The Wichita Beacon from Wichita, Kansas (2024)

10 FRIDAY FEBRUARY EVENING, Page SOLDIERS FREE 2 MISSIONARIES KNOWN IN CITY Mr. and Mrs. Vernon M. Newland, released from custody of the Japs as the American army entered Manila, are widely known to members church Wichita. Christian, Jacobs, 1758 South wichita3.

cousin to Mrs. when telewas overjoyed grams reached their relatives yesterday telling of the liberation. Mrs. Jacobs said that Mr. Newland spoke from pulpits in Wichita frequently and that both had visited here many times.

Mr. Newland is from Medicine Lodge and Mrs. Newland, the former Mona Watson, lives at Lake of the Ozarks, Mo. Both are graduates of Phillips university at Enid and took post graduate work at University of California. They went to Tibet as missionaries for the Christian church and worked there for five years.

Returning to the United States, the Newlands studied for a time and then started back to Tibet. They were held in Manila owing THE WICHITA EAGLE to the threat of war and were caught in the Jap invasion. Only word received by Mrs. Jacobs concerned the birth of a child at Manila. Otherwise, relatives did not hear from Newlands a owing to the limitation placed on communications by the Japs.

The baby and two other children were with their parents in the prison. The oldest son, Melvin Merle, was United States go to school when Newlands started das for' Tibet. He thrilled is to now hear 11 years about old his was parents being released. Must Need Copper SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. (UP) -The new Japanese metal salvage drive is taking the "amusem*nt" out of amusem*nt parks in Hankow, the Chungking radio reported recently.

Desperately in need of metal, the Japanese stop visitors leaving the parks and suggest that they "contribute" whatever copper coins they may be carrying. Vistors who fail to contribute coins contribute identification cards instead. The cards may be redeemed later with copper coins. IT'S THE FIT THAT COUNTS And to set the proper fit plus the highest quality AND PLUS the finest tailoring any. where you'll want a GUY SPEAR Suit.

Clothes that look right, wear right and feel right are essential to proper living. Ask About Our Ten Pay CREDIT PLAN Expert Alterations Cleaning and GUY SPEAR WICHITA'S FINEST TAILOR 208 N. Market Phone 4-0014 Finds Owner of Watch After Six Months Search Normally policemen search for stolen property, but Detective Hugh Herring proved that is not always the case when he climaxed a sixmonth search for the owner of al stolen watch. And today Mrs. O.

D. Detwiler of Rock, wears her wrist watch which was stolen just one day before she and her husband moved to Rock from their home at 1936 South Wichita. ago Herring found the stolen watch in the possession of a 16-year-old Wichita boy who now serving a sentence at the Boys' Industrial school at Topeka. Herchecked, but found no report of a stolen watch of that description. The who had stolen the watch could not remember the address of the house where he took it, so Herring held the watch for some time, hoping that the owner would contact the police department.

Finally he turned it in to the record division, but on passing it over the counter noticed a slight mark on the case. With the help of Don Finney, laboratory detective, he found the number of the watch. Helpful Wichita jewelers aided in locating the firm which sold the watch, and the owner's name was finally found storethe books of a local jewelry Herring contacted Mrs. Detwiler at Rock and returned the lost watch to her. VISIT IN WICHITA Lieut.

and Mrs. George Smalley, and Mrs. Smalley's sister, Miss Marian Christiansen, recently spent two here visiting the lieutenant's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George B.

Smalley, 1106 North Main, en route from Lincoln, to the army air base at Ardmore, where Lieutenant Smalley will complete training as a B-17 pilot. The arid shore on the Persian gulf at Bahrain has no fresh water, but fresh water springs come out at the bottom of the sea. Prices for February 23 A 210-212 EAST DOUGLAS "'Everyday Prices" $1.00 Ironized Yeast 30c Papes Cold Tablets -64c Compound $1.00 Nion Calcicaps -89c 75c Sendol Tablets 100 Lilly Hepicebrin $2.52 75c Anacin Tablets 100 Pearlamins 25c Dillards Aspergum 21c Mineral Capsules -69c $1.25 Veracolate Tablets 76c 100 Cevalin Tablets, 50c Syrup Black 100 Upjohn Unicaps $2.96 VLM 50c Bisodol Mints 50 mg. Draught 100 Squibb Vigran High potency vita- $1.00 Dr. 'Miles Nervine 83c Capsules $2.89 mins, liver, minerals.

60c Scott's Emulsion 100 Ventrex Kapseals $2.97 One month's supply. 50c Figs 100 Haliver Oil Capsules 89c 40c Fletcher's Castoria 31c 100 A Vitamin 1 98 $1.00 Bonkora Tablets 79c $1.25 Mother's Friend 30c Hills Cold Tablets $1.00 Pierces Golden 25c Zerbsts Capsules Medical Discovery 100 100 100 Super 100 100 Norplex Vitamin Plex A BD Upjohn Vitamin Com- Squibbs, Complex Completer With Capsules, High Super Perles plex Tablets Tablets Iron Potency $9,98 $269 $129 $255 $1.00 Adlerika Tonic 60c Dr. Hand's Teething Lotion 60c Mendaco 65c Dr. $2.00 100 Squibb Asthmador Jergens Matched DICALCIUM 70c Sloan's Liniment MAKEUP PHOSPHATE 50c Hobson's Cream Liniment 39c $1.00 Face Powder, 35c St. Jacobs Oil $1,000 Cake Makeup With viosterol 60c Moones Emerald Oil capsules Both For 50c Liquid Analgesic 19 75c Ponds Cold Cream 1 00 $1.00 Armand Hand Cream 79c $1.00 Pacquin's Hand Cream 79c $1.00 Jergens Lotion 79c $2 Barbara 83c $2.00 Brushless 100 Gould Lady Cheramy Shave Aspirin Special Esther Cream Creamy Skin Tablets, 5 Grain Cleansing or Four Purpose Balm Palmolive, Cream Pompom Cream Economy Size $125 $1 $1.00 Campana Balm 10c Lucky Number Incense, Jig Saw 50c Trushay Lotion.

assorted odors $1.00 Prep Brushless Cream 79c Puzzles Chux Disposable Diapers, 50c Fitch's Shaving Cream 39c 300 Pieces to 500 large box 12 oz. Aero Paste Wax 85c Burma Shave Quart Johnson's Glocoat 35c Lifebuoy Shaving Cream 27c 1 lb. Dance Wax Compound 39c 10c White Wrapping Tissue 9c 1 lb. Old English Paste Wax 59c 50c Utility Desk Pad 15c Rite-way Drain with Blotter Pipe Opener 5c Big Chief Tablets $1.00 Photo 10c Bluebird Powder Puffs 75c Air Mail Stationery, Album 15c Diamond or Putnam Onion Skin Dyes 5 lb. Luxor Perfumed Leatherette Cover $1.00 Shower and Bath Crystals Shampoo Spray 79c $1.00 Shopping Bag, 8 oz.

Hospital Cotton Heavy Canvas 1 oz. Tr. Merthiolate $1.00 8-Pc. 50c 1 Pound 25c Cigarette $1.25 Tobacco Berry Set Stationery Tobacco Cases Pouches Heavy Crystal Special Delivery, Glass, Individually 48 Sheets, 24 All Popular Plastic. Hold Full All Leather With Boxed Envelopes Brands Pack Zipper Rum and Maple, Aromatic Mild Tampa Coronas, TOBACCOS Men, Women! Old at $7.50 CIGARS Pipe Mixture, three sizes.

box Economically Priced Want Pep? of 50 $669 Want to Feel Years Younger? 10c RAZOR BLADES Do Thousands you blame amazed at exhausted, what worn-out feeling on age? $1.50 SPY GLASSES Ostrex has done. Contains tonie many need at 40, a little pepping up with Cooper or Wilkut 50, 60, prophylactic for body doses old solely because low in iron; also double edge. 3 for Tablets ductory for size new now only vitamin 29c. Bi. Try calcium.

Ostrex 35e Tonic intro- Power pep, younger feeling, this very day. BOYS WILL TAKE OVER STATE GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS will be handled next Thursday by representatives of the Boys' State. Five Wichita youths will be in Topeka to assist in taking over the reins it was decided at a meeting of Thomas Hopkins post officials with State delegates last Legion hall. The Wichita youths who will handle the state affairs and the Legion advisers on are-front row, left to right, Richard Banks, East supreme court justice; Thomas high, secretary of state; Gerald Garrott, East high, state auditor; Forrest Stuck, Back row-Vincent Gott, East high, supreme court justice; Alfred Ingrim, local adviser; local adviser; and John Huff, supreme court photo. MANAGER RULES ON RETURNING TO WORK State North adviser.

Kennedy, Forty-four workers here who left the city employ to enlist in the armed forces since Pearl Harbor will receive the same opportunity for reinstatement as those who waited for the draft, it was nounced today by Russell E. anal Clure, city manager. Some concern had been expressed by those who enlisted that the reinstatement policy of the city might discriminate against them. The city's policy, recommended by the employe's council and approved by the city commission in December, states specifically, that "a former employe entered the armed forces of the United States under the selective service system shall be reinstated to his former position or to a comparable position, if available, and if such position is not available then to a position of like seniority, status and pay. The men who enlisted had feared that the term "selective service" applied to employes who waited for the draft, but Gunter, perhad been construed as including all sonnel director here, said that' term in the armed forces, both enlisted and drafted.

The city manager said that police, fire, and city rolls are depleted and he predicted that it would not be difficult to assimilate all former employes in the armed services back into the city employ without discharging several workers now with the city under war appointments. All employes who leave for the service, either enlisted or drafted, are required to resign from the city's worker rolls. "But they will be reinstated they want their old jobs back," the city manager said. The present police and fire pension bills do not provide for allowing service in the armed forces to apply on retirement here, but a bill now before the state legislature would make this optional with each city having a police and fire pension. Personnel who left the park board to enlist in the armed services include C.

A. Wheeler, O. O. Ediger, and William L. Redman.

Nine city workers enlisting were Mary M. Hurst, Marion Noland, Charles Jansen, Leon Suhm, Donald G. Frey, Lester W. Oehlert, Raymond Rogers, Ira A. Beatty, and Ed F.

Evans. Four firemen enlisting were Isaac R. Mastin, Larry Wieter, E. E. Wuertele, and Homer E.

Hall. Hall is now listed as missing action. Eighteen policemen enlisting were Robert A. Ambler, Clyde C. Benefiel, Paul Haggard, Jess L.

Leland, Bill Maupin, Merritt Mesch, Leonard Montgomery, Rex Mulliken, Jim Reeves, George Smith, Cleve Smyser, Rolland Soule, Charles J. Stone, Ronald A. VanWelden, Wilmer J. Ward, R. E.

West, Joe L. Wigle, and Vernon L. Williams. Many Seeking Concession Rights County commissioners have run into difficulty in preparing to lease concession rights at Lake Afton, near Goddard, it was announced today. Originally the board, Ezra E.

Beard, chairman; C. G. Craig and E. J. Huston, planned to lease all of the concession rights to one person.

However several requests have been made to the board by Wichitans to lease each concession individually. One man wanted the boating concession; another the lunch stand and pop counter: another the cabins and still another the bait selling rights. Commissioners are requesting all persons desiring to concession rights to discuss the problem with the board. After all proposals and opinions have been considered the commissioners said, the contracts will be drawn. MAKE STROTHER MODEL STROTHER FIELD, Feb.

23-Revamping of the Strother field maintenance and supply section to include procedures heretofore in force only at bomber stations of the Second air force and to make of Strother field a model maintenance and supply school for other pursuit bases of the air force is now under way. A staff of experts headed by Lieut. Col. U. S.

Nero, personal representative of Brigadier General Maginnis, deputy chief of staff of the Second air force, is at work at the base now and as others are needed their services will be requested. Selection of Strother field to become le the model for pursuit bases of the Second air force was governed by the fact that aircraft mainte.nance here has been above expectations and the base has been able to meet its commitments without trouble. Nuts at Midnight HILLSIDE, Feb. (UP)-Two fox squirrels think nothing of waking up Charles Wakeman every midnight for a hickory nut crack, and this has been going on for some time, according to Wakeman. Wakeman says, the squirrels, who scratch at his window every night until he lets them in, evi-.

dently use his home as some sort of a restaurant to stop in on their way home some "nutty" night club frequented by other squirrels. They live in nest outside. Wakeman's window. JUDGE HEARS MOTIONS Demurrers and motions in the case of R. E.

Crummer and his business associates, which involves the refunding of Panama City, municipal and refunding of $1,243,000 of Citrus county, Florida, indebtedness, were filed U. 'S. district. court today. before.

Judge. Royce H. Savage of Tulsa. Randolph Carpenter, newly appointed U. S.

district attorney, making his first appearance in Wichita, headed the government's legal staff in the hearing, which continued throughout the morning and afternoon. Roy E. Crummer, a resident of Winter Park, and several of his business associates, are the defendants. Why Millions Now Do A Quickly FEW DROPS Relieve This! HEAD Distress COLDS! of It's so easytoget prompt, effective relief from distress of head colds with Va-tro-no1! Works right where trouble is to reduce congestion soothe irritation make breathing easier. Also helps prevent many colds from developing directions if used in time.

Tryit! Follow in folder. VICKS KANSAS statehouse, at the DIAMONDS Sterling Silver Whitney Can, and Will Give You a Watches Better Diamond Diamonds for -the Money. SAVE MONEY AT WHITNEY'S INVEST IT IN WAR BONDS Now as Always, Whitney Diamonds Set the Standard by Which Fine Diamonds Are Judged. Est. Cleon A.

Whitney 1906 JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST 222 East Douglas WICHITAN PROMOTED WICHITAN PROMOTED PAUL WILLIAMS, former Wichita university student now serving with Seventh army air force in France, promoted recently from the rank of second to first lieutenant, according to word received by his wife, Mrs. Janet McRoberts Williams, 612 North Crestway. Lieutenant Roberts, who been overseas for. the past seven months, wears the air medal with seven oak leaf clusters. He attended Wichita university, where he was a member of Alpha Gamma Gamma, and Oklahoma university prior to entering the service.

His mother, Mrs. Vera Williams, resides in Wichita. WILL SELL WOOD Elmer Hitchens, superintendent of the yards, said today that the county available for sale 25 cords of good fire wood. This fire wood is cut into 16-inch lengths. It is at the yards and will be delivered for $10 per cord, he said.

American consumers spent about $97,000,000,000 in 1944. ALDRDIGE VISITS HERE W. E. Aldridge, assistant state business manager, is a visitor in Wichita today. Although Mr.

Aldridge works out of Topeka he is maintaining his residence at 2812 West Douglas. He says that he has made some inquiry about a house at Topeka but finds the same tight condition exists there in the housing situation as here. Aldridge, formers Sedgwick county commissioner merchant for many years, says that purchases foreign to anything he has come across in the business world are requested by state institutions. His latest order he said given him to fill was for five dozen frogs, white rats and mouse food. This was to be used for experimental purposes at the state college.

VISITS WITH PARENTS Corp. Merle B. Parker, on furlough from his base at Kingman, is visiting his parents, Dr. and Mrs. C.

E. Parker, at 1102 South Topeka, and his wife at Wellington, Kan. MOST ACCIDENTS OCCUR IN THE HOME OF THE TOTAL Hospital expenses average $180 a week Protect yourself with a Standard Accident Policy for a very few dollars a year. LET US TELL YOU ABOUT IT BROWN-GINZEL 1003 BEACONBUILDING Route Route Sonotone opens 2 ROUTES to BETTER HEARING! Don't be discouraged if you tried a TONE'S famous LIEBER OSCIL- hearing aid and failed to get help. Remember, there are TWO WAYS TO BETTER HEARING! And if you can't hear through the ear, perhaps you can hear through the bones of your head! LATOR, the original BONE CONDUCTION receiver, has brought unexpected and welcome hearing.

Come in. Have your hearing tested for both BONE and AIR conduction. See which helps most! No To thousands of people SONO- cost or obligation. SONOTONE HEARING SERVICE S. Broadway Phone 4-4222 SoThat Nature Can Help Every Man Woman and Child Have a Better Body NATURE NEEDS MILK FOR BONES AND TEETH TIMES HUMAN HEART BEATS CALCIUM THE PER DAY TO PUMP 100,800 The Human Hand Contains 26 Separate Bones 3,192 1,064 GALLONS OF BLOOD (Figures TO There Is Now Contained Structure Skeletal Cross Structure Are) of Bone Cells Continuously, of Cardiac Muscle In Loaf of This New Depends Wear Out.

To Tissue Replace (Greatly Worn-Out Magnified) Every Amazing Largely On Protein, Cells Wonder Bread DOUBLE The Amount of Milk Proteins For Building (AILK MINERALS) BUILD and Repairing Body Tissue BONES! Nothing of No machine of and DOUBLE the Amount of and steel rivals concrete can rival the human (MILK PROTEINS steel the heart structure of the Hu- -run 70 years) GIVE ENERGY! man Bone, made of without stopping. Milk Minerals for Bone Structure' 4 Collagen and Minerals. SO NOT COSTS NO TO NO REASON MORE "DOUBLE MILK PROTEINS MINERALS THIS CHART Costs Us More To Make, But We Charge No More Because ENERGY EXTRA WONDER BREAD HOW MUCH MORE SHOWS YOU DAILY CAN GIVE SLICES YOU We Want To Make A Million New Friends For Wonder Bread Moderately Active Active 10.4% 8.6% 12.9% Moderately CHILDREN 16-20 15.6% 17.2% CHAIN is as strong as its weakest Then, too, as you can see from study- BOY GIRL 6.8% 8.2% 12.3% 20.8% A your body is as good as ing the energy chart at right, extra CHILDREN GIRL 13-15 9.2% 10.2% 13.4% 16.4% the health of its cells. In the young, slices of this new energy-charged Won- CHILD BOY 10.8% 16.2% 13.8% 18.4% new cells must develop. In the old, der Bread can give you extra energy.

CHILD 7-9 10.4% 15.6% 21.6% worn-out cells must be rebuilt. Further, Wonder Bread's famous ENRICHED 13.0% 19.5% 20.8% To make flesh and bone Nature $1,000 Vitamin Guarantee Vitamin assures VITAMINS AND MINERALS WITH 26.0% uses principally proteins and miner- you that it contains enough als. Obviously milk must be a good to help transform it into energy BAKED FOR source of these. Or Nature would not properly. LASTING FRESHNESS use milk to start you off in Remember Wonder Bread is To bring greater benefits to you doubly fresh: Fresh when and yours, the bakers of Wonder you buy it and fresh Bread have now DOUBLED the when you eat it.

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The Wichita Beacon from Wichita, Kansas (2024)
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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.