How to Give Space to a Man So He Pursues You (2024)

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Men love the thrill of the chase, but how do you get him to settle down with you without getting bored?

If you’re looking up “How to give a man space to chase you,” then you’re probably hitting a wall in your love life.

Your boyfriend may have told you that he needs space, and you’re wondering why. You may feel like you’re always the one chasing the guy you like, and you want to turn the table.

There are many reasons why you should let him pursue you for a change. Whether you are trying to get your crush to notice you or getting your boyfriend to play this fun and flirty game of giving a man space to pursue, it may be the answer you were looking for.

What are the tricks for how to give a guy space? And how long should you give someone space so that they don’t lose interest? Keep reading for all the tips and tricks.

Does giving a man space work?

Does giving a man space work? Absolutely!

How long should I give him space? This is a question you might be asking while you’re deep in the throes of giving a man space to pursue you. After all, you want him to fall for you, not lose interest.

Give him just enough space to wish you were around and remember why he wants you in his life.

You’ll know it’s working if your crush or boyfriend starts reaching out more often and seems excited and eager to spend time with you.

Related Reading:11 Ways to Have Quality Time With Your Partner

What does it mean to give him space so he pursues you?

When you first met your guy, there was probably an instant connection. You had a chemistry that was like fireworks! Then, just as you start developing something real together, your guy loses interest.

This is when it’s time to give him space to think about what he’s missing. Giving a man space to pursue you is otherwise known as ‘playing someone hot and cold.’ One minute you’re flirting with him, and the next, you’re acting like you’re too busy to give him any time.

You’re making him think you like him and then doing something that shows the opposite, like taking days to respond to his texts.

How long should I give him space? That depends on what kind of guy he is and how big of a wake-up call he needs. Some women only need to play the game for a week before he comes around, while others spend up to a month to give him space to fall in love.

Signs a man is pursuing you

Knowing if a man is pursuing you will help you learn how and when to give a guy space to make sure his flame is still burning hot for you.

Here are some of the telltale signs that he’s into you:

  • He maintains eye contact
  • He looks for reasons to make contact, such as brushing his hand against yours as you walk or moving hair out of your face
  • He smiles when you smile
  • He makes plans with you regularly
  • You connect on an emotional level
  • He checks you out
  • He has a sweet nickname for you
  • He’s invited you to meet his family/closest friends
  • He compliments you
  • He dresses up for you
  • He’s active on your social media

These are all pretty good indications that a guy is trying to pursue a relationship with you.

However, once the thrill of the chase has ended, men can sometimes lose interest. That’s why giving him space to figure out what he wants is such a genius idea.

Related Reading:20 Signs of a Married Man in Love With Another Woman

10 Do’s and don’ts to give a man space, so he pursues you

How to Give Space to a Man So He Pursues You (3)

When you let him pursue you, you’re building the man of your dreams. One who reaches out first reassures you when you’re feeling insecure and is wild about spending time with you.

But how long should you give someone space? How do you give a guy space when all you want to do is tell him how much you care?

Keep reading for the do’s and don’ts about how to give a man space to chase you

1. Do: Understand why you’re doing this

How long should I give him space before I let him know I’m still crazy about him?

It’s understandable that you may worry that when you give him space to figure things out, you open yourself to the possibility of realizing he doesn’t want to be with you anymore. This is a valid concern, so i important to understand why you’re doing this and how to give a man space to chase you.

Whenever you feel tempted to overwhelm him with love and affection when he’s asked for space, remind yourself that this will either:

  • Remind him how crazy he is for you, or
  • Weed out somebody who isn’t worth your time

Viewing things with this mindset can make you feel more comfortable with the possibility that space will end the connection for good.

2. Don’t: Text him all the time

We live for texting in relationships.

Whether you’re pouring your heart out through text or giving a casual but sweet three-heart-emoji response, texting can help you convey how much you care. That’s why you must cut back on texting if you’re giving a man space to pursue you.

Texting is fun and flirty, but it’s also way too easy to brush someone off.

Have you ever sent a heartfelt message only to get a smiley face back from your guy?

Backing off from texting and making your guy work for that emotional intimacy means you give a man space to fall in love.

Also Try:Should I Text Him Quiz

3. Do: Continue being your awesome self

By which we mean, you don’t want him to think you don’t like him, so when he does finally reach out, be likable and charming. Flirt a little and let him know you’re still excited to talk to him.

Giving someone space to miss you is magic, but you never want to go so far that he starts to think you’re angry with him or that you’re a cruel person.

Watch this video to learn how to be happy all the time:
How to Give Space to a Man So He Pursues You (4)

4. Don’t: Chase after him

Giving a man space to pursue you means you need to leave him alone for a while. You should be the one being chased, not the one chasing him around. Let him pursue you!

By letting him know you won’t come running, you’re giving him space to figure out what he wants from you.

5. Do: Ghost for a Day

If you’re stressing out over wondering, “How long should I give him space?” or “How much space should I give him?” It may be best to start small.

Ghost your man for one day or give it the weekend and see how it goes. Don’t prioritize his texts or calls as this is an excellent tip for giving a man space to pursue you.

You can take it a step further by posting a fun photo on Instagram to let him see that you’re cool being on your own (or with your friends) when he asks for space.

Related Reading:What Is Ghosting

6. Don’t: Be mean about it

Giving someone space to miss you is not an excuse to be mean or cruel.

There is a difference between playing a flirty game and completely disrespecting someone’s mental health.

That’s why it’s so important to learn how to give him space/how long you should give someone space.

If things aren’t working after a week of trying, it may be time to cut your losses and prevent yourself from developing a reputation as a manipulator.

7. Do: Keep him wanting more

How to Give Space to a Man So He Pursues You (5)

How long should I give him space? As long as it takes for him to want more and more.

Have you ever watched a great television show that proceeded to drag on for 10 more seasons and lose its magic? This is the exact opposite of what you want to happen with your crush.

Give him some space to let him pursue you, and you won’t have to worry about that spark burning out.

Related Reading:Why Does Ignoring a Guy Make Him Want You More?

8. Don’t: Become obsessive

One tip for giving a man space to pursue you is not to become obsessive about your mission.

You want him to like you and want to be giving him space to figure out what he wants. It’s important to you – but try not to think about it 24/7.

The biggest tip for how to give a guy space is to be genuine about it. Instead of viewing it as a game, go out and live your life. Connect with friends, be independent, show him that you love spending time with him, but you’re just as happy to be on your own if he isn’t interested.

Also Try:Do You Have an Obsessive Love Disorder?

9. Do: Find ways to connect with him

Is there a tip for how to give a man space but still show you care? Of course, there is!

Giving him space to figure out what he wants doesn’t mean you cannot talk to him.

10. Don’t: Be disappointed if it doesn’t work

Giving a man space to pursue you isn’t a sure-fire thing. You plan to give a man space to fall in love, but he may end up deciding he isn’t interested in waiting around for you to show him you care.

Be careful when giving someone space to miss you. It doesn’t always work and may result in a lost boyfriend and a bad reputation as a ghost.

Also Try:Is He Losing Interest In You Quiz


Learning how to give someone space is an art.

Whether you’re giving a man space to pursue you or giving him space to figure out what he wants, learning “how much space should I give him?” is key.

Giving someone space to miss you will help them develop an appreciation for you. They’ll realize what they have and work hard to keep the relationship healthy.

How long should I give him space? Do what feels right, but don’t drag it out for months and months. Give a man space to fall in love by playing him hot and cold, but don’t get co*cky and toy with his feelings, or he may lose interest altogether.

How to Give Space to a Man So He Pursues You (2024)


How to Give Space to a Man So He Pursues You? ›

In many cases, giving your partner space will benefit your personal growth as well. Though creating space may feel challenging initially, space can be beneficial because it promotes independence and self-sufficiency.

How to give space without losing him? ›

Here's how to give someone space without losing them:
  1. Ask how much time they need. ...
  2. Find out what “space” looks like. ...
  3. Don't ask for an explanation. ...
  4. Thank them for communicating their needs. ...
  5. Honor their request. ...
  6. Encourage them to do their favorite things. ...
  7. Avoid constant texting. ...
  8. Do your own thing.
Jun 23, 2022

Does giving space to a man really work? ›

In many cases, giving your partner space will benefit your personal growth as well. Though creating space may feel challenging initially, space can be beneficial because it promotes independence and self-sufficiency.

How do you make a man want you more than anything? ›

How to make him want you more: 8 tips to make him crave for you!
  1. Call him by cute names often:
  2. Keep him guessing:
  3. Touch him unexpectedly:
  4. Small changes do make a big difference:
  5. Compliment him often:
  6. Take him down the memory lane:
  7. Give him ample space:
  8. Smell good at all times:
Dec 13, 2016

How to tell a man you're giving him space? ›

To give a guy his space, start by having an open and honest conversation about the need for it. Respect his boundaries and interests. Encourage him to pursue his hobbies, spend time with friends, or engage in solo activities. Trust is key; avoid excessive checking or intruding into his personal space during this time.

How to give him space to chase you? ›

10 Do's and don'ts to give a man space, so he pursues you
  1. Do: Understand why you're doing this. ...
  2. Don't: Text him all the time. ...
  3. Do: Continue being your awesome self. ...
  4. Don't: Chase after him. ...
  5. Do: Ghost for a Day. ...
  6. Don't: Be mean about it. ...
  7. Do: Keep him wanting more. ...
  8. Don't: Become obsessive.
Dec 3, 2023

How to give him space when he pulls away? ›

Give him space to breathe and collect his thoughts.

Cut back on texts and calls, and resolve not to meet up with him in person for a while. Space is especially important if he pulls away early in the relationship when you haven't been dating long.

How to make him miss you? ›

10 proven ways to make a guy miss you
  1. Make him wait before replying his texts. ...
  2. Add some mystery to your experiences together. ...
  3. Have adventures with him (and your friends) ...
  4. Show a bit of interest in someone (or something) else. ...
  5. Give yourself a makeover. ...
  6. Leave him wanting more.
Jan 18, 2018

How many days should you give a guy space? ›

How long should space in a relationship last? Ultimately, this depends on what you and your partner decide is best for your relationship. “Space can be from a couple of hours to a couple of days or weeks,” says Ruiz, though he generally doesn't recommend his clients take longer than 3 to 4 weeks.

How to make him chase you? ›

9 Ways To Get A Guy To Chase You
  1. Stop chasing him: In order to get him to chase you in a relationship, you must first stop pursuing him. ...
  2. Make him recognize your worth: ...
  3. Be unavailable: ...
  4. Think outside the box: ...
  5. Spend less time: ...
  6. Make him jealous: ...
  7. Increase the mystery: ...
  8. Strive to be a strong woman:
Dec 1, 2021

How to make him want you in psychology? ›

Making a guy crazy about you involves a blend of psychological techniques such as asking for favors (Ben Franklin Effect), complimenting him selectively, extending eye contact, using his name, mirroring his actions, and maintaining an independent life.

What makes a man wants you more? ›

If you want a guy to notice you, work on cultivating the right personality. People in general tend to be attracted to those who are confident, kind, and independent. Put a little extra effort into your looks. Wear flattering outfits that show off your best features.

How do you increase a man's interest for you? ›

Build him up by giving him compliments that make him feel good about himself, or let him be chivalrous by holding the door open for you. When you boost his ego, he'll want to spend more time around you. Keep flirting with him. Flirting doesn't have to stop just because you start dating.

How to give him space without ignoring him? ›

How to give him space in the best way possible
  1. Give him space, literally. If he's asked you for space, do it. ...
  2. Don't act angry or resentful. ...
  3. Put your phone away. ...
  4. There's no excuse to talk to him. ...
  5. No chasing! ...
  6. Take a little chill break from social media. ...
  7. Take this time to focus on you. ...
  8. Keep yourself busy.

Does giving a man space work? ›

You may believe that a relationship cannot be “true love” unless you and your partner want to spend every moment together, but this is not true. Giving your relationship space can be a healthy way to recharge, and spending time apart can give your relationship a chance to grow and develop.

What is the give him 3 days rule? ›

Take time apart. Once you've decided to give him 3 days (and you've both agreed on it), take time apart from each other. This means avoiding any form of communication, including texting, calling, or social media. Give each other space to cool off, recollect your emotions, and reflect on the argument.

How long should you give a guy space for? ›

How long should space in a relationship last? Ultimately, this depends on what you and your partner decide is best for your relationship. “Space can be from a couple of hours to a couple of days or weeks,” says Ruiz, though he generally doesn't recommend his clients take longer than 3 to 4 weeks.

What is the 3 day rule after an argument? ›

What is the 3-day rule after a fight? If you follow the three-day rule, you believe in taking some time apart after a heated argument in order to cool down and heal. This prevents couples from saying something in the heat of the moment that they might regret later on.

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.