Your Guide to Aquarius Season (2024)

zodiac seasons

By Claire Comstock-Gay, astrologer and Cut columnist. She has written weekly horoscopes for more than ten years and is the author of 'Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars.'

Your Guide to Aquarius Season (2)

Illustration: Sunny Wu

By the end of January, you may well be sick of Capricorn season and its emphasis on hard work, discipline, andtradition. While harnessing the goat’s ambition and pragmatism can help you to build power and success, there’s more to life than racking up accomplishments. So when the sun finally moves into Aquarius, it serves as a reminder that you don’t have to try to climb the career ladder, get married and buy a house, or give up on your most fantastical dreams. Aquarius season encourages you to rebel against all that. If Capricorn season was about learning from the past, Aquarius season is about looking toward the future. Where Capricorn promised that you can succeed by following the rules, Aquarius wants you to imagine new rules, a whole new game.

Each year, the sun spends from January 20 until February 18 in the sign of the Water Bearer, and it invites us to get creative and idealistic. Despite its name, the element associated with Aquarius isn’t water but air. And as an air sign, Aquarius is one of the intellectuals of the zodiac, blessed with a sharp mind, imagination, and openness to new ideas. Like all air signs, Aquarius tends to be friendly and well-liked. Aquarius energy is also eccentric, though, which can rub some people (earth signs) the wrong way. In modern astrology, the sign’s planetary ruler is Uranus, the planet of change and revolution. On the more practical side, this means Aquarius is linked to progress and technological innovation; on the weirder side, it’s the sign of hippies (forever linked, for better or worse, with that song from Hair), rebels, and unsung geniuses.

During Aquarius season, you tire of convention, the usual ways of doing things. If you feel an urge to press beyond the edges of what’s easy or “normal” or routine, heed it. This is an opportunity to cast off the opinions of your neighbors, co-workers, or Instagram followers. They’re not living your life, you are, and you’ve got more interesting things to think about than their judgment. You can spend your time researching UFOs or getting deep into experimental cinema. You can rabble-rouse at City Council meetings on Zoom or show up to defend your unhoused neighbors against encampment evictions. The world is so big, and you don’t have to live the same way as everyone else.

That said, a certain amount of humdrum, everyday labor is unavoidable. That’s where Aquarius struggles. These kinds of tasks — doing the laundry or the grocery shopping — may seem unbearable. Even necessary activities like eating and sleeping can strike you as burdensome. But remember, while you’re imagining new futures or working out a theory of the universe, not to neglect your body. Eating well, getting rest, getting outside for a walk in the fresh air: These things won’t distract you from your big dreams; they keep you strong and healthy so that you can pursue them.

Similarly, in your social life, you may find you have less patience than usual for people you consider small-minded, boring, or simply wrong. Although Aquarius season encourages unconventionality, it can also, paradoxically, lead to rigidity — to the certainty that your style of thinking is the only true one, your unique vision of the future the only one worth pursuing. Do your best this month to stay generous and open hearted. You can follow your wild ideas and also continue to invest in your friendships and communities. Have faith in your singular spark while remembering that, ultimately, we all depend on one another.

At its worst, this Aquarian insistence on individualism can manifest in a disastrous brand of libertarianism (Sarah Palin), but it’s just as likely to blossom into a radical, generous concern for humanity more broadly and for our collective future together (Yoko Ono’s antiwar activism, Angela Davis’s staunch solidarity with Palestine).

With all its sharp, creative, revolutionary energy, this is a moment to remember that anything is possible. Other people might tell you your ambitions are silly, that injustice is inevitable, and breaking with tradition ill advised. But Aquarius insists that even utopian dreams are worth working toward. The rules can provide useful structure, but they can also hold you back. Aquarius season is as good a time as any to practice breaking some.


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Your Guide to Aquarius Season

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts


As an astrologer and enthusiast with a deep understanding of zodiac seasons, I can provide you with information related to the concepts mentioned in this article. I have extensive knowledge of astrology and have studied the zodiac signs and their characteristics for many years. Let's explore the concepts mentioned in the article and delve into the world of Aquarius season.

Aquarius Season and its Characteristics

Aquarius season, which occurs from January 20 to February 18, is a time when the sun moves into the sign of Aquarius. This season encourages rebellion against societal norms and invites us to imagine new rules and possibilities for the future. Aquarius is an air sign, known for its intellectual nature, sharp mind, imagination, and openness to new ideas. People born under this sign tend to be friendly and well-liked.

Aquarius and Eccentricity

Aquarius energy is often associated with eccentricity, which can sometimes clash with more traditional or practical approaches. This sign is linked to progress, technological innovation, and unconventional thinking. In modern astrology, Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of change and revolution. This association further emphasizes Aquarius' connection to unconventional ideas and the desire for societal transformation.

Individualism and Open-Heartedness

During Aquarius season, there may be a strong urge to break free from convention and embrace individualism. However, it's important to balance this desire with a sense of generosity and open-heartedness. While pursuing your unique vision and wild ideas, it's crucial to continue investing in friendships and communities. Aquarius reminds us that we are all interconnected and that our collective future depends on our collaboration and support for one another.

Embracing Possibilities and Challenging Traditions

Aquarius season encourages us to believe in the possibility of achieving our dreams, even if others may consider them silly or unrealistic. It challenges the notion that injustice is inevitable and encourages us to break free from the limitations imposed by tradition. While structure and rules can be helpful, Aquarius season reminds us to question and challenge them when necessary.


Aquarius season is a time of intellectual exploration, rebellion, and embracing new possibilities. It encourages us to think outside the box, challenge societal norms, and pursue our wildest dreams. While individualism is celebrated, it's important to maintain a sense of open-heartedness and generosity towards others. Remember, anything is possible during Aquarius season, and it's a perfect time to break free from limitations and work towards a brighter future.

Your Guide to Aquarius Season (2024)


What does Aquarius season mean for me? ›

Aquarius season is an expansion of the mind, if you so allow. The kind of expansion that ripples into a fundamental shift in how you perceive yourself and your life, in how you approach and create your goals and dreams, and in your relationship to the vast and mysterious, yet perhaps still logical, life.

Who is Aquarius' soulmate? ›

Gemini. Gemini can be a perfect Aquarius soulmate because of them being an air sign as well. They both crave enlightening conversations to enrich their knowledge and fulfil their curiosity. This makes their relationship an excellent one.

Who should an Aquarius marry? ›

Compatible signs:

Generally, the most compatible signs for Aquarius friendships and romantic relationships are fellow air signs (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini), as they speak the same intellectual language, and fire signs (Leo, Sagittarius, Aries).

What happens to Aquarius in Aquarius season? ›

Aquarius season isn't meant to be a huge, planet-shaking event, but it can offer up some much-needed time to reset and refocus. Focusing your energy on people who love and appreciate you is always a good use of your time, and you'll find yourself feeling more confident and secure as a result.

What month makes you a Aquarius? ›

Aquarius is the eleventh astrological sign of the zodiac. If you're born between January 20 and February 18, then you are an Aquarius.

Why is 2024 the year of Aquarius? ›

In 2024, the location of the Sun on the March equinox is in the constellation of Pisces but also on the border of Aquarius. So, we are slowly moving into a new age, from Pisces to Aquarius.

What is Aquarius' worst match? ›

Aquarius doesn't really understand water (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) or earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) so they get along with them the least, according to Marmanides. These signs have different values from Aquarius and different methods of mental processing that make it hard for them to see eye-to-eye.

Who breaks an Aquarius heart? ›

Leo and Aquarius stand as natural adversaries, their intrinsic natures clashing like fire against air, fueling flames that burn too bright before turning to ash. Leo, the king of the zodiac, commands attention and adulation as their divine right, basking in the glow of admiration with a pride that borders on vanity.

Who falls in love with Aquarius? ›

Who is Aquarius most compatible with? Aquarius is often drawn to Leo, their astrological opposite. Leos wear their hearts on their sleeves, and they are able to show an Aquarius how to be more open and affectionate.

Who should Aquarius stay away from? ›

Earth signs like Taurus and Capricorn are traditional, which Aquarius finds stifling. Water signs like Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio force the logically-minded Aquarius to wade through intense emotions.

What should Aquarius avoid? ›

Here's the thing: Aquarius hates small talk. Aquarius is totally disinterested in petty gossip and, frankly, could care less about people-please niceties. This zodiac sign is committed to creating a large-scale impact from the ground up, which means these revolutionaries are all about macro change.

What is Aquarius twin flame? ›

Gemini is the twin flame for Aquarius, they were always going to align to form a potential partnership unlike any other. A broad-minded approach to life, built on intellectual compassion and a creative will to explore new opportunities can form a melting pot of the perfect personality matches.

How does an Aquarius break up? ›

An Aquarius woman will likely break things off if she's not happy. If the relationship is simply not a good match, she'll be willing to put her discomfort aside and explain her feelings directly. You might be in for a swift breakup, though, if she feels like she has been slighted.

When Aquarius gets mad? ›

Aquarius. Not one to give in to your emotions, you are prone to ignoring what is annoying you for the longest time. When you do give in to your emotions, your rage takes the form of a frosty indifference that could freeze hell over.

When Aquarius loses interest? ›

Aquarians are the sort that always want space and while they may have indulged in a romantic relationship with you, it's probable that they never promised any commitment. So once they have lost interest in you, they'll pretend to more of friends than lovers. So that's how you figure it out with an Aquarian.

What does Aquarius mean for a person? ›

People born under the Aquarius sign are said to be progressive, independent, intelligent, unique, and idealistic. Their elemental sign is air, the same as that for Gemini and Libra. Like air, Aquarians don't have a single, clear shape and seem to defy categorization.

Why is Aquarius so special? ›

Aquarians are highly intellectual and creative, Walker says. Marked by independence, they don't like to be instructed what to do. While they can be social, they are not likely to participate in social interactions unless they truly want to. Aquarians are ideas people, never suffering a drought of inspiration.

What does the Age of Aquarius mean spiritually? ›

The Age of Aquarius foretells a shift beyond technological and medical innovations and calls for a better way of working with each other and a greater sense of community spirit.

What is the difference between January Aquarius and February Aquarius? ›

January Aquarians are down to earth. Always honest, they always speak bluntly, without embellishing any situation or thought. While February Aquarians are more flexible with situations and when it comes to making decisions, they also require a little support from the people they value.

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