How to Make a Guy Fall in Love With You Over Text Messages: 13 Ways (2024)

How to Make a Guy Fall in Love With You Over Text Messages: 13 Ways (1)

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In this digital age, phones have entered every sphere of our lives, and are any of us really surprised that a guy can fall in love through texting?

But it’s not as easy as it sounds – texting, like all other forms of communication, is something that you learn and get better at. If you’re wondering, “How to make a guy fall in love with you over text messages?” you’ve come to the right spot.

Here, we’ll take a look at the pros and cons of texting, how many people have actually managed to fall in love by texting, and ways to make him crave you over text.

Can a man fall in love over text?

There are barely any movies, books, or TV shows where we see two people fall in love through texting.

As a society, we take a lot of our cues from the media we consume, and because we’ve never seen anything like this, it can be hard to believe that there are different ways to text to make him fall in love with you.

A lot of studies have shown that texting is a great way to start a romance, especially because of how convenient it is and that it doesn’t make the people involved feel the ‌awkwardness that comes with meeting in person.

So, yes, it is possible for a man to fall in love over text. Love and emotional connections can develop through various forms of communication, including text messages.

However, it is essential to note that while initial feelings can form through texting, deeper emotional connections often require face-to-face interactions and spending time together to develop fully. So, this leads us to the question: how to get a boy to like you over text? Keep reading!

What to text a guy to make him want you

When trying to get a guy interested in you, it’s important to remember that genuine connection and compatibility are essential. Still, you can take things slowly by using text messages and figure out things guys love to hear over text.

So, what are some specific examples of texts I can send to make a guy fall in love with me? Or what to text a man you like? Here are five examples of texts that can create attraction and pique his interest:

  • “I just had the best time with you. Can’t stop thinking about it.”
  • “Remember that thing we talked about? I came across something that reminded me of it, and it made me smile.”
  • “I love how supportive and motivated you are. It’s incredibly attractive.”
  • “I have tickets to a concert next month. Would love to have you join me if you’re interested.”
  • “I’m trying out a new recipe tonight, and I have a feeling you’d enjoy it. Care to come over for dinner?”

Remember, being yourself and genuinely interested in getting to know him is essential. These examples are just starting points, and maintaining open and engaging communication is crucial for building a deeper connection.

How to Make a Guy Fall in Love With You Over Text Messages: 13 Ways (3)

The benefits of using text messages to make him develop feelings of love for you

So, now you know how to text a man you like. However, there are some benefits to text messaging when it comes to making him fall in love.

There are a lot of advantages that texting provides, which is why it’s not too hard to figure out how to make a guy fall in love with you over text messages.

1. Personality takes precedence

When you’re texting someone, it’s unlikely that they’re judging you based on what you look like. For people who are not confident about their physical appearance, it’s easy to find out how to make a guy catch feelings through text without being too self-conscious.

According to Psychologist Mert Şeker

Physical appearance is important, of course, but personality plays a bigger role in long-term and meaningful relationships. Personality forms the foundation of relationships and is the key to a deep connection. A good personality allows people to trust each other, make spending time together enjoyable, and solve problems maturely.

2. Easier to gauge interest

Texting provides one with clues on how the other person feels about them. The frequency of texts and the content of texts can give an idea about how interested he is in you.

There are also many signs of falling in love through text that you can look out for, which will help you make decisions about where you want to take the relationship.

3. A huge advantage to introverts

Texting levels the playing field for those who are more introverted or socially anxious. If you get too shy or nervous in front of people, then texting can be a way for you to get comfortable with a person before actually meeting them.

Psychologist Şeker noticed that-

From an academic perspective, we can express the advantages of introverted individuals’ efforts to establish relationships through written communication. Written communication allows introverts to convey emotional expressions in a more considered and controlled way. Also, texting helps introverts improve communication skills by eliminating time and space limitations.

By using different ways to get a guy to want you through text, you can be assured of his interest before meeting him, making you feel more at ease and self-confident.

If you feel like you’re not good at talking out your feelings, texting is a great way to express yourself freely and really show him your real personality.

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13 ways to make a guy fall in love with you over text messages

Building a genuine connection with someone involves more than just using specific text messages, and it’s crucial to approach relationships authentically. So, do you want to know how to get a guy to want you through text?

Below are 13 tips that may help you create a deeper connection and make a guy develop feelings for you over text. Check out these tips on how to make a guy fall in love with you over text messages:

How to Make a Guy Fall in Love With You Over Text Messages: 13 Ways (4)

1. Express freely

Unlike what people normally believe, guys love it when girls show off their personalities and act freely. Texting is a great way to show yourself off since there are no inhibitions- the awkwardness or self-consciousness that comes with meeting in person is gone, so you can feel more confident.

Expressing yourself is the best way to make him fall for you over text because if he does end up loving you, you’ll know it was all because of who you are at heart.

Being vulnerable and texting the way you talk (using similar slang or words that you would in real life) are great ways to be yourself while texting.

2. Give him flexibility

Nobody likes an attention-seeker. Give him time and space to respond to your messages, especially when you first start texting each other. Being flexible in your expectations of him can make him feel more at ease because he doesn’t feel like he needs to live up to them.

Giving him flexibility can also give him time to think about how he feels about you. If you find that his response has gotten quicker and he’s spending more and more time talking to you, it’s one of many signs of falling in love through text messages.

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3. Avoid drunk texting

Texting while drunk can set up several obstacles for your texting relationship: you might communicate your feelings unclearly, you could end up saying something you didn’t intend to say, or drunk texters might just be a turnoff for the guy.

According to Psychologist Mert-

Written communication while under the influence of alcohol can reduce the quality of communication and have adverse effects on relationships. Messages written under the influence of alcohol can lead to confusion and misunderstandings because they are written without thought and control.

As much as possible, especially if you don’t know each other well, try to avoid drunk-texting as much as possible. When it comes to messages to make him fall in love, make sure your feelings are genuine.

However, if you already have an established relationship, then he might find it flattering that you were thinking about him even when you’re drunk, and it’s a risky way to understand how to make a guy obsessed with you over text.

How to Make a Guy Fall in Love With You Over Text Messages: 13 Ways (5)

4. Have conversation pieces ready

When you’re texting, it’s easy to run out of topics. To keep the conversation going, make sure you always have a list of things you want to talk about.

Some exciting topics could be about what you’re planning to do the coming weekend, what you did all day, or anything funny that has happened lately.

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5. Ask questions

When your barrel of topics runs low, remember that one of the best ways to know how to make a guy fall in love with you over text messages is to ask him questions.

The reason this always works is because people love talking about themselves. By asking them a question, you’re giving him an opportunity to talk about his life and feelings.

In fact, psychologists claim that if you lack the ability to ask your partner questions, it could spell impending doom for your relationship.

A significant reason for this is that asking questions and receiving answers builds trust or connection- without this, being in a relationship feels like nothing more than a simple coexistence.

6. Take advantage of memes

An advantage of texting is the never-ending source of humor and light-heartedness you have access to. That’s right. Memes are your best friends, especially when there’s a lull in the conversation. All men love someone who has a good sense of humor.

The best secret words to make him fall in love with you are not words at all – a good, funny, and topical meme can make his day and grow his affection for you. And you both get a good laugh out of it.

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7. Don’t hold back on flirting

Flirting over text is both low stakes and can be very enjoyable for both parties involved. Research shows that flirting works way better than just looking good and is how to get into a guy’s head over text.

Psychologist Mert Şeker suggests-

Flirty messages have the potential to maintain the freshness of the romantic relationship. For example, sweet compliments or gestures can make the partner feel special and maintain the vitality of the relationship. Also, it can contribute to strengthening the emotional bond and increase play and excitement in communication.

There are different ways you can flirt- being cute, sassy, teasing, or if you’re feeling especially confident, sending him some suggestive pictures can get you real quick from just friends to more than friends.

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8. Show all sides of you

A drawback of texting is that it can be hard to really show all of your sides, especially the more affectionate ones. But just because it’s hard doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

Try to send affectionate messages, like replying with “Here’s a virtual hug!” when he shares something vulnerable with you or gives you compliments.

How to Make a Guy Fall in Love With You Over Text Messages: 13 Ways (6)

9. Don’t spam or rant for hours

One thing everyone (not just guys hate) is when someone spends hours ranting over text. This makes them feel like it’s not a two-way conversation, and they may start to disengage from you.

A good way to learn how to get closer to someone over texts is to ask questions, have a conversation where they can contribute, and make them feel heard.

10. Be considerate

Social media or just texting are all virtual spaces that are increasingly becoming hubs of stress and anxiety. Being considerate of his privacy, avoiding taking screenshots of what he says, and making fun of him publicly online are all things to avoid and a way to be considerate online.

Psychologist Mert Şeker says-

Constant texting and harassing the other party can have potentially harmful consequences in a relationship. For example, when a person constantly sends messages to their partner, they may be perceived as intruding on their personal space. This behavior can create an imbalance in the relationship and trigger insecurity.

It can deepen his trust in you, and reassuring messages that everything he says will not be repeated is how to melt his heart over text.

However, when you think you’re getting signs that he’s not into you, leaving him alone and not texting him constantly can also give him time to understand how he feels about you.

11. Be supportive and encouraging

A great way to make a guy fall in love with you over text is by being supportive and encouraging. Show genuine interest in his goals, dreams, and achievements.

Offer words of encouragement when he faces challenges, and celebrate his successes with enthusiasm. Being a positive force in his life can create a strong emotional connection and make him feel appreciated and valued.

12. Share your passions

Take the opportunity to share your interests and passions through text messages.

Whether discussing a hobby, a favorite book, or a personal goal, sharing these aspects of your life helps him understand you better and nurtures a deeper connection. Finding common interests can also strengthen your bond and give you more to talk about.

Watch this video where Dr Antonio Borrello, a psychologist and relationship coach, explains how a guy texts when he really likes you:

How to Make a Guy Fall in Love With You Over Text Messages: 13 Ways (7)

13. Use emojis and GIFs

Emojis and GIFs can add a playful and expressive element to your text conversations. They convey emotions that words alone might struggle to express.

Sending a cute emoji or a funny GIF can lighten the mood, create inside jokes, and make your conversations more enjoyable. Just ensure not to overdo it; moderation is key to maintaining a balance between fun and meaningful communication.

How to Make a Guy Fall in Love With You Over Text Messages: 13 Ways (8)


Communication plays a crucial role in building connections, especially in today’s digital age. However, understanding the dynamics of texting and its impact on relationships can be challenging. In this section, we address common concerns and provide concise answers to help you navigate texting in matters of the heart.

  • How often should I text a guy to make him fall in love with me?

There is no magic number for how often you should text someone to make them fall in love with you. Instead of focusing on frequency, prioritize quality over quantity. Engage in meaningful conversations, show genuine interest, and allow the relationship to develop naturally.

  • What if he doesn’t text me back right away?

Remember that people have various priorities and commitments. If he doesn’t reply immediately, avoid jumping to conclusions. Give him some time and space. Communicate your concerns calmly and openly to maintain healthy communication if it becomes a recurring issue.

  • What if he stops texting me altogether?

If he suddenly stops texting you, it could be due to various reasons. It’s essential not to jump to conclusions or panic. Give it some time, and if the trend continues, consider initiating an open and honest conversation to address the situation. Respect his decision and communicate your needs.

  • How can I tell if a guy is falling in love with me over text?

Texting can sometimes mask genuine emotions, but there are signs to look for. Watch for consistent and thoughtful replies, the use of affectionate language, and him showing genuine concern for your well-being. These indicators, along with open communication, can help assess if he is developing deeper feelings for you.

Key takeaway

While texting can be hard at first, you’ll soon figure out how to make a guy fall in love with you over text messages using your own self-developed strategies.

A lot of people have met their true loves online, and a lot of relationships started out by texting. So, don’t lose hope and use the above tips to make him fall in love through text messages!

How to Make a Guy Fall in Love With You Over Text Messages: 13 Ways (2024)


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Typos and incorrect grammar are the biggest turn-offs for single women and men, according to a survey.

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54 Romantic flirty Text Messages That Will Make Him Want You So Badly
  1. You fill me up physically.
  2. You are a fantastic guy that's why I love you a lot.
  3. I wish I could see you every day.
  4. When I am sad your smile brings me back.
  5. Loving you is one of the best things that has ever happened to me.
Feb 1, 2023

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Here's How to *Actually* Get Your Crush to Like You Back
  1. Put yourself out there. ...
  2. Make subtle gestures. ...
  3. Spend time with them — but don't go overboard. ...
  4. Listen. ...
  5. Find out what your crush is passionate about. ...
  6. Make eye contact. ...
  7. Don't play mind games. ...
  8. Be yourself.
Dec 12, 2022

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Typos and incorrect grammar are the biggest turn-offs for single women and men, according to a survey.

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12 Ways to Make Him Miss You Like Crazy over Text (with Examples)
  1. 1 Give him a sweet compliment.
  2. 2 Thank him for something he's done.
  3. 3 Send him a flirty text.
  4. 4 Ask for his advice.
  5. 5 Remind him of your memories together.
  6. 6 Mention how much you miss him.
  7. 7 Share a cute pic.
  8. 8 Set up a time to get together.

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Tips for holding a guy's interest through text
  1. Use an upbeat tone. ...
  2. Keep it simple to start the conversation. ...
  3. Give him a reason to respond. ...
  4. Talk about common interests. ...
  5. Ask fun, open-ended questions. ...
  6. Make him feel special. ...
  7. Send photos to show your day. ...
  8. Use sentences instead of abbreviations.
Apr 11, 2024

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10 proven ways to make a guy miss you
  1. Deliberately leave things behind. ...
  2. Give him some personal space. ...
  3. Make him wait before replying his texts. ...
  4. Take things slow. ...
  5. Wear a unique perfume. ...
  6. Add some mystery to your experiences together. ...
  7. Have adventures with him (and your friends)
Jan 18, 2018

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9 Ways To Get A Guy To Chase You
  1. Stop chasing him: In order to get him to chase you in a relationship, you must first stop pursuing him. ...
  2. Make him recognize your worth: ...
  3. Be unavailable: ...
  4. Think outside the box: ...
  5. Spend less time: ...
  6. Make him jealous: ...
  7. Increase the mystery: ...
  8. Strive to be a strong woman:
Dec 1, 2021

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Best Ways to Send a Kiss Through Text

Send a kiss emoji (💋) or emoticon (:-*) for a quick and easy kiss, or personalize the text with a Bitmoji or a kissing selfie.

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The Compliment Text

Here are a couple of such examples of these texts that will make him chase you: "I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your sense of humor." You always manage to make me laugh." "That was such a thoughtful gesture you made yesterday. It really meant a lot to me."

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Be open and honest with each other.
  1. If you don't prioritize him or you constantly cancel plans, he'll be much less likely to admit that he likes you. Show him that you like him with your actions.
  2. Be a good listener, too. When he talks, make eye contact with him and nod along so he knows you're listening.

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Pleasant Text Messages to make him obsess over you
  1. “I am always there for you.”
  2. “Forever wouldn't be enough with you.”
  3. “I am, was, and will always be proud of you.”
  4. “You are unique, explicitly made for me.”
  5. “A one in a million would be too little for you; rather, you are one in a billion for me.”
Nov 14, 2022

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If you've had trouble keeping the conversation going with a guy you like in the past, try some of these tips.
  1. Use an upbeat tone. ...
  2. Keep it simple to start the conversation. ...
  3. Give him a reason to respond. ...
  4. Talk about common interests. ...
  5. Ask fun, open-ended questions. ...
  6. Make him feel special. ...
  7. Send photos to show your day.
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You could say something about how he recently got a promotion, or how great he has been with the kids. Knowing that you are proud enough of him to brag will be an instant ego boost. You could say “He always has been a great partner, but he has been especially great lately. I feel so lucky to have him!”

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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.