What Happens When an Aquarius Woman Is Done with You? 13 Signs to Look Out For (2024)

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1She’s reluctant to make future plans.

2She’s lying to you or hiding her feelings.

3She needs more space than usual.

4She’s less affectionate than she used to be.

5She seems bored or uninspired.

6She’s giving you mixed signals.

7She picks fights with you.

8She’s flirting with other people.

9She’s unusually cold to you.

10She ignores you in public.

11She blocks you on social media.

12She ends your relationship.

13She may still leave the door open for friendship.

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Co-authored byStina Garbisand Madeleine Criglow

Last Updated: April 16, 2024Fact Checked

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If the Aquarius woman that you're dating has been acting distant lately, you might be worried that she wants to break up. Because she is a fiercely independent woman who prides herself on being a little unpredictable, it can be tough to understand what an Aquarius woman is thinking sometimes. To figure out if an Aquarius woman is done with you, you'll have to look out for some subtle signs. Read on for a list of potential indicators along with some advice on how you might win back her affection.


She’s reluctant to make future plans.

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  1. This might mean she's rethinking her commitment to you. Aquarians are known to be pretty noncommittal, but they're able to commit and make plans with someone in a serious relationship. She might be contemplating a breakup if she suddenly won't agree to make plans a few weeks or months out or is reluctant to talk about your future as a couple.[1] Though it might be tough, try asking her why she doesn't want to make plans in a calm, understanding manner.

    • She might say that she can't make plans a few weeks out but refuse to say why. If you call her on it, she might get defensive or brush off your questions.
    • She may get squeamish or uncomfortable when you bring up topics like moving in together, getting married, or starting a family.
    • To address what's happening, say something like, "I feel like we don't talk about our future as a couple much anymore. I love having things to look forward to with you and am a little confused. Is there something on your mind?"
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  1. She might say everything is fine, even when it's not. Aquarius people sometimes struggle to have emotional conversations with their partners. If she is thinking of leaving, she might pretend like she's still happy and refuse to talk about the issues even when you know that something is up.[2] If she denies that something is up, bring up examples. Aquarians respond well to emotional conversations if they're approached in a logical, matter-of-fact manner.[3]

    • She may still say things like "I love you" or "You make me so happy" when you're together, but ignore your calls or be less physically affectionate.
    • When you ask her what's going on, she might say, "Nothing. Why do you ask?"
    • If she denies what's happening, say something like, "Yesterday I texted you a few times and you didn't respond. I know you have been busy, but it made me feel like you didn't want to talk to me."


She needs more space than usual.

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  1. She might be using this extra space to evaluate your relationship. If an Aquarius is thinking of breaking up with you, she will likely isolate herself from you to think it over. Notice if she suddenly doesn't want to spend as much time together. This might mean she's considering ending the relationship or getting some outside opinions from her friends. If she's doing this, do your best to respect her space and avoid the temptation to cling to her.[4]

    • She may be looking for an out if she's suddenly hesitant to commit to dates or says she's too busy to hang out.
    • If you live together, she might start taking a lot of walks to talk on the phone with friends or run errands all day to spend time out of the house.
    • Remember that Aquarius is a super independent sign. If you show your Aquarius partner that you're comfortable with her taking some space to be on her own, she might relax and come back to you.
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She’s less affectionate than she used to be.

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  1. She might stop kissing you, touching you, or initiating sex. When an Aquarius is in love, they're usually very warm and generous with their affection. She may be thinking of leaving if she's no longer showing you that side of herself.[5] To address what's happening, you might ask if there's anything you can do to make her feel more comfortable.

    • Look out for a sudden change in behavior. Maybe she used to give you a big kiss every time she got home from work, but now she gives you a hug or just smiles. This may mean her feelings are waning.
    • Aquarians are known for their uninhibited and wild sex drives. If she's been uninterested in sex lately and won't say why, that might be a sign that she's thinking of ending the relationship.
    • Bring up what's going on with her gently. You might say, "I feel like we haven't been as close lately, and I miss you. Is there anything I can do to help us get closer again?"


She seems bored or uninspired.

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  1. It’s a sign if she isn’t her usual, excited self around you. Aquarius women are usually very passionate about their interests, and they'll freely share updates about them with their romantic partners. She may be done with the relationship if she's stopped sharing those details with you and seems less motivated or inspired in general.[6] If you notice that your girl is feeling uninspired, ask her what's going on.

    • If she's an avid musician, for example, she may play her instruments much less or stop playing her songs for you.
    • She might complain that she's lacking inspiration at work or in her artistic life and start eyeing new interests (without your insight or opinion).
    • To address how she's feeling, you might say, "I noticed that you haven't been playing guitar lately. Are you feeling uninspired? Why don't we take a trip to the music store this weekend?"
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She’s giving you mixed signals.

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  1. She might be hot and cold with her feelings towards you. Aquarius people may be a little aloof sometimes, but they're pretty consistent and loving with their partners.[7] Your Aquarius woman may be done with the relationship if her treatment of you becomes inconsistent and unpredictable. If she's been doing this lately, try being honest with her about how this behavior makes you feel. It might encourage her to open up to you about what's going through her head.

    • She might be dismissive and critical of you one day only to start lovingly reminiscing about your relationship the next.
    • Though she may not mean to toy with your emotions, this kind of behavior can leave you feeling pretty down. Try your best to approach the subject with her honestly if she's exhibiting this kind of behavior, as no one deserves to be treated this way.
    • You might say, "I feel a little hurt by the way you've been treating me lately. Do you think we could talk about it?" If she acts defensive or won't give you a straight answer, that's another sign that she may be looking for a way out the door.


She picks fights with you.

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  1. She may be attempting to sabotage the relationship. Talking openly about emotions can be difficult for an Aquarius woman.[8] She may struggle to admit that she's not happy in the relationship, and instead of being honest, pick fights to make it seem like your relationship isn't working. If you notice this kind of behavior, try respectfully asking if anything is on her mind. This might make her feel more comfortable talking about how she's feeling.

    • Notice if she suddenly has a lot of complaints about your behavior. She might get upset with you about even little things, like forgetting to do the dishes, or act annoyed by quirks that she once really liked about you, like your goofy jokes.
    • If she's criticizing you often, try your best not to take it personally. This behavior has nothing to do with you and everything to do with her struggles to handle complex emotions.
    • Ask her what's up by saying, "I feel like you've been pretty frustrated with me lately. Is there any way we can talk about this?" Keep your words calm and respectful, as Aquarians might get scared off by a super emotionally-charged outburst.
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She’s flirting with other people.

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  1. An Aquarius may start pursuing other people if she's unhappy. Though Aquarius women are known to be pretty social and flirty, they usually won't do anything behind their partner's back. It's a sign that she's planning an exit if she is unusually private about who she's flirting or spending time with. Respond to this kind of behavior by addressing it in a calm, non-accusatory manner.[9]

    • She might leave your side at a party to go talk to a new friend you've never met before (and forget to introduce you).
    • She may start texting a coworker she didn't used to talk to much and giggle anytime she hears from them.
    • This kind of behavior can really hurt, but try your best to approach the situation with respect and grace. It's still possible that this is a misunderstanding, and she may not realize that she's causing you pain.
    • You might broach the subject with her by saying something like, "I know you might not mean to hurt me, but it's painful to see you flirt with other people in front of me. Can we talk about this?"


She’s unusually cold to you.

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  1. Aquarius people are pretty skilled at shutting off their emotions. If an Aquarius woman is done with your relationship (especially if you did something to hurt or offend her), she might exhibit some pretty chilly behavior. She might ignore your calls, leave your texts on read, or even completely cut you off without an explanation. If you did something to hurt or upset her, reach out and give her a genuine apology.[10]

    • Understand that Aquarius people are actually very sensitive underneath their tough, unemotional exteriors. An Aquarius woman that is exhibiting this type of behavior may actually be really hurt.
    • If you made a mistake and realize an apology may be warranted, you might say, "I'm so sorry about forgetting your birthday, Sarah. I completely understand why you're hurt and I can't believe I was so careless."
    • It's possible you haven't done anything to upset her. In that case, reach out and ask her what's going on. Say something like, "Did something happen? You haven't been returning my texts and calls and I just want to make sure everything is okay."
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She ignores you in public.

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  1. This is a sign that she has made up her mind to leave. If an Aquarius woman is really done with the relationship, and she has no interest in friendship, she might refuse to acknowledge you if you see her out and about. This kind of behavior is more likely if she feels like she was disrespected or treated poorly. In this case, you might try saying hello in a friendly, relaxed manner. If she doesn't respond or quickly leaves, respect her space and avoid pushing her to talk.

    • If you see her at the grocery store, an Aquarius woman that's really done might simply keep walking or give you a nod without saying hi.
    • If you say hello and she makes it clear that she doesn't want to talk, it might be time to accept that she no longer wants to be in a relationship. This is super tough, but remember that there are plenty of others out there who would love to date you.


She blocks you on social media.

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  1. This is her way of letting you know she can't talk to you anymore. Aquarius women are known for walking away and leaving the past behind after they're done with a relationship. Though some are open to friendship, she might block you temporarily to get some space. It's also possible that you have been blocked for good if she feels hurt or disrespected by your behavior. If she blocks you, it's best to respect her decision and stop trying to contact her.

    • If you did mess up, try not to beat yourself up about it. Instead, acknowledge what happened, make a promise to change going forward, and forgive yourself.
    • Remember that everyone makes mistakes in relationships and look at it as a learning experience. She may even forgive you after some time.
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She ends your relationship.

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  1. An Aquarius woman will likely break things off if she's not happy. If the relationship is simply not a good match, she'll be willing to put her discomfort aside and explain her feelings directly.[11] You might be in for a swift breakup, though, if she feels like she has been slighted. Dishonesty or disrespect are not taken lightly by an Aquarius woman. If these things were present in your relationship, she may end things with little to no explanation or even ghost you.[12]

    • Aquarius women often leave relationships when they feel like their personal freedom is being taken away. Sometimes, a traditional, monogamous relationship is simply not a good fit for them.


She may still leave the door open for friendship.

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  1. Aquarius is ruled by the 11th House of Friendships. This means that they like to be friends with pretty much everyone they meet, including their ex-lovers.[13] If you want to win back this Aquarius woman, your best bet is to be a good friend to her. Be there for her when she needs help, goof off and tell jokes like you used to, and show her that she can depend on you. If she sees that you're a true friend, she might start to rethink walking away from your romantic relationship.

    • As you rekindle a friendship, show this Aquarius woman that you understand her need for space and share her company with her many other friends. Avoid getting possessive, as this might make her wary of remaining close.
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      What Happens When an Aquarius Woman Is Done with You? 13 Signs to Look Out For (43)

      Co-authored by:

      Stina Garbis

      Psychic Astrologer

      This article was co-authored by Stina Garbis and by wikiHow staff writer, Madeleine Criglow. Reverend Stina Garbis is a Psychic Astrologer and the Owner of Psychic Stina. With over 30 years of experience, she specializes in providing personal and professional advice through astrology and tarot card readings. Reverend Stina has experience working with high-profile celebrities, sports figures, politicians, and CEOs. She has been featured in many publications, including Bustle, Vice, The New York Post, and Readers’ Digest and she also has a 200k+ following on TikTok. Stina holds an Ordained Minister License from The International Metaphysical Ministry University Seminary. This article has been viewed 123,378 times.

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      Updated: April 16, 2024


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      What Happens When an Aquarius Woman Is Done with You? 13 Signs to Look Out For (2024)


      How does Aquarius end a relationship? ›

      Aquarius women are known for walking away and leaving the past behind after they're done with a relationship. Though some are open to friendship, she might block you temporarily to get some space.

      How to get your Aquarius woman back? ›

      Talk to her honestly about what you want.

      Aquarius women love it when they can talk openly and freely with someone, and they'll appreciate it when you do the same. Don't hold anything back, and try to let her in emotionally as much as you can. It will bring you two closer and hopefully rekindle your relationship.

      How to make an Aquarius woman regret breaking up with you? ›

      Here we bring you 4 ways to make an Aquarius miss you after breakup.
      1. Avoid being overly emotional.
      2. Give them space.
      3. Engage in intellectual talks.
      4. Don't bring up your broken romance.
      Oct 18, 2022

      When Aquarius is over you? ›

      When he stops trying to talk to you. You'll be ignored or just completely ghosted. It's normal for Aquarius people to act aloof and detached for a few days every once in a while but if you've turned him off in someway he'll make it very clear that he's not into you anymore.

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      Earth signs like Taurus and Capricorn are traditional, which Aquarius finds stifling. Water signs like Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio force the logically-minded Aquarius to wade through intense emotions.

      How to get an Aquarius to miss you? ›

      An Aquarius thrives on space.

      If you're always talking to him or always around, you don't give the freedom-loving Aquarian time to really miss you. Give him some distance so he can crave being close to you again. Avoid calling a lot or sending a lot of texts.

      How do you get an Aquarius addicted to you? ›

      How to Make an Aquarius Man Fall in Love
      1. Focus on your own hobbies, goals, and interests.
      2. Support other people and avoid jealous behavior.
      3. Take him on spontaneous adventures.
      4. Engage in deep and intellectual conversations.
      5. Lean in and make eye contact to show you're listening.

      How do you know if an Aquarius cares about you? ›

      They will make future plans with you, they will always be there for you when you need it, and they will always fascinate you with their ideas. Every now and then, they may even surprise you by showing you their softer side.

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      4 Zodiacs Most Likely To Break An Aquarius's Heart
      • Taurus. Between Taurus and Aquarius lies a chasm wide and deep, marked by the stubborn clash of immovable object and unstoppable force. ...
      • Leo. ...
      • Cancer.
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      Ruled by Saturn, Aquarians prefer doing things on their own terms. Their anger surfaces when they sense a threat to their freedom, leading to potential conflicts.

      Do Aquarius move on quickly? ›

      Aquarius' unconventional approach to life and independent nature help them move on quickly after a breakup. Their analytical mind and visionary outlook enable them to see a breakup as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.

      How to get an Aquarius woman to chase you? ›

      Wait to be vulnerable or openly emotional with her.

      If you want her to chase you, be bold and self-assured. In time, you can open up with her and have deep, emotional discussions. You'll know she's ready when she's the one to bring up her feelings.

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      25 signs she regrets losing you and wants you back
      1. She begins to communicate with you. ...
      2. She apologizes and takes responsibility. ...
      3. She becomes more caring than before. ...
      4. She talks about how uninteresting her life is. ...
      5. She tries to make up for her mistakes. ...
      6. She remains single even if there are suitors.
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      Aquarians are often misunderstood as being emotionally detached or distant. However, this perception fails to recognize their unique way of expressing emotions. Aquarians possess a strong sense of individuality and intellectual curiosity, which can sometimes overshadow their emotional depth.

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      High Aquarius Compatibility: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius. Aquarius' most compatible signs are fellow Air signs Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius.

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      In astrology, Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac, considered as governing the period from about January 20 to about February 18.

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      Author: Melvina Ondricka

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      Name: Melvina Ondricka

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      Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.