Eggnog Cut-Out Cookie Recipe (2024)

By marian 24 Comments

Eggnog Cut-Out Cookie Recipe (1)

A little twist on the traditional holiday cookies, these Eggnog Cut Out Cookies are my new favorite roll out cookie. So simple to make, and if you make the eggnog from scratch, you’ll have plenty leftover to sip, bake and decorate!

Eggnog Cut-Out Cookie Recipe (2)

For the eggnog within the recipe, I made it from scratch and used my BlendTec blender, so it really was quick and easy. The BlendTec heats up the eggnog due to the speed it’s mixed at, so you may want to use your own or a different recipe if you don’t have access to a high powered mixer. Generally making eggnog involves tempering eggs for safety considerations. You can of course buy eggnog already made at the grocery store as well. Note that it may only be available during Christmas holiday season.

Eggnog Cut-Out Cookie Recipe (3)

If you’re interested in the blender eggnog recipe I used, it’s by The Chunky Chef and you can find it here.

If you like the family of gingerbread cutters, you can find them in How Sweet is That?’s shop here.

Eggnog Cut-Out Cookie Recipe (4)

I really enjoyed these cookies by themselves, but if decorating with royal icing, I would likely use my classic vanilla recipe.

Eggnog Cut-Out Cookie Recipe (5)

Eggnog Cut Out Cookie Recipe

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Eggnog Cut Out Cookie Recipe


  • 2 cups sugar, granulated
  • 2 cups butter, salted
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/3 cup eggnog
  • 6 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp cinnammon
  • 1 tsp nutmeg


  • Cream the butter and sugar together in the bowl of an electric mixer on low speed, using the paddle attachment. Mix until incorporated – for about 30 seconds. Scrape down the sides of the bowl with a plastic spatula and mix again for a few seconds more. Over mixing the butter and sugar in this step will cause too much air to be incorporated into the dough. If you'd like a light and fluffy cookie, that's ideal, however the dough will spread more during baking; not ideal if you'd like the cookie to hold its shape.

  • Add eggs, vanilla, extract and eggnog slowly and mix. Scrape down the bowl with your spatula if needed and mix again.

  • Whisk the flour, cinnamon and nutmeg together in a separate bowl. Add all of the flour mixture to the mixer bowl. Place a large tea towel between the edge of the bowl and the electric mixer so that the flour won't escape. Mix on low speed for 30 seconds. Remove the tea towel and observe the dough mixing; the dough should peel away from the sides of the mixer and clump around the paddle attachment. You can also test the dough by pinching it between your thumb and index finger. If it’s soft but not sticky, it’s just right. If it’s too sticky when you pinch it between your fingers, add flour, ¼ cup at a time, and mix until you’re happy with the texture. There are various reasons why a dough can be too dry or too sticky, ranging from humidity in the environment, to what kind of flour you use, the fat content of the butter etc., however, there are ways to fix the issues if you run into them. Already mentioned, add flour if your dough is too sticky, and if it’s too dry, make sure you’ve mixed it as best as you can first, and if it’s still too dry, add a little water or milk until your dough comes together.

  • Roll the dough out between 2 large pieces of parchment paper. Place on a baking sheet and into the fridge or freezer for a minimum of 1 hour.

  • Cut out cookie shapes. Place on parchment paper-lined baking sheets. Re-roll scraps and repeat. If your dough gets too soft to work with, place in the fridge or freezer periodically to firm up again.

  • Once all cut out, put cookie dough shapes back into the fridge or freezer for 10 minutes to 1 hour to chill again. They will then hold their shape better when baked.

  • Preheat your oven to 375°F or 190°C.

  • Bake cookies for 8-12 minutes or until the edges become golden brown. The baking time will depend on the size of your cookie.

  • Let cookies cool to room temperature and decorate if you like! If you’re new to decorating cookies,here is a cookie decorating tutorialwith everything you’ll need to know to begin!


Makes approximately 35 medium-sized cookies
Eggnog Cut-Out Cookie Recipe (6)

Have fun baking!



Eggnog Cut-Out Cookie Recipe (7)
Eggnog Cut-Out Cookie Recipe (2024)


What is the secret to cut out cookies? ›

Pull off the top sheet of parchment, then slide the sheet of dough onto a baking sheet, then pop it in the freezer. (You can stack as many sheets of dough onto one baking sheet as you'd like.) Sandwich your dough between two sheets of parchment, roll, then freeze; it makes cut-out cookies a breeze!

How to get cut out cookies to keep their shape? ›

My tips are:
  1. Always use unsalted butter. Salted butter contains more water than unsalted. ...
  2. Chill your dough before rolling out, as this will help prevent warping of the shape when transferring to your baking sheet. Once on the sheet, freeze for 10 mins before baking.
  3. Bake your cookies at at least 190C.
Aug 11, 2020

Why won't my cut-out cookies hold their shape? ›

Too much flour will make your cookies dry and crumbly. Too much sugar and butter can make sugar cookies spread and lose their shape when baked. This one requires a little patience because once you roll out your dough, you are ready to bake. Be patient and bake your cookies when the dough is really cold.

How thick should cut out cookies be? ›

With a lightly floured rolling pin, roll the dough out to about 1/4-inch thickness. Use more flour if the dough seems too sticky.

Is butter or margarine better for cut out cookies? ›

But when you're baking, butter triumphs over margarine every time. For cakes, cookies, and pastries, butter (unsalted, that is) provides richer flavor. (It begins as cream, after all, and margarine is made from vegetable oil.) Butter's high fat content is also what gives baked goods their texture.

Should you refrigerate cut out cookies before baking? ›

Refrigerating the dough allows the flour to fully hydrate and helps to make the cookie dough firmer. Firm dough prevents the cookies from spreading too much, which is why chilling the dough is a crucial step for cut-out and rolled cookies.

How do you keep cut out cookies from spreading while baking? ›

“For the best results, choose a silicone baking mat or parchment paper to line your pan,” Dawn recommends. “Simply greasing your pan — basically adding fat to it — will encourage your cookies to spread.” (Check out our side-by-side test baking to see for yourself.)

What keeps cut out cookies from spreading? ›

To prevent this make sure the baking sheets are always at least on room temperature. Ideally you want to cut your cookies and then chill them with the baking sheet. that way the tray is still cool when it goes in the oven and the cookies have no time to spread before they are baked through.

Why are my cutout cookies puffy? ›

Q: Why are my cookies so puffy and cakey? Whipping too much air into the dough. That fluffy texture you want in a cake results from beating a lot of air into the room temperature butter and sugar, and it does the same for cookies. So don't overdo it when you're creaming together the butter and sugar.

Why are my cut out cookies dry? ›

Chances are you used too much flour. How to not use too much flour (this will cause your cookies to be dry/crumbly/not taste sweet enough: either weigh your flour, or if you're using measuring cups spoon the flour into the cup instead of scooping the flour out of the container with the measuring cup.

How to use store-bought sugar cookie dough for cutouts? ›

Roll dough to 1/4-inch thickness on work surface. Cut out desired shapes using floured 2- to 2 1/2-inch cookie cutter. Place 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheets. Bake 8 to 11 minutes or until edges are light golden brown.

Why are my cut out cookies flat? ›

If you use too much butter, the cookies will end up flat and greasy. And if you use too little flour, the amount of butter and sugar will be proportionally too high, meaning the cookies will spread for the aforementioned reasons.

How long should you chill cookie dough? ›

Anywhere from 24 to 72 hours. The longer you chill the dough, the more flavor will develop. The flour will also absorb more of the moisture so the thicker and chewier the final texture will be.

How long do cutout cookies stay fresh? ›

Now for decorated cookies. If you leave them on the counter, at room temperature, they should be good to go for about two weeks. If you decide to leave them in the fridge, they will last about a week, but keep in mind that it's best to eat them within the first three days.

Should I use parchment paper when baking cookies? ›

From preventing your cookies from sticking to your pan to keeping a tidy workspace for decorating cakes, cookies, and bars, parchment paper works wonders with its versatility. It's the ultimate sidekick for baking, cooking, food prep, storing, tidying up, and indulging your creativity.

How to keep cut out sugar cookies from spreading? ›

To prevent this make sure the baking sheets are always at least on room temperature. Ideally you want to cut your cookies and then chill them with the baking sheet. that way the tray is still cool when it goes in the oven and the cookies have no time to spread before they are baked through.

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