About Self-Love: What is Self Love? (2024)

About Self Love

What is self love, really?

What is self love?

Simply, Self-love is love directed to the self (see self dash love).

Self-love is defined in the dictionary as conceit, vanity and narcissism (wrong! Narcissists actually lack self love and the good news is if you aren’t already one, you are not likely to become one.)

Self-love is the unconditional love and respect you have for yourself that is so unwavering that you only choose loving, respectful situations and relationships, including the one with yourself.

Self Love is a Path, a Practice and a Choice you make everyday in your relationships, work, health, wealth, home, everything.

When we choose to cultivate a strong self-love
foundation within, we become empowered to make more self-supportive and empowering choices in all areas of our lives.

Self Love is a Path.

About Self-Love: What is Self Love? (1)

There is no quick easy fix to cultivating a strong self-love foundation. It takes time, practice and devotion.

This is why most people never make shift that sticks. Why they can’t find the courage to make changes in work, relationship, home, life to live more in alignment with their heart’s desires and soul’s path.

We are a culture who likes the quick fix – lose 15 lbs in 30 days, find the ‘one’, make six figures, buy a house.

When we keep trying these superficial remedies we stay surfing on the surface. If we dive deep and get the roots, the medicine of self-love can make lasting shift happen.

When you have a strong foundation of self love you live from and make your choices from the your wholeness which creates your wellness.

Your relationships reflect the deep respect you have for yourself, and others.

You stop holding back or masking yourself to fit in. You embody the fullness of who you are, and know you belong just as you are in this world.

The Path of self-love is made up of the “5 Gates of Self Love”

Each gate has a self-love promise that one must be able to take and keep – the 4 primary gates (as shown in the illustration above) supported by the foundational gate and what I call ‘the big kahuna vow of self-love” : I promise to stay true to myself, even if that means disappointing another.

To find out where your foundation is weak and strong, take the Self Love Pulse Check which will rank the 5 gates from lowest to highest.


Self Love is a Practice + a Choice.

About Self-Love: What is Self Love? (2)

Loving yourself can feel so vast and esoteric, hard to hold onto or what to “do.” That is often the first question “Okay, if I need to love myself more, how do I do it?”

The answer – you strengthen all 10 branches of self-love + the roots of self-worth.

Self-love is not just self-esteem.

  • You can have strong esteem (which is the belief you can do and be anything, self confidence), yet lack self honor and respect and end up successful in your career and a mess in your relationships.
  • You can have self esteem and lack self expression and create a life where you look successful on the outside but it’s like you are living someone else’s life and the true parts of you are repressed and hidden.
  • You can have strong self esteem and weak self care and be a high achiever whose constantly burned out.

In the book Madly in Love with ME and in our self love foundations program, The Yoga of Self Love, we go deep into each branch of self-love we put simple but mighty practices into play in our lives.

There are simple morning practices, daily awareness practices, personal inquiries, heart art and more that support us in the moment to:


Over time, as you make these choices in your day to day life:

At a physical level, the neural pathways in your brain change to form new patterns and habits…

At an emotional level your heart opens and feels safer to make choices that honor what you need…

At a spiritual level you begin to trust more and feel more connected to your truth …

At a relational level you are able to ask for what you need in ways that allow supportive people to help you and non-supportive people, well, to find new relationships with you that serve not sabotage you.

You can learn more about these practices by participating in the Self Love Foundations program, Yoga of Self Love or reading Madly in Love with ME

Note from the Founder, Christine Arylo,
MBA, Leadership Advisor, Social Impact Innovator, Best Selling Author

About Self-Love: What is Self Love? (3)

It took me 10 years to cultivate a solid, strong foundation of self-love that now I keep strong through my practices and daily choices, using the tools I’ve learned to transform self criticism, blame, shame, fear, guilt and stress into unapologetic self-love, staying true to myself no matter what.

Everything in my life has become more aligned because of the choice I made over 15 years ago to love myself, even though I didn’t know how to do it or what it really was. And even when I asked spiritual mentors, therapists and elders I would get these vast non specific answers that did not give me a path.

It’s taken me two decades to test, experiment with and create the processes, practices, tools and wisdom that lay out a specific PATH supported by PRACTICES that support you to MAKE SELF LOVING choices … and that is what we teach, train and do here at The Path of Self Love.

Consider yourself invited to join us.

I believe with all of my heart that self-love is one of the most essential but misunderstood medicines we need in these times.

Self love isn’t fluff. It’s not ‘woo woo’. And it’s not pampering and taking a day at the spa.

Can you imagine telling your daughter or son or a child, “Don’t bother loving yourself, it’s just a bunch of hooey? Or that’s selfish?”

Self-love is at the very root of every choice our children will make in their lives.

As parents we can’t be there in every moment to make sure they are making the choices that keep them safe, loved and supported to be their best selves. Self love can.

Self love gives a child and an adult the inner core strength to stay true to themselves, trust themselves, take care of themselves, be themselves, express themselves, no matter what.

And like all things, we can only teach what we ourselves live.

One last thing that I want to get straight – self love isn’t the absence of love of the other, self-love helps us love others better. And… a person must develop their own sovereignty and commitment and connection to self before they can truly be in fully loving and respectful partnerships and relationships with another and this world – and that goes for all relationships, not just romantic.

It’s my great honor and privilege to have been given this sacred technology to make self love a real, practical, attainable reality for all beings. I know our sacred work, our relationships, and this planet will thrive even more when our foundation of self is strong.

Thank you for believing in the power of love and for choosing to give love to yourself,

About Self-Love: What is Self Love? (4)

Listen to Christine Arylo speak about self-love

Self Love Signs – How to tell if need more love, from yourself.

How to Fall in Love with Yourself – self-love expert Christine Arylo shares

The Medicine of Self Love

About Self-Love: What is Self Love? (2024)


What does self-love is enough mean? ›

Self-love means that you have an appreciation, affinity, and positive regard for yourself. It's closely related to self-esteem and self-compassion. When you have a strong sense of self-love, you understand your own value and treat yourself in a loving way.

What is the best answer to self-love? ›

But ultimately, self-love revolves most around self-compassion: It's the intentional choice to show up for yourself, support your needs and wants, and honor your limitations.

What is self-love in simple words? ›

Self-love means having a high regard for your own well-being and happiness. Self-love means taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others.

How to love yourself enough? ›

They could be as simple as speaking kindly to yourself, taking breaks when needed, or engaging in activities that make you happy. Other self-love habits include practicing gratitude, spending time in nature, eating nourishing food, and exercising in a way that feels good to your body.

What does I am enough for myself mean? ›

Believing “I am enough” means you feel confident in yourself and your abilities. When you feel that you are not enough, you may experience feelings of self-doubt or self-criticism–you don't feel assured in what you are truly capable of.

Is love Enough on it's own? ›

The media tells us that love is more than enough in relationships. But the truth is, love isn't always enough of a reason to stay in a relationship. Don't get us wrong: loving someone, or caring deeply for them, is a wonderful thing, but it's a feeling that can also make a relationship complicated.

Why is self-love important? ›

Self-love also encourages us to take care of ourselves, both physically and emotionally, and helps to protect us from outside influences that might diminish our self-worth. Feeling good about ourselves allows us to be more confident and make healthier decisions, both in our personal and professional lives.

What is the greatest form of self-love? ›

Discipline is the highest form of self-love.

What does love yourself mean in one word? ›

Definition of self-loving. as in selfish. overly concerned with one's own desires, needs, or interests she's too self-loving an individual to ever have feelings of real love for another person. selfish. egotistical.

What are the four types of self-love? ›

Self-love can generally be broken into four categories: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Physical: Physical self-love refers to a person having a healthy relationship with their body.

What are the two types of self-love? ›

Rousseau claimed that human beings are possessed of two types of “self-love.” The first, amour de soi, is simply the interest we take in our own survival and comfort. The second, amour-propre, is inherently relational.

Why is self-love so hard? ›

We may be struggling with low self-esteem, feeling like we don't measure up. We might think that in order to be worthy of love, we need to meet certain expectations we set for ourselves or expectations laid out for us by others. Not feeling worthy of love is often a result of negative self-talk.

What do I feel about myself? ›

Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself. If you don't feel good about yourself, you are less likely to make good decisions. Everyone has times that they feel good about themselves (have high self-esteem) and everyone has times they don't feel good about themselves (have low self-esteem).

What does lack of self-love look like? ›

A behaviour that involves not appreciating your achievements, always looking for flaws, and not accepting your little achievements in life. Expecting too much from oneself accompanied by self-doubt, and always thinking about the difficult phases of life that led to failures are all acts of not loving yourself enough.

Can too much self-love be bad? ›

At the end of the day, it's important to remember that while having positive self-esteem is important for both physical and mental health, too much focus on oneself can ultimately lead to loneliness and isolation.

Why is self-love so powerful? ›

The Importance of Self-Love

Without self-love, we're prone to harsh self-criticism and may succumb to people-pleasing tendencies and perfectionism. We may tolerate mistreatment from others, disregard our own needs and feelings due to a lack of self-worth, and make choices that undermine our best interests.

Do you need self-love to be in a relationship? ›

There's no rule that states you are required to love yourself before getting into a relationship. Sometimes, people just need a nudge in the right direction by the right person, but it doesn't hurt to start working on yourself — taking baby steps or putting effort toward loving yourself just a bit more can do wonders.

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.