Chocolate Mug Cake Recipe (2024)



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No flour?

Anna Hawkins

Poured Bailey's over mine.


If you’re expecting a French-bakery level chocolate cake, you will be sad. If you are a person who has made Pinterest mug cakes on occasion when the late night chocolate cravings hit, you will be happy. This is a good mug cake, probably because there is no raw flour taste. I cut out a tablespoon of sugar because it seemed like a lot, but then the cake didn’t taste sweet, so vanilla ice cream was a necessary addition. Your call. I’m satisfied.

Deidre Gifford

after making this 15 times; my husband and I feel we may have to test it one more time to make sure we have the steps down. Still working on the right proportion of ice cream to accompany it though so may need more than 1 more try.

Carrie Anderson

Ok I just got off the couch and made this. Prepared as instructed but added a dash of instant espresso powder and skipped the chocolate chips. First couple bites were good so I sprayed on some Redi Whip. I’m still fascinated by how this genuinely makes a “cake” consistency. If you need a chocolate fix this is a winner. Two thumbs up.

Bernice Yampell

Does anyone know the timing for “baking” more than 1 mug cake at a time in the microwave?


Made this 2 times following the recipe but for using salted butter & so eliminating pinch of kosher salt. Chose 3T for the sugar & was plenty sweet. Fun & delicous & looked just like photo. The 3rd time I thought about the question someone asked about using oil instead of butter. I didn't want to try oil (I love butter) but it made me wonder if tahini - a great chocolate partner - would work instead. Used 1TBSP tahini plus a few drops of water in place of butter. Worked very well.

Margaux Laskey, Senior Staff Editor

That's correct! It does not contain flour, which in my opinion, is one of the reasons it's so good! I did not have the deflated issue though. Hm...


Only used 1T of sugar and came out sweet enough with pronounced dark chocolate flavor. Definitely under cook this. 1min 30 seconds is way too long and results in a very dry cake. Cook for about 50 seconds for a perfectly gooey molten cake.


This is a great recipe! Now I want one for a lemon mug cake! WOW. Delish!


My children have left the nest, but my inner child thinks this is yummy.

Holly Rubin

Tried this recipe and another one that uses flour. Preferred this one. Once you get over the idea that it isn't a cake, it's not bad, & would be fun with kids, but think for a quick fix I prefer my chocolate straight (with the alcohol on the side)! If you're going to make this, 3T sugar was enough and 50 sec was just about right in my microwave (and still maybe a tad too long).

chiquita woodard

I followed the recipe, except used only 2 T. sugar. I baked in a conventional oven at 375 for 12 minutes. Perfect. I can't wait to make these with my granddaughters!


How fun this was to make! We used salted butter (Kerrygold) so skipped the pinch of kosher salt. Otherwise made as written and opted for 3 TBSP sugar which was plenty sweet. I bet this would be yummy with a tiny scoop of vanilla ice cream but alas none in the house. This is a perfect little recipe to introduce kids to cooking or to bring out he kid in we...old...umm...well seasoned cooks who love to play in the kitchen.


I dont own a microwave. What can i do to cook chocolate mixture?


microwave's power is surely critical. 700 vs 1200 requires different timing.


What if you don't have a microwave?


I don’t know what I did wrong, but I found it much too eggy…


Delicious as written! Where to get that beautiful mug?!

adriano covarrubias

super yummy in my tummy


Well, that was not what I expected. Looked like cake and probably would’ve tasted like cake if I hadn’t used an artificial sweetener instead of sugar to reduce the calorie load. This was ill advised. Yuck. Putting cake back on the special occasion list! The recipe does produce “cake” tho.


Threw a tablespoon of chopped walnuts in there, I'd call it a win.

Tory L. Davis

I made it for my stepkid's friend at their birthday party when my kid, at the last minute, informed me, "Oh yeah, this friend is celiac and can't have any gluten" which makes it tough to share a birthday cake! So I whipped this up in a heart-shaped little baking dish for the g-f kid so she could have cake too, and it was a hit! I took a little taste- it was suprisingly tasty for microwave baking, ha! Thanks for this one.

Ailia Mira

I make this with Sharffen Berger unsweetened cocoa powder, and the upgrade is worth it! Delicious.


Only used 3 tablespoons of sugar and 1 tablespoon of chocolate chips, next time I think I will do 3.75 tablespoons of sugar and no chocolate chips.


I substituted sugar with swerve, used high fat Dutch process cocoa and it came out great. However, the middle was undercooked and the sides were well done but I think that has to do with the size of the mug that I used. Also, topped it off with coconut whipped cream from Trader Joe’s, which was delightful.


I totally agree with everyone- I was surprised there was no flour, but went ahead and followed the recipe- 3 TBLS sugar is enough- so good, looked like cake- I didn’t have ice cream or whip, soooo- I did have Cool Whip- scooped out a good spoonful and let it semi melt and it was yummy!! (The Cool Whip was frozen to start)


A good kid's recipe with a simple, sweet, chocolate taste. Not knocking that, but I was hoping for a deeper flavor. Reading the notes, i cooked for only 50 seconds. While it came out decently moist, if i were to do it again i'd do even less time for a gooey, molten cake.


Mine tasted like a weird chocolate omelette! I don’t know what I did wrong.

chocolate egg

Texturally bad. I was worried it would taste/feel like scrambled eggs and it does. I can’t get past that

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Chocolate Mug Cake Recipe (2024)


Why is my mug cake so rubbery? ›

This is likely because your mug is too small, or you added too much baking powder. Measure accurately and make sure your mug is at least 10oz in volume. Why is my chocolate mug cake rubbery or dry? A rubbery mug cake is indicative of being overcooked, or incorrect measurements.

Why did my mug cake fail? ›

Don't overfill your mug with ingredients

Even with the perfect mini whisk, things can still go wrong when making a mug cake. One big mistake involves overfilling the mug. Just like with any other baked good, mug cakes rise during the cooking process.

Why is my mug cake so dry? ›

Many protein mug cake recipes suffer from dryness because they don't contain enough fat. They use wheat or oat flour, protein powder, and no eggs or oils. Naturally, it's going to be very dry with these ingredients.

How do you make a Betty Crocker mug? ›

Empty Cake Mix into microwave-safe 9- to 12-oz mug. Add 3 Tablespoons Water or Milk. Stir until cake mix is well blended, about 30 seconds. Microwave uncovered on High as directed below or until surface is mostly dry.

Can you use water instead of milk in mug cake? ›

It is entirely possible to change this recipe to make it without milk. If it is an issue with lactose intolerance or other dietary restrictions, you can use almond milk, cashew milk, or oat milk. An almond cashew blend is my particular favorite. If you'd prefer not to have any milk at all, you can use water instead.

Why do mug cakes taste weird? ›

This is especially true when you add too much baking soda to your mug cake mixture, which often results in an unpleasant bitter flavor that makes for a disappointing cake.

What are common mistakes when baking a cake? ›

Common Baking Mistakes (And How to Fix Them)
  • Baking at the wrong temperature. ...
  • Not measuring ingredients. ...
  • Checking on your items too frequently. ...
  • Your ingredients are at the wrong temperature. ...
  • Your dough isn't rising. ...
  • Nothing is baking evenly. ...
  • Your dough or batter is too tough. ...
  • Wrap Up.

Can you eat undercooked mug cake? ›

Undercooked cake can make you sick and according to the FDA, the highest risk does not come from eggs like people might believe, but rather from flour. Grains can be contaminated by bacteria from animal droppings, which are harvested and turned into flour. The cooking process kills the bacteria.

Why don't mug cakes use eggs? ›

It's easy to see why—most classic cake recipes call for two or three eggs and serve at least 10 people. So for a single-serving mug cake, just skip the egg; a whole egg will overpower the small amount of batter (and it's pretty tough to divide an egg in quarters).

How do you know if your mug cake is done? ›

Cook each mug separately and remember they will continue to cook a touch more on standing, so I found 1 minute perfect for my mug-cakes. Touch the centre and if it's firm then your cakes are done. Try not to overcook these or they will go rubbery (the perils of the microwave!)

How can I make my cake more moist? ›

From ingredient swaps to unique methods, explore these ways to help make your cakes moist.
  7. USE CAKE FLOUR. ...

What makes you a mug? ›

If you say that someone is a mug, you mean that they are stupid and easily deceived by other people. He's a mug as far as women are concerned.

How do you make a good mug design? ›

Tips to Make Your Own Coffee Mug Design Stand Out
  1. Plan It Out. Before undertaking any coffee mug design project, make sure you've planned out the design from start to finish. ...
  2. Choose Your Base Mug for Durability. ...
  3. Be Colour-Wise. ...
  4. Bigger Can Be Better. ...
  5. Be Inspirational. ...
  6. Opt for a Sneak Peek. ...
  7. Make It Memorable. ...
  8. Don't Plagiarize.

Why does my cake have a rubbery texture? ›

If you mix incorrect measurements of sugar, butter, and eggs, the cake will become rubbery. You will notice that you have overmixed, the batter when the dough produces a smooth or watery texture. When the dough is overmixed, the air bubbles trapped in the mixture will be lost.

Why is my cake texture chewy? ›

these are the possible following scenarios:
  1. you are over-mixing the batter once the flour is added rather than folding it in. ...
  2. less fat in the recipe.
  3. overbaked as your oven temperature was low.
  4. you added a cold rather than a room temp batter to bake in a hot oven - that takes longer and overcooks a moist cake.
Jun 29, 2019

Why is my cake batter gluey? ›

Developing the flour's gluten too much means the cake will rise beautifully in the oven – then sink (a little, or a lot) as soon as you pull it out. And the sinking cake is what makes dense, moist, gluey streaks. Lesson learned: beat butter and sugar and eggs at medium speed. Once you add flour, mix gently.

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.