Beyond 'I Love You': The Secret to Writing a Romantic Valentine’s Message (2024)

February is that fabulous time of year when we get to shower our loved ones with extra attention and affection.

Not sure what to write in your Valentine’s card? Keep reading to learn from some of history’s most famous novelists and some modern-day artists. At the end of the blog, we’ll give you guidelines to help you write a heartfelt message to your significant other.


Learning from literary legends Oscar Wilde and Jane Austen

Exploring love through words is a journey, and who could be better guides than Oscar Wilde and Jane Austen? Their simple yet profound ways of expressing love are perfect for inspiring your Valentine’s Day messages.

Oscar Wilde: Beautiful and simple words

Oscar Wilde was a writer who knew how to use his words in a special way. He wrote about love in a style that was both beautiful and easy to understand. Here is a good example:

From Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray: “The very essence of romance is uncertainty.”

In this line, he is saying that a big part of love is not knowing what will happen next. This idea can make your message interesting and romantic, showing how exciting and mysterious love can be.

Jane Austen: Heartfelt messages

Famous for her novels about love and relationships, Jane Austen wrote in a way that’s both clear and touching. Her words can inspire you to express your feelings sincerely. Take a look at this example:

From Jane Austen’s Persuasion: “You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope… I have loved none but you.”

She’s saying that love can be painful but is also full of hope. You can use this sentiment to show how much you love someone and how important they are to you.

Learning from modern day artists: Valentine’s messages inspired by Alicia Keys and Justin Bieber

Let’s draw inspiration from the emotional lyrics of Alicia Keys and Justin Bieber to express your feelings in your Valentine’s Day message.

Alicia Keys: A series of romantic lyrics

Alicia Keys’ songs are a treasure trove of romantic expressions. Explore how the lyrics in some of her most famous songs can inspire your love letters:

  • Show Me Love“I always get wrapped up in you, baby, I’m in love”: This lyric shows the depth of being completely smitten by someone.
  • Us“I believe in us”: The simplicity of this line is powerful, emphasising the faith and unity in a relationship.
  • If I Ain’t Got You“But everything means nothing, if I ain’t got you”: Here, Keys highlights that love goes beyond material belongings, a beautiful thought to share with a loved one.

Justin Bieber: Modern-day love letters

Justin Bieber’s songs are full of modern expressions of love:

  • Lifetime“But baby, you are a lifetime”: This lyric is ideal for expression the idea of eternal love in a Valentine’s Day card.
  • Holy“The way you hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, feels so holy”: Bieber’s words here show how sacred and pure love is.
  • 10,000 Hours“I’d spend 10,000 hours and 10,000 more, oh, if that’s what it takes to learn that sweet heart of yours”: This line promises dedication and willingness to understand and love your partner forever.

Writing Your Perfect Valentine’s Message

Now that you’ve gathered inspiration from literary legends and modern-day artists, it’s time to craft your own unique Valentine’s Day message. Here’s a simple guide to help you put these ideas into action.

#1 – Share your feelings honestly

Start by expressing your feelings in a straightforward and genuine way.

Example: Every day with you brings a sense of joy and comfort that I never knew I needed. You mean the world to me, Happy Valentine’s Day.”

#2 – Decide on the tone

Whether you prefer a simple and sincere tone or more of a funny Valentine’s message, let the nature of your relationship guide your words.

Example (sincere):“Life with you is filled with moments of happiness and understanding, this is something I treasure.”

Example (light-hearted): “I love how we can turn every supermarket trip into a fun adventure. Here’s to many more everyday adventures together.”

#3 – Include a personal touch

Reference a specific trait you admire or a shared memory that holds a special meaning for both of you.

Example: “I still remember our first coffee date, where we talked for hours. It’s those simple moments with you that I cherish most.”

Creating a Valentine’s message doesn’t have to be complex, it’s all about authenticity and sharing what’s in your heart.

Learn how to master the language of love

We understand that sometimes finding the right words can be harder than choosing the perfect box of chocolates. That’s where British Council English Online can help. Think of us like Cupid with a dictionary, ready to help you craft the perfect Valentine’s messages!

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Beyond 'I Love You': The Secret to Writing a Romantic Valentine’s Message (2024)


Beyond 'I Love You': The Secret to Writing a Romantic Valentine’s Message? ›

#1 – Share your feelings honestly

What to write in a secret Valentine's card? ›

Anonymous Messages

I wish I could tell you how I feel about you. Just so you know, I think you're amazing/funny/clever/beautiful/perfect. Maybe next year I'll find the courage to sign my name. From your secret admirer.

What is the best message for Valentine's Day? ›

Happy messages
  • I'm so thankful for all that you do for me. ...
  • It is amazing how you make me feel. ...
  • Thank you for accepting me the way I am. ...
  • What makes me happy is being loved by you.
  • Whenever I'm with you, wherever we are, I'm home.
  • Every day is beautiful with you by my side.

What do you write in a secret love note? ›

If you choose just a standard note form, write it like a normal letter. Write about how you've noticed how beautiful they are, and how you think about them. Mostly when like "all the time" or if you want to be more creative, go with something like "every moment of the day".

How to send a secret Valentine? ›

A few tips and examples to surprise your (secret) love with an anonymous text message.
  1. Be a bit vague and raise questions first. ...
  2. Bet your cards on an existing poem. ...
  3. Send a short but flirty message. ...
  4. Share your favorite love song. ...
  5. Put your heart on the table and go for it.
Feb 13, 2024

What is a deeper way to say "I love you"? ›

I adore you. You complete me. You fill my heart with love. You're everything to me.

How to make him feel special over text? ›

Romantic and Thoughtful Texts to Send to Your Boyfriend to Make Him Feel Special
  1. 1 “You're the best thing that's ever happened to me.”
  2. 2 “I love the thought of growing old with you.”
  3. 3 “I've found my person, at last. ...
  4. 4 “I didn't know it was possible to love someone this much.”
  5. 5 “Life didn't make sense until I met you.”

What is a short romantic Valentine quote? ›

"I love you not for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you." "I love being with you, because it's like flying in the clouds." "One more year together celebrating this special day and we will only think of our love and toast to our happiness forever." "You will always be my favorite person in the world.

What is a short sweet Valentine's quote? ›

Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favorite. I've loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you. Right from the start, you stole my heart. To me, you are perfect.

How do I write a Valentine message to my love? ›

Valentine's Day Messages for Romance
  1. I love you more than all the stars in the sky. ...
  2. With you, every day feels like Valentine's Day.
  3. You are beautiful inside and out and I'm so lucky to be yours.
  4. You're my forever love and I'm so grateful to have found you.
  5. Be mine today, tomorrow and forever.
  6. You give my heart peace.
Jan 8, 2024

What is the best love quote? ›

Short Love Quotes
  • “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” – ...
  • “You call it madness, but I call it love.” – ...
  • “We can only learn to love by loving.” – ...
  • “A life lived in love will never be dull.” – ...
  • “Life is the flower for which love is the honey.” – ...
  • “All you need is love.” – ...
  • “True love stories never have endings.” –
Apr 26, 2023

How to send an anonymous Valentine's card? ›

  1. Crafting a Secret Admirer Surprise: Sending an Anonymous Valentine's Day Gift.
  2. Sending an anonymous Valentine's Day gift can add an element of mystery and excitement. ...
  3. Online Gift Delivery Services:
  4. Anonymous Messaging:
  5. Use a P.O. Box:
  6. Digital Gifts:
  7. Trusted Friends or Third Party:
  8. Masking Your Handwriting:
Feb 8, 2023

Should I send an anonymous Valentine's card? ›

Anonymously no. It's a perfect opportunity to let him know that you like him. I know he already knows, but still it's a good idea to make it clear.

What is a cute simple Valentine quote? ›

Simple Valentine's Day Messages

You and me were meant to be. You make me smile! I love you to the moon and back! Being yours is a dream come true.

What to say to a secret admirer? ›

Right away, tell them why you're taking the time to compile this letter. A simple, "I like you," would suffice, or share what made you notice them (e.g. "I notice that we have ____________ in common," or, "When I first saw you, I was impressed with _____________.")

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Name: Tish Haag

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.