Gingery Fried Rice With Bok Choy, Mushrooms and Basil Recipe (2024)



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I know this says it serves 4-6 but that’s, like, a guideline right? If I eat all of it that’s cool right?

Clark Taylor

I've read the list of ingredients 3 times and cannot find 'tofu' mentioned.

Lorraine Fina Stevenski

I like Basmati for this recipe, less starchy. And here's a flavor booster I use instead of canola oil when I sir fry: To 1/2 cup unsalted softened butter, add zest and juice of one lemon, and 4 cloves of pressed fresh garlic. This compound butter makes the flavors brighten. Measure what you need for the recipe and keep the rest in the refrigerator for your next stir fry.


Without having made this particular recipe, I’d suggest marinating the firm tofu in these flavors, baking it separately then adding it at the end.

Bill B

After looking at the recipe, I saw that I had all the ingredients needed to make a half portion, including two day old brown rice. Took a bit longer than specified to crisp the brown rice. I added chopped setian while frying the rice for protein. The end result was great! Proportions are not critical, I put in more bok choy because that's what I had. A touch of acid (rice vinegar, but lemon juice would probably work) brightened it up at the end.


I’m going to swap tofu for egg scrambled into the rice. Quick. Easy. Delicious.


I wish they'd include prep time in the cooking time, especially when they are aware of it "Get everything chopped and prepped before you pick up the pan, and dinner can be ready in 20." Dinner will not be ready in twenty when you have a half hour of chopping to do!


I would stir-fry the tofu first, remove it and then add toward the end to reheat it. This works well for me in many stir-fry recipes.


Clark Taylor - You're not going crazy. Tofu was mentioned in the intro as a "great way to use up spare tofu".


add fried egg on top.

Mare Bear

Clark Taylor, tofu is mentioned in the first sentence intro to the recipe because it's the kind of recipe that you toss in whatever is left over in your fridge – including tofu.


This was so so good! I used extra basil because mine was going wilty and needed to go and I was NOT sad about it. Also substituted snow peas for frozen peas.


I've never cooked with bok choy before and loved it. Added a fried egg, a little bacon I had in the refrigerator and some chopped peanuts on top. Truly delicious.

Angelica R

This is my favorite stir fry recipe of all time! I did cut the oil and rice amounts in half and doubled the ginger. I’ve made this a few times now and have started playing with varying vegetables including purple cabbage, broccoli, and bell peppers. This recipe is super versatile and comes together quickly!


This was amazing, tasted like perfect takeout, but I knew what was in it. I may go a bit lighter on the oil next time as it was more than I'd normally cook with (maybe why it tasted so good...) It seemed like too many mushrooms at the start, but they cook down so much. Definitely worth scrambling an egg into the rice once it's dressed in soy/sesame oil - YUM!

Cynthia D.

I made this for dinner with the miso glazed salmon and it was very good. My family loved it. I made the recipe as written and it served 4.


Added soft tofu that I scrambled with some crisly chili oil before doing the rice. Very good, but will bump up the ginger and the spice level next time. It's a perfect base recipe for egg-free fried rice.


I used regular bok choy. Bigger leaf.


I don’t recommend using brown rice


Doubled the veggies, added half again as much sesame oil and soy sauce, and scrambled in 4 eggs. Big hit with the family.


- swapped jalapeno for 2 seeded Thai chilis that gave it just enough bite, and I prefer the aromatics of Thai chilis.- used pre-boiled (in chicken broth) chicken tenders for the protein.-didn't have pre-cooked rice, so I prepped 1.5 cups of jasmine with less than full amount of water, then, once cooked, spread the rice out on a large plate for an hour.


made with a leek and 1/2 cabbage 1/2 bok choy and turned out great!


Loved this dish. I used coconut oil instead of canola oil. Doubled the ginger. I included the sliced jalapeño. I added 2 scrambled eggs last 2 minutes when the rice was toasting. The basil was really a great addition! I scarfed down 2 bowls - think it made enough for 6 - 8. Definitely will make again.

John Anderson

ok.. a bit bland. seems to be missing some sort of "pep" even with a jalapeno. Good lunch food the next day, but rather dull for dinner


I used leftover rice from a Chinese restaurant. Dish was good, very attractive, filling, and tasty, but needed a little oomph. Next time will add onions and sweet pepper and maybe dried mushrooms.


Vis a vis seasonings, this is the best fried rice recipe I've made. There is a lot of chopping. I read elsewhere to always add a tablespoon or two of butter in the end to give fried rice the feel of restaurant fried rice and I did that here. I'd say any leftover protein works (pork, chicken, seafood). I sure wouldn't specifically cook a protein for this dish. It is, as another commented, the perfect "use leftovers" dish.


Used the jalapeño and it was perfect. Didn’t use basil but would next time.


After the first time I made this, it was in high demand. Tonight I tried it with leftover farro I had in the fridge and vegetables on hand (cauliflower, broccolini, mushrooms and carrots). Quite respectable results and added protein for those considering protein options.👍🏻


I do not understand why the NYT Cooking recipes always call for way too much oil. Cut the amount in half!


Since it’s a stir-fry, I made this with peanut oil rather than canola. I used asparagus in place of bok choy since that’s what I had in the fridge. Finally, I cooked egg into the mixture because we like our fried rice with egg. I felt it could have used a little more flavor. Will maybe add Thai fish sauce next time à la Nipa Kitpanichvises’ Thai-style fried rice (New York Cookbook by Molly O’Neill).

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Gingery Fried Rice With Bok Choy, Mushrooms and Basil Recipe (2024)


What is the secret of Chinese fried rice? ›

Always use leftover rice for this recipe

Rice is too soft when first cooked,” says Chang. “Fresh steamed rice is great for eating right away but fried rice [tastes] time to dry out, overnight rice is best.” If possible, try and spread it out on a plate or tray in the fridge to let the grains dry.

What gives Chinese fried rice its Flavour? ›

To give your dish that signature fried rice taste, you'll need to drizzle in sesame oil and soy sauce, but feel free to use as much or as little as you wish. You can even mix in things like garlic powder, ginger root, or Sriracha sauce and chili pepper for a bit of a kick.

What gives Chinese fried rice its color? ›

Dark mushroom soy sauce is what gives this fried rice its rich brown/caramel colour. This soy sauce doesn't add much to the saltiness but is used to give dishes that nice caramel brown colour. Dark mushroom soy sauce also adds a hint of umami to a dish, but not much saltiness.

Why does Chinese restaurant fried rice taste so good? ›

The answer: high heat, expert tosses, and something known as 'wok hei. ' As J. Kenji López-Alt writes for Serious Eats, expert cooking with a wok (and the gas range it requires) is one of the main reasons that fried rice from a Chinese restaurant tastes so much better than what you can make at home.

What is the difference between fried rice and Chinese fried rice? ›

The usage of rice

But in Chinese rice, it is suggested to use leftover cooked rice to avoid the rice from being sticky. In Fried Rice, most quick-service restaurants (QSRs) use long-grain white rice like Basmati, whereas Jasmine Rice is used in Chinese Rice.

What is the flavor enhancer in fried rice? ›

Choosing the right seasonings and sauces for your fried rice is important. The key sauces to add are soy sauce, oyster sauce, and fish sauce in fried rice. All three add unique flavors to the rice, but it can be easy to go overboard. Make sure you add small amounts of each and regularly taste your rice.

How do Chinese restaurants get their fried rice yellow? ›

Yellow Fried Rice is specifically from the U.S. and is not authentic Chinese fried rice. The yellow color comes from food coloring that is added which is optional.

What are the black dots in fried rice? ›

It's filled with little black specks. Odds are, those are rice weevils, a pest that's common to cupboards and pantries everywhere. There are nearly 100,000 types of weevils, and they can be anywhere from 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch long. But all you care about is keeping them out of your food.

Do Chinese restaurants put MSG in fried rice? ›

Some restaurants add MSG to a number of popular dishes, including fried rice. MSG is also used by franchises like Kentucky Fried Chicken and Chick-fil-A to enhance the flavor of foods.

What bacteria is in Chinese fried rice? ›

“Fried rice syndrome” refers to food poisoning from a bacterium called Bacillus cereus, which becomes a risk when cooked food is left at room temperature for too long.

Should I soak bok choy before cooking? ›

The simplest way to prep bok choy is to cut it in half lengthwise and submerge it in cold water for a few minutes. This will soften the dirt and allow you to remove it easily. Drain the water, check for dirt between the stalks, and run each half of bok choy under cold water.

Are you supposed to eat the stems of bok choy? ›

Traditional bok choy has dark, crinkly leaves and crisp, white stems; Shanghai bok choy has spoon-shaped leaves and jade green stems. The cool thing is that both the leaves and the stalks can be eaten, and this wonderful little plant is an excellent go-to for fiber, as well as for beta-carotene and vitamins C, K and A.

Should I chop bok choy for stir fry? ›

Prepare/Wash your Bok Choy

If using smaller bok choy, cut them into halves lengthwise. Any pieces that look a bit too big can be cut into quarters. This will make them easier to eat and help loosen sand and dirt during washing. If using medium or large bok choy, separate the bulbs into individual stems.

What makes Chinese fried rice different? ›

In Fried Rice, most quick-service restaurants (QSRs) use long-grain white rice like Basmati, whereas Jasmine Rice is used in Chinese Rice.

What are some interesting facts about Chinese fried rice? ›

Fried rice originated in Yangzhou in the eastern Jiangsu province of China and was a favorite of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty. During that period, peasants also took to the dish as a way of avoiding food waste and using leftovers amid economic inequality.

How does fried rice differ throughout China? ›

Chinese Variations: In China itself, there are numerous regional styles of fried rice. For instance, Yangzhou fried rice from Jiangsu province is famous for its generous use of ingredients like shrimp, peas, and eggs, offering a colorful and flavorful dish.

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