99 Friendship Quotes About Loyalty (Both True and Fake) (2024)

We often expect our real friends to be true to their words and to us so that we can trust them. However, sometimes we actually don’t understand what loyalty is. These quotes will help you understand what loyalty in friendships means to different people.

Who knows, these might help you figure out what it means to you!


  1. True friendship and loyalty quotes
  2. Quote on fake loyalty
  3. Famous friendship and loyalty quotes
  4. Common questions

Quotes about true friendship and loyalty

True friendships are anchored on respect, honesty, loyalty, and commitment. These qualities tend to be more observed when there is a small circle of friends. Be mindful of who you spend your time with.

Remember, loyalty runs deep and allows one to fight for what they love.

1. “I look for these qualities and characteristics in people. Honesty is number one, respect, and absolutely the third would have to be loyalty.”—Summer Altice
2. “Honesty and loyalty are key. If two people can be honest with each other about everything, that’s probably the biggest key to success.” —Taylor Lautner
3. “Loyalty is the strongest glue which makes a relationship last for a lifetime.” —Mario Puzo

4. “Without commitment, you cannot have depth in anything, whether it’s a relationship, a business, or a hobby.” —Neil Strauss
5. “Loyalty is a continuous phenomenon; you don’t score points for past action.” —Natasha Pulley
6. “The first step towards loyalty is trust.” —Priyanshu Singh

7. “Be slow to fall into friendship, but when thou art in, continue firm and constant.” —Socrates
8. “The best things in life are free. It is important never to lose sight of that. So look around you. Wherever you see friendship, loyalty, laughter, and love, there is your treasure.” —Neale Donald Walsch
9. “If you can’t value a commitment made by someone else, your own commitments lose their value too.” —Ram Mohan

10. “Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing, and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times, it settles for less than perfection, and makes allowances for human weaknesses.” —Ann Landers
11. “Loyalty means nothing unless it has at its heart the absolute principle of self-sacrifice.” —Woodrow Wilson
12. “Loyal companions are an unequal grace, stanching fear before it bleeds you numb, a reliable antidote for creeping despair.” —Dean Koontz

13. “Loyalty is something you give regardless of what you get back, and in giving loyalty, you’re getting more loyalty, and out of loyalty flow other great qualities.” —Charles Jones
14. “Anyone can give attention and compliments, but someone who loves you will give you that plus respect, honesty, trust, and loyalty.” —Charles Orlando
15. “Trust is earned, respect is given, and loyalty is demonstrated. The betrayal of any one of those is to lose all three.” —Ziad K. Abdelnour

16. “Be loyal to those who are not present. In doing so, you build the trust of those who are present.” —Stephen Covey
17. “Many of the qualities that come so effortlessly to dogs—loyalty, devotion, selflessness, unflagging optimism, unqualified love—can be elusive to humans.” —John Grogan
18. “I belong to the people I love, and they belong to me—they, and the love and loyalty I give them, form any word or group ever could.” —Veronica Roth

19. “I learned the real meaning of love. Love is absolute loyalty. People fade, looks fade, but loyalty never fades.” —Sylvester Stallone
20. “Friendship with oneself is all-important, because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else.” —Eleanor Roosevelt
21. “Look out for those who look out for you. Loyalty is everything.” —Conor McGregor

22. “As I’m getting older, I’m really learning that unconditional love and loyalty are extremely important.” —Bindi Irwin
23. “We have to recognize that there cannot be relationships unless there is commitment, unless there is loyalty, unless there is love, patience, persistence.” —Cornel West
24. “I think a good friend, to me, is all about trust and loyalty. You don’t ever want to second-guess whether you can tell your friend something.” —Lauren Conrad

25. “There’s nothing like a really loyal, dependable, good friend. Nothing.” —Jennifer Aniston
26. “Unlike the puerile loyalty to a conviction, loyalty to a friend is a virtue—perhaps the only virtue, the last remaining one.” —Milan Kundera
27. “Loyalty and friendship, which is to me the same, created all the wealth that I’ve ever thought I’d have.” —Ernie Banks

28. “I place an enormous premium on loyalty. If someone betrays me, I can forgive them rationally, but emotionally I have found it impossible to do so.” —Richard E. Grant
29. “You don’t earn loyalty in a day. You earn loyalty day-by-day.” —Jeffery Gitomer
30. “A healthy loyalty is not passive and complacent, but active and critical.” —Harold Laski

31. “Love and loyalty run deeper than blood.” —Richelle Mead
32. “It isn’t an easy thing to give your loyalty to someone you don’t know, especially when that person chooses to reveal nothing of himself.” —Megan Whaler Turner
33. “Loyalty is a characteristic trait. Those who have it, give it free of charge.” —Ellen J. Barrier

34. “Nothing is more noble, nothing more venerable, than loyalty.” —Cicero
35. “Within the hearts of men, loyalty and consideration are esteemed greater than success.” —Bryant H. McGill
36. “If put to the pinch, an ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness.” —Elbert Hubbard

37. “The whole point of loyalty was not to change: stick with those who stuck with you.” — Larry McMurtry
38. “Loyalty is the pledge of truth to oneself and others.” — Ada Velez-Boardley
39. “Love grows from stable relationships, shared experience, loyalty, devotion, trust.” —Richard Wright

40. “You don’t love someone out of loyalty, nor out of sympathy, either.” —Jae Hee
41. “There is no friend as loyal as a book.” —Ernst Hemingway
42. “One man with 100 loyal friends is a lot stronger than one man with 1000 dead enemies, but only the former knows it, and the latter cares.” —Gregory Wallace Campbell

43. “A friend’s loyalty lasts longer than their memory. Over the course of a long friendship, you might fight with your friend, even get angry with them. But a true friend will forget that anger after a while, because their loyalty to their friend outweighs the memory of the disagreement.” —Matthew Reilly
44. “Loyalty cannot be blueprinted. It cannot be produced on an assembly line. In fact, it cannot be manufactured at all, for its origin is the human heart—the center of self-respect and human dignity.” —Maurice R. Franks
45. “Be loyal and trustworthy. Do not befriend anyone who is lower than yourself in this regard.” —Confucius

46. “Loyalty isn’t grey. It’s black and white. You’re either loyal completely, or not loyal at all.” —Sharnay
47. “Loyalty is the strongest glue which makes a relationship last for a lifetime.” —Mario Puzo
48. “Loyalty is what makes us trust, trust is what makes us stay, staying is what makes us love, and love is what gives us hope.” —Glenn van Dekken

49. “Your loyalty to your friends and family should have no limit.” —Bohdi Sanders
50. “Loyalty is a 24-hour proposition, 24/7. It’s not a part-time job.” —Jonathan Moyo
51. “Can’t be loyal to everyone; it’s a conflict of interest.” —Tyconis Allison

52. “Loyalty is a decision, a resolution of the soul.” – Pascal Mercier
53. “What I value most in my friends is loyalty.” – David Mamet
54. “What makes a woman beautiful is her loyalty to and her friendships with other women and her honesty with men.” –Vanessa Marcil
55. “The only true test of loyalty is fidelity in the face of ruin and despair.” –Eric Felten

56. “Many people walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.” —Eleanor Roosevelt
57. “A person who deserves my loyalty receives it.” —Joyce Maynard
58. “Be loyal to what you love, be true to the earth, fight your enemies with passion and laughter.” Edward Abbey

59. “The only way one can guarantee one’s loyalty is love. Loyalty is beyond logic, really.” Paul Bettany
60. “Dogs are loyal friends, and if they could talk, your secrets would still be safe.” Richelle E. Goodrich

Here are more quotes about deep, true friendship.

Quotes about fake loyalty

As much as we hate it, sometimes we meet friends with no loyalty. We end up with broken friendships due to betrayal. This can be painful, but it is quite common in friendships.

This is what others had to say about fake loyalty in friendships.

1. “I used to advertise my loyalty, and I don’t believe there is a single person I loved that I didn’t eventually betray.” —Albert Camus
2. “What a desperate, pathetic fool I was. Time after time, my ‘friends’ had shown me their true colors. Yet, I still wanted to believe they were sorry for causing me pain.” —Jodee Blanco
3. “Fake people don’t surprise me anymore; loyal people do.” —Don Corleone

4. “Nowadays there’s no honor, no loyalty, only drama. Your friend today can be your enemy tomorrow.” —Anonymous
5. “Loyalty is from above, betrayal is from below.” —Bob Sorge
6. “Loyalty that is bought with money, maybe overcome by money.” —Seneca

7. “A friend to all, is not a friend to anyone.” —Mike Skinner
8. “Fake friends believe in rumors, real friends believe in you.” —Yolanda Hadid
9. “Fake friends are like shadows: always near you at your brightest moments, but nowhere to be seen at your darkest hour.” —Habeeb Akande

10. “Some people are willing to betray years of friendship just to get a little bit of the spotlight.” —Lauren Conrad
11. “Friendship is delicate as glass; once broken it can be fixed, but there will always be cracks.” —Waqar Ahmed
12. “False friendship, like the ivy, decays and ruins the walls it embraces; but true friendship gives new life and animation to the object it supports.” —Richard Burton

13. “Before you count your friends, make sure you can count on them. Some friends are only around when they want something from you but are never there when you need something from them.” —Rashida Rowe
14. “Always sleep with one eye open. Never take anything for granted. Your best friends might just be your enemies.” —Sara Shepard
15. “Buy a gift for a dog, and you will be amazed at the way it will dance and swerve its tail, but if you don’t have anything to offer it, it won’t even recognize your arrival; such are the attributes of fake friends.” —Michael Bassey Johnson

16. “A friendship that can cease has never been real.” —St. Jerome
17. “Being betrayed is one of the most valuable lessons life can teach.” —Shania Twain
18. “Lovers have a right to betray you, friends don’t.” —Judy Holliday

19. “Life is all about losing friends, the people you know. So, just that you get better at finding the ones worth suffering for.” ―Mohit Kaushik
20. “Being too nice is a crime today. Fake friends are everywhere around you. They will use you and when you are of no use, throw you away like a wrapper.” ―Shizra
21. “You never lose Friends. Real ones will always stay—no matter what and the fakes, you don’t need anyways.” ―Drishti Bablani

22. “It’s hard to tell who has your back, from who has it long enough just to stab you in it….” ―Nicole Richie
23. “The worst pain in the world goes beyond the physical. Even further beyond any other emotional pain one can feel. It is the betrayal of a friend.” ―Heather Brewer
24. “To me, the thing that is worse than death is betrayal. You see, I could conceive death, but I could not conceive betrayal.”―Malcolm X

25. “Betray a friend, and you’ll often find you have ruined yourself.” —Aesop
26. “What a desperate, pathetic fool I was. Time after time, my ‘friends’ had shown me their true colors. Yet, I still wanted to believe they were sorry for causing me pain.” —Jodee Blanco

You might also like these quotes about fake vs real friends.

Famous quotes on friendship and loyalty

Here are some sayings from famous people regarding their experiences concerning loyalty.

1. “Friendship is everything. Friendship is more than talent. It is more than the government. It is almost the equal of family.” —Don Corleone, The Godfather
2. “A friend should always underestimate your virtues and an enemy overestimate your faults.” —Don Coreleone, The Godfather
3. “You’re gonna lose friends, relationships, and maybe even family, but at the end of the day, you just gotta make sure you don’t lose yourself.” —NBA YoungBoy

4. “Without loyalty, you won’t accomplish anything.” —NBA YoungBoy
5. “Stop expecting loyalty from people who can’t be honest with you.” —NBA YoungBoy
6. “The realest people don’t have a lot of friends.” —Tupac Shakur

7. “Just because you lost me as a friend doesn’t mean you gained me as an enemy. I’m bigger than that; I still want to see you eat, just not at my table.” —Tupac Shakur
8. “Friends who tell you to change your mind when you know that you are right are never your friends, for they should believe in your decisions.” —Tupac Shakur
9. “Many will say they are loyal friends, but who can find one who is truly reliable?” —Proverbs 20:6

10. “There are friends who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother.” —Proverbs 19:24
11. “A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.” —William Shakespeare
12. “He that is thy friend indeed, he will help thee in thy need: If thou wake, he cannot sleep: Thus of every grief in heart he with thee does bear a part. These are certain signs to know faithful friend from flattering foe.” —William Shakespeare
13. “Words are easy, like the wind, faithful friends are hard to find.” —William Shakespeare

You might also like to know these quotes on one-sided friendships.

Common questions

What does it mean to be loyal?

Being loyal means being entirely committed to someone and doing the best you can to maintain their trust.

What is loyalty in a friendship?

Reliability, fidelity, trustworthiness, and honesty are some qualities that show loyalty in a friendship.

99 Friendship Quotes About Loyalty (Both True and Fake) (2024)


What is true friends vs fake friends quote? ›

Fake friends are like shadows: always near you at your brightest moments, but nowhere to be seen at your darkest hour True friends are like stars, you don't always see them but they are always there.

What is a good quote about loyal friends? ›

  • “A single rose can be my garden; a single friend, my world.” — Leo Buscaglia.
  • “A friend may be waiting behind a stranger's face.” — ...
  • “Since there is nothing so well worth having as friends, never lose a chance to make them.” — ...
  • “There's nothing like a really loyal, dependable, good friend.

What is a famous quote about loyalty? ›

We have to recognize that there cannot be relationships unless there is commitment, unless there is loyalty, unless there is love, patience, persistence.” —Cornel West, philosopher and activist.

What is true loyalty in friendship? ›

Loyalty means being there for someone through the highs and lows, and staying by their side regardless of the circ*mstances. Loyalty involves accepting and loving someone for who they are and not threatening to leave when things become challenging.

What is the best caption for fake friends? ›

Short instagram captions for fake friends
  • No fakes allowed in my circle.
  • Choose honesty, ditch the fakes.
  • Fake friends, real disappointment.
  • Lessons learned from fake friends.
  • True friends, true happiness.
  • Cut the fakes, keep the real.
  • No space in my life for phony friends.

How to expose a fake person? ›

The best course of action is to talk openly with the person you suspect is a fake friend. Clear communication can sometimes resolve misunderstandings, but it may be time to distance yourself if that doesn't work.

What is a wise quote about friendship? ›

A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you. Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life. It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.

What is called true friendship quotes? ›

A true friend is someone who is there for you when he'd rather be anywhere else. A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down. A true friend is the greatest of all blessings, and that which we take the least care of all to acquire.

What is the motto of friendship? ›

Best Friend Slogan in English

Friends Forever, Never Apart, Maybe in Distance, But Never at Heart.” “Side by Side or Miles Apart, Best Friends Stay Close to the Heart.” “True Friendship: A Journey Without an End.” “Best Friends: The Family We Choose for Ourselves.”

What is a deep quote about loyalty? ›

You give loyalty, you'll get it back. You give love, you'll get it back. Loyalty and honesty, those are important. Confidentiality is a virtue of the loyal, as loyalty is the virtue of faithfulness.

Where loyalty lies quotes? ›

My father wrote: "Always question where your loyalties lie. The people you trust will expect it, your greatest enemies will desire it, and those you treasure the most, will, without fail, abuse it.

How does you prove to be a true and loyal friend? ›

Distinguishing between acquaintances and true friends requires telltale signs like reliability, sincere interest, mutual giving, consistent displays of loyalty, reciprocity, acceptance of imperfections, unwavering support, respect, shared values, honoring boundaries, investment of time and effort, forgiveness, ...

What are the qualities of a true friend? ›

Qualities of a good friend
  • is there for you, no matter what.
  • doesn't judge you.
  • doesn't put you down or deliberately hurt your feelings.
  • is kind and respectful to you.
  • is someone whose company you enjoy.
  • is loyal.
  • is trustworthy and willing to tell you the truth, even when it's hard for you to hear.
  • laughs with you.

When a friend is disloyal? ›

Acknowledge the pain of disloyalty.

It's normal to be upset and there is no need to hide the fact that you are hurt. Acknowledge the pain by stating it aloud. Name the emotion that you are feeling and own your reaction to it. "I am disappointed because I placed my trust in someone who backstabbed me."

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Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife. A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked. If you have one true friend you have more than your share.

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“False friends” appear or sound like words in their own language, but have different meanings in others. They give us insight into how language changes. "Gift" means "poison" in German. This may lead to confusion.

What is a famous line from friends? ›

1. “Well, maybe I don't need your money. Wait, wait, I said maybe!

What is a quote for bad friends? ›

If you choose bad companions, no one will believe that you are anything but bad yourself. Free your life from the fangs of gossips by not associating yourself with them. Anyone who helps you to gossip about someone can also help someone to gossip about you. Fire False Friends as early as possible.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.