More - Monogram Etiquette | Customizable Gifts (2024)

For individuals

A traditional 3 letter monogram is the person's first name initial on the left, the last name initial in the middle & larger, and the middle name initial on the right. If the monogram is for a married woman, it has been traditional to substitute her maiden name initial for her middle name initial on the right. In this case, her first name initial is on the left, her last name initial is in the middle & larger, and her maiden name initial is on the right. Individuals may also choose a two letter monogram, first and last initials.

For married couples with the same last name

In recent years couples have most often been choosing a "duogram" or joined monogram. The wife's first name initial is on the left, the couples' last name initial in the middle & larger, and the husband's first name initial on the right.

For couples with different last names or hyphenated last names

Options include a 2 letter monogram using the initials of both last names or both first names with the woman's on the left. Prince William and Catherine used an intertwining WC for their monogram. It has been a tradition for hundreds of year for royalty to use each of the couples' first names intertwining. It is also an option to have a custom 4 letter monogram designed with both of the couple's first and last initials.

Most importantly

Most importantly, your mongram should represent what is most meaningful to you. If you have a monogram whose acronym has other meaning as well, it is completely fine to switch the letters. For instance, we had a couple whose duogram would have been "diy" (do it yourself) and they chose to switch it to "yid" but also considered a two letter. In the end, it's your choice!

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More - Monogram Etiquette | Customizable Gifts (2024)


What is the etiquette for monogramming? ›

Traditionally, a monogram reads First Name Initial, Last Name Initial, Middle Name or Maiden Name Initial. With the Last Name Initial being the larger Middle Initial. For example, if you had the name Kelsie Elizabeth Vogds, her monogram would read KVE.

What are the rules for a 3 letter monogram? ›

A traditional 3 letter monogram is the person's first name initial on the left, the last name initial in the middle & larger, and the middle name initial on the right. If the monogram is for a married woman, it has been traditional to substitute her maiden name initial for her middle name initial on the right.

What is the correct monogram placement? ›

For an individual, the order of initials is the first name, last name, and middle name. The last name initial (center) is larger than those on either side.

Are monograms out of style? ›

Monograms are a perfect way to add a touch of personalization to your decor—they're often used in decor on throw pillows, blankets, yard decorations, and more—and they seem more popular now than ever.

What are the basics of monogramming? ›

Traditional monogramming uses the person's first, middle, and last initial with classic methods like deboss, emboss, embroidery, or engraving. The standard three-letter monogram order places a larger last name initial in the center, with the first and middle initials in the same but smaller font, one on either side.

Whose name goes first on monogram? ›

Put together your monogram using the first initial of both of your last names, without any ampersand, plus sign, or unifying design element. For example, John Doe and Jane Smith would become SD, with the wife's initial traditionally taking first place in the order.

How do you monogram with only two initials? ›

A two letter monogram in traditional format will place both letters side by side the same size, and like the cypher can be used to either combine a first and last name or to combine two last names. A single initial can represent either the first or last name.

Why does the last name go in the middle of a monogram? ›

The reason why the last name traditionally goes in the middle is because the last name is most important and should stand out!

Can you do a monogram with 4 initials? ›

One of the most common ways to monogram a name with four letters is to have all four letters in a row in order "First," "Middle," "Middle," "Last," or, for example, "MSXW." For this type of monogram, sometimes called a "block" monogram, all the letters are the same size and are usually in an unembellished font.

How many letters can a monogram have? ›

Today, one-, two-, and three-letter monograms are all equally common but the most conventional monogram arrangement consists of three letters: a larger central letter, flanked by two smaller letters, one on each side.

Can you use a monogram as a signature? ›

Monograms have been used as signatures by artists and craft workers on paintings, sculptures and pieces of furniture, especially when guilds enforced measures against unauthorized participation in the trade. A famous example of a monogram serving as an artist's signature is the "AD" used by Albrecht Dürer.

What is the modern monogram order? ›

For a more modern take, try the three letter monogram, which is simply your initials in order from first to last name, or (first) (middle) (last), all in the same size font. Or, make things short and sweet by using only two initials of your choosing—they don't even have to be your first and last name.

What is the correct order of a monogram? ›

Just like with men and women, monograms for children follow the same order of first, last and middle initial, with the last name initial being larger than the other two. However, just as with adults, if the font size of the initials are to be the same, then the order is as such: first, middle and last.

What is the etiquette for boy monograms? ›

Children's monograms follow same etiquette as adults. Although, it is more traditional for young boys to have the surname as the middle initial until they reach the teen years, where then they would take on the more masculine monogram style of first, middle, last in a straight monogram.

Does the man or woman name go first in a monogram? ›

For a married couple, the bride's first initial comes first on the left, the surname of the couple in the center, and the groom's first initial on the right, in that order. This joint monogram is used mainly on items that the couple will use together, such as sheets in their bedroom and towels in their bathroom.

When monogramming does the last name go in the middle? ›

If you are following the traditional initial order, the last name initial will be the largest and in the center, with the first and middle name on the left and right. If you keep both your maiden name and your last name, then your middle name can be substituted with your maiden name in the initials.

Why are monogram initials out of order? ›

The reason why the last name traditionally goes in the middle is because the last name is most important and should stand out! Example: Mary Rachel American, whose monogram would look like: Married Ladies: First Name, LAST NAME, Maiden name (or middle name if you prefer).

How do you monogram when not married? ›

Single men and single women use the first initial of their first, middle and last name, in that order. Shown below on a Personalized Convertible Garment Bag. Example: Gina Hermione Smith or Greg Henry Smith.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.