The 100 Season 5 Finale Ending Explained: Creator Jason Rothenberg Previews Season 6 - IGN (2024)

How many apocalypses does it take to end the world for good? On The 100, the third time was the charm, as the final minutes of the Season 5 finale completely blew up the concept of the show (literally), setting up a major paradigm shift for Season 6.After fighting all season long for control of Shallow Valley, aka the last survivable land on Earth after the second apocalypse, the villainous McCreary dropped a nuclear bomb on the area when he realized he was about to lose the war. Clarke immediately curb-stomped his face until he died (RIP you crazy dude), but the damage was already done, and she only had 15 minutes to load up every member of Skaikru, the Grounders, Wonkru and even the criminals onto Diyoza's ship and up into space, safely away from the blast.

So the human race survived the third apocalypse, but now they're faced with the insurmountable task of continuing to survive without a planet that could house humanity. Everyone went into cryo sleep for 10 years aboard the space ship, hoping that Earth would begin to come back to life after a decade and they could all return to the ground.

In a blink of an eye, Clarke and Bellamy woke up. But they were confused as to why they were the only ones revived. Enter Jordan, a 27-year-old kid they'd never met before, who woke them up first on Monty's orders. He was excited to meet them – he had never met anyone before, besides his parents: Monty and Harper.

Clarke and Bellamy quickly put two and two together, realizing Monty and Harper never went into cryo sleep – and that Wonkru had been asleep for longer than 10 years if Jordan's age was any indication. Monty and Harper lived out their entire lives on the space ship by themselves and even had a baby (and named him after Jasper!). Jordan dutifully followed his father's instructions: wake Clarke and Bellamy first and play them about 60 years' worth of video messages from Monty, who explained via video message that he stayed awake to monitor Earth's surface, and planned on waking everyone from cryo sleep when the planet started to come alive again. But 10 years went by with nothing changing on the surface, and Monty realized the planet was never coming back. Earth was dead. So he worked the problem.

Monty and Harper put Jordan into cryo sleep and continued to grow older. Harper died, and Monty kept researching. Finally he cracked the Eligius III mission files and discovered that the ship was never sent on a mining mission – it was headed for a new planet that could potentially be humankind's new home.

So Monty set the ship on course for the 75-year journey and recorded his final message to Clarke and Bellamy to say goodbye – he didn't want to go into cryo sleep and wake up on a new planet without his love Harper by his side. Bellamy and Clarke watched silently as his last message played, tears streaming down their faces. Monty echoed Jasper's words, hoping that Wonkru and the surviving Eligius crew wouldn't destroy this planet too: It's time to be the good guys.

So as Bellamy and Clarke looked out onto the unknown planet looming in the distance out of the ship's window, two suns shining behind it, with no idea of what awaited them on the ground, they hugged and prepared to keep on surviving.

With The 100 heading to a new world in Season 6, IGN got creator and executive producer Jason Rothenberg to explain why the Season 5 ending was necessary and the break down what this huge twist means for the future of the series.

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IGN: Those last nine minutes. Wow. Way to break everyone's hearts.

Jason Rothenberg: That whole act, it’s a totally different tone but the prologue in UP and the old man's whole life flashing before your eyes, I was in tears throughout that whole opening sequence of that movie. I was trying to do something – I wouldn't say it's as good as that but I was going for the same concept of watching a life pass in front of your eyes.

With everyone going to a new planet in a totally new galaxy that has the potential to host life, does that mean we are going to meet aliens next season?

It's funny because the answer to your question is yes, we'll meet aliens. But the aliens are us because we're landing on someone else's planet.

Okay … so does that mean we'll meet the creatures who call that planet their home?

[Laughs] Yes. Well, the whole story is that they went in search of Eligius III, right? That's what Monty had spent 20 years of his life trying to crack the code, he finally did and set the course for the planet they went to. We will discover much more about that as the season begins next year and ultimately it becomes a, "What happened to Eligius III?" mystery - the answer to which forms the basis for our whole season.

But … aliens?!

In terms of what kind of life forms they discover on this planet, there is definitely life on that planet. Whether it was intelligent life or not before Eligius III landed is something that people will have to tune in to next season to find out. But the whole idea was to be able to literally world-build. It's from the ground up. We get to start again in so many ways in terms of the world that we're in. It's a hardcore sci-fi concept and we're leaning hard into that. I'm really excited. It's totally creatively rejuvenated me and the staff is excited so it's going to be a crazy season. It's very different and we look at it as like re-piloting almost, with characters we know and love. It's really Book Two of their adventure.

That leads us to the next question: What was the ending title card that says "End Book One" all about? The books upon which the series is based don't really line up with your story …

I totally get that that would be confusing. Actually I hadn't thought about that until you just asked that question. I don't really consider the books at all anymore when we're writing this show. In fact, they're a totally different thing. Partially that's because when I started, there was no book finished; it was for the most part a proposal for a book and synopsis of where it was going to go. I created the pilot parallel to Kass [Morgan] writing the book and that's why they're so different. We have been following our own road map from the beginning and so in my mind, the end of Book One means the first five seasons were Book One of the encyclopedia of The 100 adventures and Book Two begins as they set down on this new planet next year.

So the series could run for another five seasons with Book Two?

It could run for as long as Book One, depending on if it's any good and if the fans like it still [laughs].

You created an entire world on this series before, first with the humans on the Ark, and then the Grounder civilization, and then Mount Weather and then Diyoza's criminals. What excites you about building this new world that you haven't gotten to do before?

I'm excited about starting over and creating a world and a culture on the ground. In this case now because it's another planet we really get to play with that. The sky is the limit. We can do anything. It's been fun so far and hopefully people's minds will be blown and they'll take the trip with us and hopefully it's not a bridge too far.

What does this mean for the future of the series? This show has such a blank slate now and it feels like it could literally go anywhere from here.

The end of Season 6 (which I already know) is f***ing awesome too. But we're starting over so it's incremental. It doesn't have to be quite as mind blowing to finish at the end of Season 6 as it was at the end of Season 5 in terms of another planet and 125 years. We don't have to do that and keep topping ourselves. Six year time jump, Clarke's alive with a kid on the ground at the end of Season 5, 125 year time jump, Harper and Monty have a 27-year-old child and they're on a new planet, obviously that's a huge twist. I don't think the twist at the end of Season 6 will be quite as exponentially bigger. But who knows? Maybe we'll go to a new dimension and we've traveled back in time to the beginning and Clarke and co. are the people who threw the spear at Jasper.

Monty's videos were gut-wrenching to watch, knowing that he'd lived his whole life while everyone was asleep. Will we see Monty and Harper again?

Right now the plan is no, [we won't see them again]. Although we do return to the video that we already saw as Bellamy and Clarke choose who to wake up and play for them those videos. We see a little bit of what we've already seen at the beginning of Season 6. I imagine that Monty probably edited that video, there are probably boring things he left out so it's certainly entirely possible we'll see them again. It's very difficult to lose both of those actors from this cast because they've been part of it from the beginning. But the idea of sending them off with a happy ending – obviously it's emotionally devastating for the audience but they lived a happy life and literally lived happily ever after which has never been the case in our show for sure. I don't think anybody else will ever get that. So the door is open, obviously we do flashbacks all the time and we would certainly work with them again in a second.

So many characters' fates were left up in the air either physically or emotionally when they went into cryo sleep. It feels like their problems were only paused and it will just resume when they all wake up...

You're 100 percent right. Going into cryo really just literally freezes you in place. Emotionally, even though it's 125 years later, it's the next morning for everybody who went into cryo. It's very different and in many ways it's actually creatively easier from a writing perspective than the six-year time jump last season which included an entire six years of history that each of those characters lived independent than the people in the other parts of the story. They all came back so changed and their priorities were all shuffled around. So everything picks up exactly where it left off this time around.

Let's do a speed round with teases for each character's Season 6 fate, starting with Kane:

Kane was put into cryo instead of dying. But when he's woken up from cryo he will die unless we figure out a way to save his life. That will obviously be part of a story that we're telling as we begin Season 6.


Murphy was wounded but yes, he's going to be fine. Physically, he's fine. Now he's also got a lot of emotional scars that we'll play through into next season, as they all do.


Abby is alive, definitely broken based on the things that she had to do. And obviously because Kane's life is hanging in the balance, in large part as a result of what she did – Vinson was a physical manifestation of her drug addiction, the monster that drug addiction can create and he almost kills Kane and that's her fault – so she will definitely take that on. It's something she needs to fix.


Octavia, emotionally she's frozen in amber for 125 years. When she wakes up, she will still be tormented by what she's done, who she's become, haunted by it in so many ways. Bellamy doesn't give her relief as he put her into cryo and that will be a continuing story for her as we go into Season 6. She was ready to die, sacrificing herself for her brother, and that sacrificial death was taken away from her. Definitely that will be something that she's still longing for in many ways and we'll see that play out psychologically through her journey next season.

Now let's talk about Bellarke. The last 15 minutes of the finale, something definitely changed between them – and those looks they shared showed that they both felt it before they went into cryo and everything changed. Where are you heading with their relationship in Season 6?

At the end of this season, Bellamy accepts what Clarke did leaving him behind to die in the fighting pit, and Clarke accepts what Bellamy did to put the Flame in Madi's head, both fairly huge betrayals. Ultimately their relationship is at a point where it's been before and where it's always been heading which is that they are, at this moment, non-romantic soul mates. They are better together. They are partners. Monty realized that and that's why he chooses to wake the two of them up first and nobody else. As always Bellamy and Clarke are at the center of the show and that relationship is hugely important. That's all I'll say in terms of the Bellarke of it all. It's a Rorschach test in many ways; people bring to it what they bring to it and we write it and put it out there in the world and let it be judged. It's not going to be an answer that satisfies a lot of people, I understand. I feel like it's so much rarer and more special in television where the two leads have that kind of non-romantic, soul mates, partners, teammates; how often have we seen the two leads get together? This is not something that is done as often in television and personally I think it's special. I'm not saying one way or another where it's going but certainly at the moment it's in a place that I think is pretty cool.

The 100 will return for Season 6 in 2019 on The CW.

For more from The CW, check out our list of the top 25 Arrowverse episodes below, and see what CW president Mark Pedowitz had to say about how long The 100 could stay on the air.

The 25 Best Arrowverse Episodes

The 100 Season 5 Finale Ending Explained: Creator Jason Rothenberg Previews Season 6 - IGN (2024)


What is the explanation of the end of The 100? ›

Clarke. Because she had failed the test, and to show that her actions have consequences, she was left behind on an abandoned planet. All alone, facing the rest of her life without any other human beings to keep her company, she used the stones to travel back to Earth to make a new, lonely life for herself.

Who stays with Clarke at the end of The 100? ›

Clarke turns the corner and finds Picasso has joined her friends. Octavia, Raven, Murphy, Emori, Indra, Gaia, Levitt, Jackson, Miller, Niylah, Echo, Hope, and Jordan have all chosen to live the rest of their lives with Clarke on Earth. And that's the end—a happy ending.

Why couldn't Clarke transcend? ›

In "The Last War", humanity achieves transcendence with the following exceptions: Clarke Griffin is the first being to have ever committed murder in the test. Because of this, the Judge does not allow her to transcend.

How does season 5 of 100 end? ›

Six year time jump, Clarke's alive with a kid on the ground at the end of Season 5, 125 year time jump, Harper and Monty have a 27-year-old child and they're on a new planet, obviously that's a huge twist.

Do Clarke and Bellamy kiss? ›

Clarke then kisses Bellamy on the cheek then hugs him, telling him to take care of everyone. Bellamy and Clarke have their goodbye as Clarke walks away from Camp Jaha, off to an unknown destination. In Wanheda (Part 1), Bellamy is on a mapping run when he is called by Kane to meet him.

How did Clarke have a kid in The 100? ›

Six years later, Clarke's Nightblood is revealed to have saved her from the death wave and she has adopted a young Nightblood named Madi, the only other survivor Clarke could find on the planet.

Was The 100 ending bad? ›

The series finale provided a satisfying conclusion, giving most characters fitting ends to their arcs and answering the central question of whether humanity could survive on Earth.

Does Clarke fall in love again? ›

The ending of the popular CW series The 100 did not feature a romantic conclusion for its main protagonist, Clarke Griffin, which is a somewhat unusual move for the network.

Why didn't Clarke and Bellamy get together? ›

They both love each other, but neither of them believes that the other loves them. Bellamy has rejected Clarke's advances a couple of times, and now she's betrayed him again, so she has no reason to believe he doesn't hate her. And Bellamy has seen that Clarke loved someone else. Not him.

Why didn't Bellamy come back? ›

Multiple deceased characters were able to transcend due to their minds still being alive, not their bodies. The explanation that Bellamy was not able to achieve transcendence makes more sense as to why he couldn't return as other deceased characters did.

Was Emori at the end of The 100? ›

The Disciples begin to surrender and everyone begins to turning into little orange floating souls, including Emori (technically her mind is still alive, so she transcends), Murphy, Maddie, everyone on the battlefield. Clarke is the only person who does not transcend.

How old is Clarke at the end of The 100? ›

The main conflict of her character is that she's forced to grow up too fast, taking responsibilities she isn't ready for, and suffering the consequences of actions she should never have needed to take. Starting out at the age of 18, she's physically 25 at the show's ending.

Did Monty and Harper have a baby? ›

However, in DNR, Monty told Harper that he loved her, but she never said it back until The Other Side. In Season Five they had a son together, Jordan Green.

Who is the villain in The 100 season 5? ›

Season 5: Paxton McCreary, Octavia Blake, Charmaine Diyoza.

What happens to Madi in The 100 season 5? ›

After Madi surrenders herself to Bill Cadogan, she undergoes a memory capture procedure that causes her to have a massive stroke in her brainstem, leaving her irreversibly paralyzed as the areas of her brain controlling voluntary movement are destroyed.

Why was Clarke drawing at the end of The 100? ›

The 100's Final Scene & Season 1 Callback

This was an idealistic drawing of what it would be like to be on Earth. When she was still considered a child, back before she knew what things were like on the ground, Clarke was imagining the peaceful idea of what life would be like when people returned to the ground.

What caused the world to end in The 100? ›

The Nuclear Apocalypse, also known as Praimfaya (Trigedasleng) or Apocalypse One, was a catastrophic event which took place in 2052, 97 years before the start of The 100 series. It began when the Artificial Intelligence A.L.I.E. instigated a global nuclear exchange.

What does end book one mean in The 100? ›

...the end of Book One means the first five seasons were Book One of the encyclopedia of The 100 adventures and Book Two begins as they set down on this new planet next year. Quote from Jason.

What is the main message of The 100? ›

It's an interesting and complicated thread, about how violence and war creates heroes, villains, and antiheroes. In Book One, i.e. the first five seasons, the main theme is doing whatever it takes to survive. In Book Two, which starts with Season Six, the main theme is about trying to become good guys.

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