Kefir Bread Recipe (No Yeast, No Kneading) (2024)

Published on by Helen Best-Shaw 12 Comments
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No-yeast kefir bread is a three ingredient loaf that’s simply delicious, and you don’t even need to knead it! Slowly raised overnight by milk kefir, it is sweet, soft and aromatic, with a note of sourness. An ideal alternative to sourdough!

Kefir Bread Recipe (No Yeast, No Kneading) (1)

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Milk Kefir Bread – No Yeast, No Knead!

This is a tasty soft white bread that uses the yeast found in home-made kefir (cultured fermented milk) to give a long, slow rise to dough. The milk kefir gives a hint of sourness to the bread and you don’t need any additional yeast. I love it toasted, with a generous smear of salty butter on top and maybe a little homemade jam.

Why Make Kefir Bread?

  • Tasty! It’s a soft and delicious loaf with a hint of sweetness.
  • It’s easy! The long rise means that the gluten develops naturally. No kneading required! It isn’t the quickest loaf, though, and rising times will vary.
  • No yeast or sourdough starter needed.
  • It’s different. I love experimenting with different recipes, and this slow rise loaf made without commercial yeast or sourdough starter is fun to make.

Can I Make Kefir Raised Bread with Ready-Made Kefir?

I’m afraid not, no. Bottled kefir from the supermarket is too filtered and refined, and doesn’t contain the microscopic pieces of yeast found in home-made kefir. It’s this yeast that raises the dough. Making your own milk is easy and economical though, and finding the necessary grains is straightforward.

Kefir Bread Recipe (No Yeast, No Kneading) (2)

If you have never made milk kefir before, have a look at our post on Getting Started with Milk Kefir. Kefir grains can be bought online, or you can join Facebook kefir groups – they have members who are happy to send grains to new milk kefir enthusiasts.

Once you have the grains, making kefir is easy. Just add the grains to fresh milk and leave to stand for 24 hours or so.

Kefir Bread Recipe (No Yeast, No Kneading) (3)

How Do I Make Kefir Bread?

First, mix the flour and salt. I use a combination of strong white and strong brown bread flour. Using strong white bread flour for the bulk of the flour makes for a lighter, tastier loaf.

Second, add the milk kefir. Mix everything together to a rough, shaggy dough.

Kefir Bread Recipe (No Yeast, No Kneading) (4)

Third, turn out the dough and give it a few kneads, to make sure that the liquid is evenly distributed through the dough. You don’t need a long knead to develop the gluten, as the long rise allows this to happen naturally.

Fourth, place the dough back in the bowl, cover and leave it to rise until doubled in size. This bulk raise will take time – kefir bread takes longer than my slow rise no knead sourdough. Depending on temperature, I’ve left the dough for 12 hours. You’re looking for the dough to have doubled in volume. This is easy to check if you raise the dough in a straight sided plastic box.

Fifth, form the dough into a loaf and transfer either to a banneton or a greased loaf tin. You need to cover it without touching the top of the dough, leaving space for it to rise. You can use a plastic bag tied around the tin and supported at the edges but I use a shower cap. Leave it to prove until it is well risen and springs back slowly when pushed. Again, this takes longer than sourdough, and much longer than yeasted loaves. You might need to leave the dough for 6 hours at this stage, to get a dough that still feels springy, but not too springy.

Sixth, bake at 180°C for about 35 minutes. When it’s ready, the loaf should sound hollow when you tap it on the bottom. If in doubt give it another 5 minutes.

Finally, allow your kefir bread to cool. Then slice, and enjoy!

Hint and Tips for Kefir Raised Bread

  • Timings for first and second rises might vary significantly, depending on temperatures and your kefir. If you place the dough in a straight side plastic box for the first rise, you can easily see when it’s doubled in volume. For the second rise, the loaf is ready to cook when it rebounds slowly when pressed.
  • If your kefir is very thick, you may need to substitute some with a little milk or water.
  • I made this in a greased loaf tin, but you could also use a cane banneton, well dusted with rye or other gluten free flour for the second rise, then turn the bread out to bake.
  • I always grease my loaf tins with butter. I find that I get a far better release of the loaf than when I use oil.
  • If you don’t have the time to make this kefir raised bread, but want to incorporate kefir into your baking then make my yeasted kefir bread.
  • This bread freezes well – slice, freeze and then toast from frozen.

More Easy Bread Recipes

If you love this try some more bread recipes

  • No yeast bread
  • No knead sourdough
  • Yogurt Bread
  • Porridge Bread
  • More bread recipes

And to go on your bread!

  • Homemade butter
  • Plum Jam
  • Quince Jelly
  • Blackberry jam
  • other easy jam recipes

Tried this recipe?If you try this recipe please tag #FussFreeFlavours on Instagram or X (Twitter). It is amazing for me when you make one of my recipes and I really do love to see them. You can also share it on my Facebook page. Please pin this recipe to Pinterest too! Thanks for reading Fuss Free Flavours!

Kefir Bread Recipe (No Yeast, No Kneading) (5)

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5 from 3 votes

Kefir Raised No Yeast Bread

Raising bread with the natural yeasts found in kefir, a fermented milk, makes a slow raised no knead bread that tastes delicious.

Servings: 12 slices

Author: Helen Best-Shaw

Prep Time10 minutes mins

Cook Time30 minutes mins

Resting18 hours hrs

Total Time50 minutes mins


  • 250 g strong white bread flour
  • 150 g strong brown bread flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 280 ml milk kefir (must be homemade)


  • In a large bowl, mix the two types of flour and salt. Add the kefir and mix it in until you have a rough, shaggy dough.

  • Turn the dough out onto a work surface, and knead briefly until all the kefir is evenly distributed through the dough. As the bulk raising time is so long, a long knead to develop the gluten isn't required.

  • Place back in bowl and cover. Leave in a warm (20–25°C) environment until the dough has doubled in size. This may well take several hours.

  • Grease a 2lb loaf tin (7" x 4.5" x 3.5"/18 cm x 11 cm x 9 cm) with butter.

  • Turn the dough out of the bowl and roll into a sausage. Place in the loaf tin, seam side down. Cover the tin without touching the dough and leaving space for it to rise. We use a plastic shower cap, which is perfect for the job. Leave the loaf to prove. Again, this may take several hours.

  • When proved, the dough will spring back slowly when pressed. When you are happy with it, bake at 180°C for about 35 mins. It's done when it sounds hollow when tapped on the bottom.


  • It is essential you use homemade milk kefir for this recipe. The brands of commercial kefir we have tested this with are too finely filtered to carry on fermenting and the bread simply won't rise.
  • Kefir bread freezes well. We slice, wrap in a bag, freeze and toast from frozen.
  • The use of milk kefir makes this a lovely soft loaf, ideal for sandwiches.
  • If your kefir is very thick, you may need to substitute some with a little milk or water.
  • I made this in a greased loaf tin, but you could also use a cane banneton, well dusted with flour.
  • I always grease my loaf tins with butter. I find that I get a far better release of the loaf than when I use oil.

Nutritional Information

  • This recipe is 4 Weight Watchers Smart Points

• Please note that the nutrition information provided below is approximate and meant as a guideline only.

• Unless stated otherwise cup conversions have been made with an online tool. For accuracy please check with your favoured conversion tool. We recommend buying inexpensive digital kitchen scales.

Nutrition Facts

Kefir Raised No Yeast Bread

Amount Per Serving

Calories 135Calories from Fat 9

% Daily Value*

Fat 1g2%

Cholesterol 2mg1%

Sodium 206mg9%

Potassium 34mg1%

Carbohydrates 26g9%

Sugar 1g1%

Protein 4g8%

Vitamin A 50IU1%

Calcium 34mg3%

Iron 1.1mg6%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Course: Baking, Bread

Cuisine: Bread

Keyword: Kefir raised bread

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Kefir Bread Recipe (No Yeast, No Kneading) (2024)


Can you knead dough without yeast? ›

Mix flour, baking powder, and salt together in a bowl; stir in milk and olive oil until a soft dough forms. Turn dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead 10 times. Shape dough into a ball; cover with an inverted bowl and let sit for 10 minutes.

Can you ferment dough without yeast? ›

Fermenting bread without yeast is a traditional method of making bread rise using natural fermentation instead of commercial yeast. This process involves capturing wild yeast and bacteria from the environment to create a sourdough starter, which is then used to leaven the bread dough.

How can bread rise without using yeast? ›

You can substitute yeast with equal parts lemon juice and baking soda. So if a recipe calls for 1 teaspoon of yeast, you can use half a teaspoon of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of baking soda. Keep in mind that the bread will not need the typical proofing time and the dough will begin rising right away.

Can I bake with kefir? ›

Kefir is an extremely versatile baking ingredient and when substituted for milk, buttermilk or water, will produce a delicious and healthy twist for any dish imaginable. Because it's fermented and cultured, it adds both texture and taste to any baked good.

What can I use instead of kneading dough? ›

To make the recipe with a mix-and-fold method, stir together the ingredients, then perform a bowl fold three to four times in the first hour. As you make those 10 to 12 strokes, working your way around the bowl, you'll feel the dough organizing itself, strengthening, and tightening.

What is bread without yeast called? ›

Unleavened bread is any of a wide variety of breads which are prepared without using rising agents such as yeast or sodium bicarbonate. The preparation of bread-like non-leavened cooked grain foods appeared in prehistoric times.

What happens if you don't knead yeast dough? ›

This structure allows for trapping of gases so the bread will rise up nice and high. And gluten is what makes bread deliciously chewy. If you don't knead your dough, your baked bread won't rise as high, and the overall texture and appearance will be dense.

Is no yeast bread healthier? ›

For health conscious consumers yeast free bread has many benefits and is recommended for people suffering from Diabetes, Candida and other digestive problems. Eating most types of regular bread creates sugar in our body's when our body breaks down the bread into carbohydrates and simple sugars.

Is fermented dough healthier? ›

Research suggests that fermentation improves the bioavailability of fibre and minerals. This is because a naturally occurring compounds found in grains, called phytic acid, are broken down, and this enables us to access the grain's nutrients more readily.

Which is healthier baking powder or yeast? ›

Yeast has more nutrients, but some may be allergic to it. The others are just types of salts with baking powder being a combination.

Can I use sourdough starter instead of yeast? ›

This will be added INSTEAD of the yeast packet in your recipe (100g of starter is equivalent to 7g of yeast or 1.5 tsp). Reduce the amount of flour in the recipe by 50g and the water by 50g. Add the sourdough starter to the ingredients, along with the reduced amount of flour and water and proceed with the instructions.

Is sourdough bread yeast free? ›

Sourdough is naturally leavened bread, which means it doesn't use commercial yeast to rise. Instead, it uses a 'starter' – a fermented flour and water mixture that contains wild yeast and good bacteria – to rise. This also produces the tangy flavour and slightly chewy texture you'll find in sourdough.

What should you not mix with kefir? ›

We do not recommend mixing maple syrup, agave, or honey with your kefir. Maple syrup and agave have a high GI rating, which disrupts your microbiome. Honey is a natural antibiotic, which interferes with the good probiotics in the kefir.

Is it OK to drink over fermented kefir? ›

Can I drink my over fermented Milk Kefir? Sure, although drinking it neat can be a real challenge (We've only met a handful of people who can stomach over fermented Milk Kefir). Firstly, give it a really good stir. This will blend the curds and whey back into the sort of kefir you're used to seeing.

What temperature kills probiotics in kefir? ›

Exposing live probiotic cultures to temperatures above 115 degrees F kills them.

Will dough rise without yeast? ›

Instead of using yeast to make the bread rise, quick breads rely on other leavening agents like baking soda and baking powder to get height. "Quick breads, like banana bread, zucchini bread, and cornbread are delicious and easy alternatives to yeast-based bread and can satisfy cravings in a pinch," says Tyler Lee.

What happens when you bake dough without yeast? ›

Some differences could be that your bread will not rise as tall as you're used to, the flavor is a little different, or the texture may not be exactly the same. However, if you're out of yeast or don't have the time to wait for your bread to rise, these substitutes will undoubtedly get the job done.

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