”
    273. “Keeping it real since [your birth year].”
    274. “You have every right to a beautiful life.”
    275. “Confidence level: selfie with no filter.”
    276. “A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear.”
    277. “Just because you’re awake doesn’t mean you should stop dreaming.”
    278. “Live more, worry less.”
    279. “Today’s mood: selfie with no filter.”
    280. “Your vibe attracts your tribe.”
    281. “Own your story.”
    282. “Choose joy, find kindness.”
    283. “Embracing the journey and loving the adventure.”
    284. “Dreaming bigger than my imagination can stretch.”
    285. “Be the reason someone smiles today.”
    286. “Life’s too short for bad vibes.”
    287. “In a world full of trends, I want to remain a classic.”
    288. “Smile, it’s free therapy.”
    289. “Shine bright like a diamond.”
    290. “Let your soul glow.”
    291. “Finding beauty in every little thing.”
    292. “Don’t just exist, live.”
    293. “The best of me is still yet to come.”
    294. “Chasing sunsets and dreams.”
    295. “Be brave, be kind, be you.”
    296. “Live in the moment.”
    297. “Love her, but leave her wild.”
    298. “Always wearing my invisible crown.”
    299. “Normal is overrated.”
    300. “Happiness is the best makeup.”
    301. “Making today a little bit better than yesterday.”
    302. “Sprinkling a bit of magic wherever I go.”
    303. “On my own little cloud.”
    304. “Being my own kind of beautiful.”
    305. “A smile is the best makeup any girl can wear.”
    306. “Living life, one selfie at a time.”
    307. “Just because I’m smiling, doesn’t mean I don’t want to hit you in the face.”
    308. “Find your fire and keep it burning.”
    309. “Keep calm and take a selfie.”
    310. “Here’s to the heart that beats to its own rhythm.”
    311. “Let your light shine.”
    312. “Dare to be a doughnut in a world of plain bagels.”
    313. “Finding joy in the little things.”
    314. “A little more kindness, a little less judgment.”
    315. “Falling for myself.”
    316. “Eyes talk more than words.”
    317. “Love her madly.”
    318. “Here’s a selfie of a rare unicorn.”
    319. “Blending in is overrated.”
    320. “Becoming the best version of myself.”
    321. “Chasing happiness and a little bit of mischief.”
    322. “Lead with love and light.”
    323. “In my own lane, on my own frequency.”
    324. “Reflecting on the good.”
    325. “Serving looks, not tea.”
    326. “Living my life in warm yellows.”
    327. “Not all those who wander are lost.”
    328. “A day in my life: Eat avocado toast, post Instagram videos, reply to Instagram comments.”
    329. “At peace with past decisions and excited for future adventures.”
    330. “On the pursuit of happiness.”
    331. “Just a gal/guy enjoying life’s ride.”
    332. “Creating my own fairy-tale.”
    333. “A little sass with a lot of class.”
    334. “Happiness blooms from within.”
    335. “Dream big, stay focused and surround yourself with good people.”
    336. “Not looking for anyone’s approval. Living my life for me.”
    337. “Stay golden.”
    338. “Just because I’m sassy and have a mouth on me doesn’t mean I’m coming from a negative place.”
    339. “I am my own muse.”
    340. “Don’t be like the rest of them, darling.”
    341. “Choosing happiness over history.”
    342. “Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace.”
    343. “Living my story, one Instagram post at a time.”
    344. “Find the magic in every moment.”
    345. “Life’s a climb, but the view is great.”
    346. “Throw kindness around like confetti.”
    347. “Bold and beautiful, inside and out.”
    348. “My life, my rules, my selfie.”
    349. “Make today so awesome, yesterday gets jealous.”
    350. “My autobiography is this picture.”
    351. “Sunshine on my mind.”
    352. “Do more of what makes you happy.”
    353. “Life is too short for bad vibes and bad selfies.”
    354. “Taking the road less travelled.”
    355. “Be the type of person you want to meet.”
    356. “Just because I wander doesn’t mean I’m lost.”
    357. “Creating sunshine in the world.”
    358. “Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost.”
    359. “Life is a canvas, make your selfie a masterpiece.”
    360. “Being happy never goes out of style.”
    361. “Embrace your individuality.”
    362. “The best of me is yet to come.”
    363. “Living my best life, one selfie at a time.”
    364. “Just a touch of sass and a dash of class.”
    365. “Every day is a second chance.”
    366. “Be a voice, not an echo.”
    367. “Confidence level: No filter needed.”
    368. “Your vibe attracts your tribe.”
    369. “Letting my joy shine.”
    370. “I don’t need your approval, I have my own.”
    371. “Soul full of sunshine.”
    372. “Enjoying life’s little moments.”
    373. “Inhale confidence, exhale doubt.”
    374. “I’m not perfect, but I’m loyal.”
    375. “Self-love is the best love.”
    376. “Find me where the things are fine.”
    377. “Positivity is a choice.”
    378. “My life is my message.”
    379. “Staying true to myself.”
    380. “Life is better when you’re laughing.”

Use these at your leisure, copy and paste them like for like, or use them as something to riff off of. Go nuts, do what you like, they’re yours to use as you wish.

380 Selfie Quotes & Captions for Pictures of Yourself - Photography Project (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.