Easy Cheese Fondue Recipes (2024)

This Melting Pot copycat recipe contains affiliate links, but mama’s gotta eat yo!

Easy fondue recipes are my newest obsession. This easy cheese fondue has been one of my tried and true recipes over the years! It’s great for almost any holiday occasion, but is surely a treat to enjoy on Valentine’s Day!

What says I love you more than a creamy, hot bowl of melted cheese (or chocolate, chocolate fondue rocks too)

Melting Pot Copycat Recipe Beer Cheese Fondue

Easy Cheese Fondue Recipes (1)

I was inspired to make this recipe after visiting the Melting Pot, an amazing fondue restaurant. This place is to die for, but it definitely breaks the budget at $100+/couple! That’s without drinks! Don’t get me wrong it was an amazing feast of awesomeness, but it was so good I could eat it once a week. Mama’s bank roll can’t afford that kind of habit!

That’s why I couldn’t wait to get us an electric fondue pot and let me dabble at making my own simple fondue recipes. I was skeptical at first that I could pull this off, but let’s just say I might’ve put on ten pounds because I am the master of cheddar cheese fondue.

Easy Cheese Fondue Recipes (2)

If you are ready to dive in head first, make sure to check out these 35 easy cheese fondue recipes. Everything from chocolate to oil to more gooey cheese fondue recipes. Pin it, lick it, make it!

Fondue Dipper Ideas

Beyond a kick ass cheese fondue recipe, you also have to have the most amazing fondue dipper ideas! This is the fun part. Get creative, and see what flavor combos blow your mind.

Expert tip: Don’t know it until you try it! Some of our favorite fondue dipper ideas we almost turned our nose up at, but we are SO glad we gave them a try. Check out our favorite dippers:

  • Apples
  • Bread
  • Crackers
  • Pears
  • Meat (Salami, Chicken, Steak)
  • Bagels
  • Pretzels

Easy Cheese Fondue Recipes

Easy Cheese Fondue Recipes (3)

You guys know me, rather than spend that kind of money, I set off to find a way I could make some amazingly easy cheese fondue at home. This recipe is so simple that even the most beginner cook can have an amazingly tasty fondue.



Fondue Cooking Tips: Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use other cheeses? You most certainly can! Just make sure to pay attention to the moisture in the cheese. Cheeses like mozzarella have a lot of moisture which would make it a tad stickier to melt.

Is this gluten free? Because of the beer in this cheddar cheese fondue recipe, this recipe is not gluten free. If you need a gluten free fondue recipe, just eliminate the beer and replace it with warm chicken stock instead.

What if I don’t own a fondue pot? Let me introduce you to my little friend the poor man’s fondue pot! When I first started making this recipe, we used a large stock pot and a glass mixing bowl to melt our cheese in! Put some water in the stock pot and start to bowl it!

That’s it! The only “challenge” is to see if you can eat all the ooey, gooey cheddar cheesy awesomeness before it cools!

Easy Cheese Fondue Recipes (4)

How Do You Make Fondue?


  • Cut a loaf of French bread across in normal slices. Then cut these slices into 1 inch strips. Cut the strips in thirds to have cubes of bread.
  • Grate 1 cup of cheddar cheese and 1 cup of swiss cheese is a medium bowl.
  • Put 1 Tbsp of flour in bowl with cheese and toss cheese to coat it in the flour
  • Heat up your double boiler, fondue pot, large pot with water and bring water to gentle boil
  • Place top part of fondue pot over water, and place 1/2 cup beer in pot
  • Add dry mustard, garlic powder, and pepper to beer
  • Once beer is almost warm, add cheese about 1 tbsp at a time constantly stirring with fork until melted.
  • Keep stirring until the cheese has a runny consistency, it should not be clumpy. If it is clumpy try adding a little bit more beer, just a little at a time until you achieve the desired consistency. If it is too runny add more cheese or a little more flour.

Don’t be afraid to play around with the mustard, garlic, and pepper. I usually just season to taste. You can always add more when you are melting the cheese. The beer adds such a great flavor to the fondue. I could eat a whole pot myself!

Drooling? Check out these Other Delicious Fondue Recipes:

  • Swiss Herb Fondue Recipe
  • S’Mores Chocolate Fondue
  • Almond Joy Chocolate Fondue
  • 35+ Easy Fondue Recipes


  • Want more kick ass food p*rn? Make sure to sign up for our once weekly foodie newsletter. Simple, delicious recipes straight to your inbox!
  • Make sure to also follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest to keep up with all the Quirky Inspired shenanigans

Easy Cheese Fondue Recipes (5)

Yield: 8

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 20 minutes


  • 1 cup Swiss Cheese
  • 1 cup cheddar cheese
  • 1 Tbsp flour (or swap it out for gluten free flour)
  • 1 tsp dry mustard
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • fresh cracked pepper (to taste)
  • 1/2 -3/4 cup beer
  • French bread or Italian bread


    Cut a loaf of French bread across in normal slices. Then cut these slices into 1 inch strips. Cut the strips in thirds to have cubes of bread.

Grate 1 cup of cheddar cheese and 1 cup of swiss cheese is a medium bowl.

Put 1 Tbsp of flour in bowl with cheese and toss cheese to coat it in the flour

Heat up your double boiler, fondue pot, large pot with water and bring water to gentle boil

Place top part of fondue pot over water, and place 1/2 cup beer in pot

Add dry mustard, garlic powder, and pepper to beer

Once beer is almost warm, add cheese about 1 tbsp at a time constantly stirring with fork until melted.

Keep stirring until the cheese has a runny consistency, it should not be clumpy. If it is clumpy try adding a little bit more beer, just a little at a time until you achieve the desired consistency. If it is too runny add more cheese or a little more flour.

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Easy Cheese Fondue Recipes (2024)


What kind of cheese is best for fondue? ›

The best all-around cheeses for fondue are fontina, Gruyère, and gouda. If you aren't sure what to pick, use even amounts of these three. Together are lush and complex. For classic Swiss cheese fondue (meaning one like what you would find in Switzerland), a mix of traditional, firm mountain-style cheeses is best.

What is the trick to fondue? ›

"The key with fondue is to keep the temperature very low once you start adding the cheese." In the double boiler, the heat was gentle enough that even with prolonged exposure, the fondue never got hot enough to break.

How much cheese for fondue per person? ›

The Swiss recommend 200g of cheese per person but believe me that is a lot so I would go with 150g each. Dry white wine or hot tea is the usual accompaniment with a shot of Kirsch for those who are feeling bold.

What cut of meat is good for fondue? ›

To cut a steak for fondue, cut it into 1/2-inch cubes. The best cuts of beef for fondue include top sirloin, ribeye, and tenderloin. Cut or slice the meat according to personal preference. Some prefer to slice steaks into long strips, while others cube the meat into small pieces.

What should you not do with fondue? ›

DON'T: Double dip.

Since fondue is a communal meal, dining etiquette says to avoid double-dipping. Also, don't put the fondue fork in your mouth.

What kind of bread is good for fondue? ›

A mild-flavored sourdough or baguette will work well. You can also use a loaf of dense rye bread, but you may want to cube it instead of tearing it into chunks. Baguettes are the traditional choice for dipping in fondue because they have a mild flavor and crisp crust that's perfect for dipping in creamy, melted cheese.

Why add flour to cheese fondue? ›

When making cheese fondue, always use a thickener. Cheese should be shredded and tossed with flour or cornstarch to aid in thickening and to improve the viscosity of the fondue. A good rule of thumb is to use one tablespoon of flour or cornstarch per pound of cheese.

How much cheese for 6 person fondue? ›

That's about 7 ounces of cheese per person. But no one ever eats fondue alone, so you're going to always think of it in terms of two. So roughly then 400 grams of cheese for every two people. You want to have your cheese chopped up into small cubes or grated.

What to do when cheese fondue separates? ›

Whatever the case, you need to fix your fondue fast. Do so by creating a slurry consisting of ¼ cup (60 ml) cold white wine and three tablespoons of cornstarch. (This is good for about 1 ½ pounds/650 grams of grated cheese.) Once combined, whisk it into your sauce little by little until it finally comes together.

What kind of vegetables are good for fondue? ›

Vegetables such as asparagus, broccoli, bell peppers, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, carrots, and zucchini are delicious if roasted first. Or steam some green beans, pearl onions, and radishes, or a variety of baby potatoes like Yukon Gold, fingerling, red, or purple.

What vegetables are good in fondue? ›

Blanched vegetables: broccoli, asparagus, green beans, snow peas, or snap peas.

What to bring to a cheese fondue party? ›

Dippers: Shrimp, chicken, steak, sausages, ravioli, tortellini, meatballs, vegan meats, and any of the vegetables mentioned as cheese fondue dippers.

What is the best substitute for Gruyere cheese in fondue? ›

What Are the Best Gruyère Substitutes? There are plenty of other premier cheeses that can serve as good substitutes for Gruyère cheese. Depending on whether you're melting cheese or adding more variety to your charcuterie board, you might consider Beaufort, Comté, Jarlsberg, Emmental, or Fontina.

Can you buy ready made fondue cheese? ›

Emmi Cheese Fondue Original 800g 2x400g Pack

This brand is popular with other customers and this product is highly rated, well-priced, and available to ship immediately.

Why is my cheese fondue rubbery? ›

If the fondue has been over-cooked and the cheese is turning into hard lumps then adding a teaspoon or two of lemon juice should help to restore the texture. If the cheese has split and looks greasy but not lumpy then adding extra cornflour (cornstarch) will help to re-emulsify the mixture.

What are the three types of fondue? ›

There are three main types: cheese fondue, oil or broth fondue and chocolate fondue. Cheese fondue Mixing a variety of cheeses is best when serving a cheese fondue. Before you start, rub a garlic clove inside the pot for added flavor. Shred all cheeses that will be used to create the fondue before melting it.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.