3-Ingredient Homemade Hot Cocoa Recipe (Healthy swap for Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate!) (2024)

Whenever we get snowstorms here in Charlotte I feel nostalgic about when I was a child and my mom would mix up Swiss Miss hot cocoa after we got done playing in the snow. It was the best way to warm up my cold little hands!

This gets me wondering now though… What are the ingredients in Swiss Miss? They can’t be that bad, right? Shouldn’t it be basically cocoa powder and sugar?

I ran down to the supermarket to see for myself. And boy was I wrong!

All the popular brands of hot cocoa mix are packed with unnecessary emulsifiers, refined sweeteners, and fake flavors:

3-Ingredient Homemade Hot Cocoa Recipe (Healthy swap for Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate!) (1)

3-Ingredient Homemade Hot Cocoa Recipe (Healthy swap for Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate!) (2)

CORN SYRUP or CORN SYRUP SOLIDS (in Swiss Miss, Nestle, Great Value): A heavily processed form of sugar typically made from the starch of GMO corn. This refined sugar has zero nutritional value.

CONVENTIONAL WHEY or DAIRY SOLIDS (in Swiss Miss, Nestle, Great Value): Derived from conventionally raised dairy cows who were likely raised in a large factory farm on a diet of GMOs and routine antibiotics.

NATURAL FLAVORS (in Swiss Miss, Good & Gather, Great Value): A proprietary ingredient that can contain preservatives, emulsifiers, solvents and other additives that can make up 80% of the formulation (such as: sodium benzoate, glycerin, potassium sorbate, and propylene glycol – none of which are labeled).

ARTIFICIAL FLAVORS (in Nestle, Great Value):Chemical mixtures produced by fractional distillation and chemical manipulation of various chemicals like crude oil or coal tar. Much cheaper than using real food ingredients, and used to make processed food taste irresistible.

MONO AND DIGLYCERIDES (in Swiss Miss, Great Value):This emulsifier is a byproduct of oil processing – including canola and soybean oils – which may contain trans fat that is detrimental to our heart health.

SUCRALOSE (in Nestle): Artificial sweetener made in a laboratory by reacting sugar with Chlorine. Has been linked to leukemia and related blood cancers in animal studies.

CELLULOSE GUM (in Nestle, Great Value): This thickener and emulsifier is usually made from wood, because it’s cheap. Research links consumption of this additive (not naturally occurring when found in whole food) to weight gain, inflammation and digestive problems.

This is totally ridiculous. You can make hot cocoa with a handful of pantry ingredients – which is how I make it at home nowadays.

3-Ingredient Homemade Hot Cocoa Recipe (Healthy swap for Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate!) (3)3-Ingredient Homemade Hot Cocoa Recipe (Healthy swap for Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate!) (4)

There are some good organic store-bought hot cocoa mixes, such as Nib Mor, Lake Champlain, or Equal Exchange, but it is way cheaper to make your own. You can make a big batch and store it in a glass jar for when the craving strikes!

3-Ingredient Homemade Hot Cocoa Recipe (Healthy swap for Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate!) (5)

All you do is mix together one cup each of cacao powder and coconut sugar. Stir in one and a half cups of coconut milk powder and store the hot cocoa mix in a jar. When you’re ready to make cocoa, simply add 3 tablespoons of hot cocoa mix to a mug and stir in hot water. Each jar makes 18 servings!

If you want to be fancy – you can add some ground cinnamon or vanilla powder to your mix. You can also add a drop of vanilla extract or peppermint extract to your hot cocoa when making a cup.

Here’s why my homemade version is healthier than Swiss Miss:

  1. Organic cacao powder is a superfood that’s very high in antioxidants!
  2. Coconut sugar is unrefined, which means that its teeming with vitamins and minerals. This makes it less acidic on the body than corn syrup and refined cane sugar.
  3. Coconut milk powder makes a great replacement for conventional dairy that comes from factory farm cows.

I sometimes like to top my homemade hot cocoa with natural marshmallows – and never Kraft Jet Puffed or other conventional marshmallows that contain artificial blue dye – bleh!

SmashMallows are the brand I currently buy because I haven’t found an organic brand or another dye-free brand without carrageenan (Dandies uses carrageenan). I’m hoping SmashMallows go organic one day!

3-Ingredient Homemade Hot Cocoa Recipe (Healthy swap for Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate!) (6)

Food Babe's 3-Ingredient Hot Cocoa

3-Ingredient Homemade Hot Cocoa Recipe (Healthy swap for Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate!) (7)


Total time

Author: Food Babe

Serves: 18 servings


  • 1 cup cacao powder
  • 1 cup coconut sugar
  • 1½ cups coconut milk powder


  1. Sift together the ingredients until well combined. Store in an airtight container.
  2. To make a cup of hot cocoa, heat 8 ounces of water and add 3 tablespoons of cocoa mix. Stir well to combine.


**Please use organic ingredients if possible**

Optional add-ins (add to dry mix):
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla powder

Optional add-ins (add to one cup of hot cocoa along with the water):
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
½ teaspoon peppermint extract

I hope your family loves this hot cocoa as much as we do!

Please share this recipe with anyone in your life who’s still drinking hot cocoa filled with questionable ingredients. They will (hopefully) thank you for it!



3-Ingredient Homemade Hot Cocoa Recipe (Healthy swap for Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate!) (8)

3-Ingredient Homemade Hot Cocoa Recipe (Healthy swap for Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate!) (9)

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3-Ingredient Homemade Hot Cocoa Recipe (Healthy swap for Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate!) (2024)


What can I make instead of hot chocolate? ›

Smart Substitutes for Traditional Hot Chocolate
  1. Dairy-Free Hot Cocoa.
  2. Mexican Atole.
  3. Anijsmelk.
  4. Lebanese White Coffee.
  5. Yuanyang Tea.
Feb 13, 2020

How do I substitute hot chocolate for cocoa powder? ›

Because most brands of hot chocolate powder include sugar or sweetener, you may wish to reduce the amount of sugar you add to your baking recipe. To use it as a cocoa powder substitute, you need to use two teaspoons of hot chocolate mix for every teaspoon of cocoa powder in the recipe.

Can hot cocoa be healthy? ›

Hot chocolate has been associated with improved mood and reduced stress levels due to its high cocoa content. The flavanols in cocoa have been linked to increased levels of serotonin, which helps to regulate mood and reduce anxiety. Additionally, theobromine in cocoa can help to reduce fatigue and improve alertness.

What can I use instead of Mexican hot chocolate? ›

Replace the Mexican chocolate called for in your recipe with an equal amount of semisweet chocolate or cocoa powder. Add 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon and, if you like, a drop of almond extract for every ounce of chocolate.

Can you substitute anything for cocoa powder? ›

Carob powder is a sweeter, caffeine-free option that can be used directly instead of cocoa, though you may need to adjust the sweetness elsewhere in your recipe. Unsweetened chocolate or chocolate chips can also be melted down as a substitute, requiring you to account for the additional fat and sugar they introduce.

Which is healthier, hot cocoa or hot chocolate? ›

If you have a major sweet tooth, hot cocoa might be the better option. But if you're someone who enjoys richer flavors, hot chocolate is the better choice. Although hot cocoa is the sweeter drink, both hot chocolate and hot cocoa are full of sugar, so neither is really healthier than the other.

What is a substitute for chocolate? ›

Carob is a popular choice, known for its natural sweetness and chocolate-like flavour, perfect for baking or snacking. Another option is to combine healthy ingredients with a hint of cocoa, such as adding unsweetened cocoa powder to Greek yoghurt or dusting nuts with cocoa for a chocolatey taste without guilt.

How unhealthy is hot chocolate? ›

Furthermore, drinking hot chocolate which contains full-fat milk, and is topped with double cream, means your beverage is high in saturated fat, which can affect your cholesterol levels, potentially increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

What is the healthiest form of cocoa? ›

Cacao is the raw, unprocessed version of cocoa. Both can benefit your health, but it's best to stick to either the raw version, cacao, or a chocolate product that has a high chocolate liquor content. Raw cacao can take some getting used to. It tastes a little different than cocoa products and can be slightly bitter.

What is the healthiest cocoa to drink? ›

“To get the health benefits of cocoa powder, buy unsweetened cocoa powder with no ingredients added,” says Fazio. “It has fewer calories, less fat and sugar and more antioxidants than chocolate powder. Just make sure to read the label, as it will tell you if the product contains cocoa or chocolate.”

How to upgrade Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa? ›

Other Ways to Upgrade Your Hot Chocolate:
  1. caramel.
  2. a scoop of ice cream.
  3. cinnamon, nutmeg or vanilla extract.
  4. orange zest.
  5. a tablespoon of fresh-brewed espresso or coffee.
  6. peppermint stick.
  7. dark, milk, or white chocolate shavings.
  8. coconut or almond milk (use in place of regular milk)
Dec 1, 2015

What are the ingredients in Swiss Miss hot chocolate? ›

From the Package


How to make Swiss miss with milk? ›

  1. Warm the milk on the stovetop or in the microwave until steaming hot.
  2. Meanwhile, pour heavy cream and Swiss Miss® into large bowl. Whip with an electric mixer on high speed until stiff peaks form, 2 to 4 minutes.
  3. Divide steamed milk evenly into two mugs. Top each mug with whipped hot cocoa.

What can I give instead of chocolate? ›

Nut butters like peanut, almond, cashew, walnut and hazelnut are full of taste, very high in protein and low in carbs. These chocolate craving substitutes contain a good amount of fibers – almond butter is the highest on the list – which can also help improve digestion.

Is hot chocolate just milk and chocolate? ›

Hot chocolate, also known as hot cocoa or drinking chocolate, is a heated drink consisting of shaved or melted chocolate or cocoa powder, heated milk or water, and usually a sweetener.

Can you substitute coffee for hot chocolate? ›

Drinking chocolate naturally contains caffeine, but cocoa does not have the same amount of caffeine as coffee. Therefore, you won't have quite the same buzz from your morning cup of drinking chocolate as your coffee, but you'll still have a boost to start your morning.

What are the alternative uses of chocolate? ›

Chocolate As A Dipping Sauce

Aside from this, chocolate is also used with churros, to coat strawberries and other fruits, cookies, ice cream sandwiches and many more treats. It is also commonly used as a sauce with treats like pancakes, waffles and french toast.

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.