Finsta accounts are on the rise, but what is a Finsta? (2024)

Finsta accounts are on the rise, but what is a Finsta? (1)


Finsta accounts are on the rise, but what is a Finsta?

By Laura Box


By Laura Box



Social media

Published Sep 12, 2019 at 10:30 AM

Reading time: 2 minutes

Social media

Sep 12, 2019

What is a finsta?

In an attempt to reclaim privacy, intimacy, honesty, and humour, ‘finsta’, or fake Instagram, is freeing Instagrammers from public scrutiny and encouraging free, unfiltered sharing with their closest friends.

An ambiguous username, paired with a nondescript photo, private account settings and often less than 100 followers are recurring characteristics of finstas. Usually the secret sister account to users’ main, public accounts, the trend was started among influencers and gen Z with a similar goal in mind: privacy. For influencers, it was a matter of having an account without tens of thousands of people watching and criticising their every move. For gen Z, and increasingly for millennials, the reasons are more nuanced.

Artist, writer, and Slanted House Collective co-founder Ruhi Amin, says her finsta lets her feel a sense of freedom when posting content. “I realised how curated my Instagram was becoming due to the fact that my family and certain other individuals follow me on therealso because now insta is a means via which people find jobs or connect with other like-minded individuals, we don’t necessarily feel complete liberation when posting,” says Amin. “That’s why I made my finsta, so that I felt totally free and at ease when uploading content that is truly me,” she adds, “There’s no hesitation and I upload these images purely for myself, not because I want to appease a specific niche or crowd.” As a result, finstas present a more raw and unedited version of the account holder and posts are more likely to be spur of the moment rather than well thought out, acting as ‘a cathartic digital release’.

For many, finstas also act as a rejection of Instagram’s consumer-focused algorithm, as finsta-owners are less likely to follow influencers and brands. They also reject social media as a form of social capital and validation: images aren’t posted to gain significant likes, and private profiles mean followers can be kept to the bare minimum. The freedom that this provides is particularly enticing for queer people and women of colour, according to Amin.

“I’ve noticed that when it comes to queer people and POC women, or women in general, they voice their opinions a lot more openly on their finstas. Whether this is due to fear of being fought back against in the comments on their regular insta, I don’t know, but there’s a general sense of safety within your own personal finsta,” says Amin.

As the negative impacts of social media on mental health become more acknowledged, from the manipulation of users by capitalising on human need for social connection to the addiction causing mechanisms ingrained in the app (to the extent that Instagram has started trialing hiding likes in certain countries) it is fair to question whether creating a second account and spending more time on networking apps is actually productive.

Finstas, though, appear to have a contrasting effect when compared to their ‘rinsta’ counterparts. Behaviours commonly acknowledged to cause negative mental health impacts on Instagram, such as the constant comparison to other people, the need to present a perfect, curated version of yourself, and the inability to be completely truthful with your followers become obsolete on finsta.

“My Finsta has genuinely helped me express certain emotions I’ve been going through during the past few months,” shares Amin. “I woke up the other morning feeling anxious as hell about a past relationship and my direction in life, so I decided to post a finsta about it and I kid you not, felt 12 times better immediately after. It’s so weird that social media can do that, huh?”

Without the stress of strangers, colleagues, potential employers, exes, and family watching you, a sense of freedom is gained and the former stress that many people feel on Instagram becomes negated.

While some might argue that avoiding Instagram altogether is the best way to get privacy, avoid fear of public backlash, and be the truest version of yourself, it’s not so easy in a world that is increasingly geared towards social media and fostering an online presence. Finsta is a rejection of the most negative parts of the traditional Instagram, allowing expression within the constraints of an inherently flawed platform.

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Finsta accounts are on the rise, but what is a Finsta? (2024)


Finsta accounts are on the rise, but what is a Finsta? ›

A Finsta is essentially a private Instagram account that people create in addition to their main or "real" account. It's typically used as a more personal and casual platform to share photos, thoughts, and moments with only a select group of followers.

What does a finsta account mean? ›

Finsta is a slang term for “fake Insta”, which means a fake Instagram account. People use Finstas to post content that is deemed inappropriate or too private for their main Instagram account.

What is an example of a Finsta? ›

For example, they might post an embarrassing video after getting their wisdom teeth out, an ugly selfie, or a funny meme that they know will make their friends laugh. These might be things they don't want to share with the people that follow their main account, or with the general public.

What is the Finsta feature? ›

'Finsta', slang for 'fake-insta', is typically an alternate Instagram profile that allows users to create an alternate account on the social media smartphone app. This account is usually meant to be a more private, closed space for users to post photos that are otherwise deemed 'uncool' for their primary account.

What is Finsta vs Rinsta? ›

Rinsta accounts are typically public and focus on positive and carefully edited content, aiming to present a curated and desirable self-image . On the other hand, Finsta accounts are often private and used for more off-the-cuff, emotional, and inappropriate content that does not meet the standards of a Rinsta account .

Can you tell if someone has a Finsta? ›

Finstas often have usernames that are not easily recognizable by friends or acquaintances. They also tend to have a much smaller number of followers, usually consisting of close friends or family members. But the biggest difference is usually more personal, less filtered content.

What do girls use finstas for? ›

"I use my finsta to follow bloggers/brands that I care about but don't want to clog up my regular feed with. I want to be sure I see the posts of the people I know in real life, so I keep my normal Insta just for real life friends and a few bands I care a lot about so that I don't miss any posts.

Why would someone create a Finsta? ›

Finstas are commonly created to provide a space for individuals to express themselves more authentically without the pressure of maintaining a curated and public image. By sharing content on a finsta, users aim to foster a sense of closeness, intimacy, and privacy within a selected circle of friends or followers.

Why are Finsta accounts bad? ›

Finstas are an easy breeding ground for cyberbullying. When users see a request from a finsta, there's often no information to identify the account's real owner. The secrecy of finstas give bullies the perfect chance to troll kids without consequences.

Why do people say Finsta? ›

A Finsta is a shortened term for Fake Instagram, which is an Instagram account used by teens and young adults to document more real, candid posts they share with only close friends. Oftentimes, an Instagram account is used to curate a public collage of edited images for upwards of hundreds or thousands of followers.

Why do celebrities have finstas? ›

The purpose of a finsta is to provide a more private and intimate space where users can feel comfortable sharing posts they may not want to be associated with their real name or public account. This can include candid photos, personal thoughts, and content that may not meet the standards of their public Instagram.

What are the cons of Finsta? ›

The cons: The cons that I see with having a finsta or private Twitter is that it's still the internet, this can cause oversharing or crossing the line on what you can share on social media. This can lead to cyberbullying if someone leaks or snitches on your account.

How do I get into Finsta? ›

Go to your profile page > ≡ > Settings > Add Account to make your finsta account. Make sure your username and profile photo don't reveal your identity if you want to keep it secret. Set the finsta account to private so only people you approve can see your content.

Can a guy have a Finsta? ›

Finsta accounts are made by teen girls and guys alike but are heavily dominated by females. Finsta names/handles are typically sexually suggestive and often cleverly weave in the creator's actual name.

Do celebrities have Finsta? ›

Maybe one of the most iconic and hilarious finstas in the celebrity sphere belongs to Lorde, and she uses it to review onion rings. @onionringsworldwide is Lorde's not-so-secret Instagram account dedicated to sourcing and reviewing the perfect onion ring.

What does Finsta mean in Urban Dictionary? ›

According to Urban Dictionary, a Finsta is, “a fake Intsagram account, so one can post ratchet pictures without persecution from sororities...

Why do people create Finsta? ›

A Finsta serves as a private space for users to share content with a close circle of friends, away from the pressures of a public profile. It allows for more authentic and unfiltered content and can also be used for personal expression and mental health support.

Is Finsta good or bad? ›

Finstas are an easy breeding ground for cyberbullying. When users see a request from a finsta, there's often no information to identify the account's real owner. The secrecy of finstas give bullies the perfect chance to troll kids without consequences.

What are the benefits of having a Finsta? ›

A finsta is a great place to post everything that doesn't fit with your carefully curated Instagram's regular programming; and can be made up of anything from embarrassing photos of your friends to all of the selfies that didn't quite make it to your public 'gram.

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.