Homemade Fortune Cookies Recipe (Video) (2024)

By Brandy 17 Comments

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Make your own fortune cookies at home. The best part is that you can customize the fortunes inside. Bonus: homemade fortune cookies taste better than store bought cookies! This post contains affiliate links.

Make a batch of our fortune cookies and serve with one of our homemade Chinese food recipes! We have recipes for chicken chow mein, egg rolls and more!

Homemade Fortune Cookies Recipe (Video) (1)

Watch our step by step video!

We first started making our own fortune cookies in 2010. I made about a dozen batches that year and gave them as gifts to the kids’ teachers, and we (of course) enjoyed a few batches for ourselves. We also made ice cream bowls out of the fortune cookie batter and they were SO good! The kids gobbled them right up. I love almond extract which is why I think I love this recipe so much. It has the perfect amount. These cookies are crispy, sweet, and have a wonderfully light texture.

Homemade Fortune Cookies Recipe (Video) (2)

Tips for Baking Fortune Cookies

  1. You can use baking sheets lined in silpat, parchment paper or non stick baking sheets. We’ve found the easiest method is to LIGHTLY spray non stick cooking spray onto a baking sheet. Don’t use too much spray or your cookies will lose their shape, but a light coating helps them come right off.
  2. Only bake 2-3 cookies at a time. You have to work while the cookies are hot, and they cool down pretty quickly. So only bake 2-3 cookies at a time. While you are forming them into shapes you can have another sheet of cookies baking in the oven.
  3. Check the cookies at 5 minutes. If the edges are golden, they are just about done. You can see the color you are looking for in my photos. Darker on the edges, lighter inside. If your cookies are too dark they will crumble instead of bending into the correct shape.
  4. Fortune cookies are crunchy on day 1, but might soften slightly on day 2. You can crisp them up again by heating in the oven at 200 degrees for a few minutes.
  5. Check out our video to help you learn how to fold a fortune cookie. It’s pretty simple!

We’ve made these about a dozen times over the years and they are always a hit. My favorite is when the kids write their own fortunes inside and give them as Valentine’s Day gifts to their teachers. Their cute handwriting really sets them apart. If you’d like to take these up a notch, try dipping them in white chocolate!

Homemade Fortune Cookies Recipe (Video) (3)

Homemade Fortune Cookies

Homemade Fortune Cookies Recipe (Video) (4)

Homemade Fortune Cookies

Make your own fortune cookies at home. The best part is that you can customize the fortunes inside. Bonus: homemade fortune cookies taste better than store bought cookies!

5 from 3 votes

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Prep Time: 2 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes minutes

Total Time: 7 minutes minutes

Servings: 10 cookies

Calories: 25kcal


  • 2 egg whites
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 2 Tbsp. water
  • 1 teaspoon almond extract


  • Set oven to 400F degrees.

  • Beat egg whites until frothy peaks form.

  • Add flour, sugar, and almond extract.

  • Whisk until completely incorporated.

  • Stir in water.

  • LIGHTLY spray a baking sheet with non stick cooking spray.

  • Pour a small amount (1T.) onto baking sheet. Spread into a 4" or 5" circle.

    Homemade Fortune Cookies Recipe (Video) (5)

  • Make 2 -3 circles per baking sheet. Baking in small batches helps ensure that you can shape the cookies before they harden and cool.

  • Bake for 5 minutes, or until edges start to brown.

    Homemade Fortune Cookies Recipe (Video) (6)

  • Working fast, quickly remove one cookie from the baking sheet and place a paper fortune across the center. Bring two sides of the cookie together (to form a semi circle) then bend the cookie (on the fold) over the edge of a cup to create the fortune cookie shape.

    Homemade Fortune Cookies Recipe (Video) (7)

  • I like using a small ramekin to form the cookie, then I place the cookie inside the ramekin while it cools.

  • Repeat for remaining cookies.


Calories: 25kcal


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Welcome! I'm Brandy, mother to 5 darling kiddos and a cute black lab named Toby. My husband is in the Coast Guard so we've lived all over the place, turning each house into a home. I love baking, sewing, making cute things with my kids, and sharing what I've learned with all of you!

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Homemade Fortune Cookies Recipe (Video) (9)

About Brandy

Welcome! I'm Brandy, mother to 5 darling kiddos and a cute black lab named Toby. My husband is in the Coast Guard so we've lived all over the place, turning each house into a home. I love baking, sewing, making cute things with my kids, and sharing what I've learned with all of you!

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Reader Interactions


  1. Homemade Fortune Cookies Recipe (Video) (10)JHill says

    So cute! I am going to bookmark this one because we are going to do a yummy Chinese meal on V-day since it’s also Chinese New Year’s. Thanks for the idea!


  2. Homemade Fortune Cookies Recipe (Video) (11)Jennifer says

    We did a Chinese New Year Family Home Evening last year with food and games and such and I tried fortune cookies but the paper ended up sticking to the cookie. I’m not sure if it was the recipe or perhaps I didn’t bake it quite long enough. I’ll definitely have to try this recipe and hopefully it works a little better. Thanks for the link!


    • Homemade Fortune Cookies Recipe (Video) (12)Gwen says

      I ran into that too the first time I tried this recipe. But I tried reducing the temperature to 375F and baking for 8 minutes and it got more even bake all the way to the center and fixed the sticking issue for me!


  3. Homemade Fortune Cookies Recipe (Video) (13)Steph @ somewhatsimple says

    i have been wanting to make these forever now!


  4. Homemade Fortune Cookies Recipe (Video) (14)Angie@treasures for tots says

    Delicious!! Yummy!!

    Thank you for sharing at Thursday’s Treasures!

    Come share again this week!


  5. Homemade Fortune Cookies Recipe (Video) (15)Kalleen at Second Street says

    Thanks for linking up so many great ideas brandy!


  6. Homemade Fortune Cookies Recipe (Video) (16)Leslie Germain says

    Hello Brandy. Thand you for posting this fun idea. I found your blog through a pin for the fortune cookies. I made these for my son’s Ninjago party. Thank you. The party will be featured on my blog tomorrow with a link to your page. If you have a chance, stop by and check it out.


  7. Homemade Fortune Cookies Recipe (Video) (17)Kay says

    How long will these stay fresh?


    • Homemade Fortune Cookies Recipe (Video) (18)Brandy says

      Because they are homemade, they will start to soften around day 3. Best eaten within a couple of days. If you’re looking for cookies that snap when you break them open they are best fresh.


  8. Homemade Fortune Cookies Recipe (Video) (19)Lora says

    Thinking of making these for a wedding as seating cards. We would need a lot of them. Can they be frozen once cooked and shaped? Thanks!


    • Homemade Fortune Cookies Recipe (Video) (20)Brandy says

      Hi Lora! How exciting! Honestly, I’m not sure I’d use homemade fortune cookies for a giant crowd. They are fun to make, but time consuming, and after a day, begin to soften a little. I’m just not sure they’d stay crispy after being frozen.


  9. Homemade Fortune Cookies Recipe (Video) (21)Jenni says

    Just made these this morning. Yum! And fun! I found that using silicon baking sheets was easiest for getting them off the pan and making them round. For some reason when I sprayed the pan, the shape was weird and they were still hard to get off.


    • Homemade Fortune Cookies Recipe (Video) (22)Brandy says

      Yay! They can be a little tricky so I’m glad you found a system that worked best!


  10. Homemade Fortune Cookies Recipe (Video) (23)Kelly says

    Hi Brandy,
    I would love to make these but I don’t know how much 1/2 cup is. Could you tell me how much that is in grams? As I am from The Netherlands 🤗
    Thank you!


    • Homemade Fortune Cookies Recipe (Video) (24)Brandy says

      65 grams flour
      108 grams sugar


  11. Homemade Fortune Cookies Recipe (Video) (25)Nikki says

    I made these for the first time and can’t seem to get the temperature and timing right for my oven. I have tried the 400 degrees for 5 minutes and the 375 degrees for 8 minutes. I have also played around with the timing on both. The issue I am having, is the center part of the cookie is soft and not crunchy like the rest of the cookie. The outside edges are a nice golden brown color and almost to the point of not wanting to cook it longer or it will burn. They look like the cookies in the picture where it shows you what they should look like when you take them out of the oven. Any thoughts? Also, I am spreading the batter very thin so I don’t think that is the issue. Please help!


    • Homemade Fortune Cookies Recipe (Video) (26)Brandy says

      Hi Nikki! It’s frustrating how things can vary from kitchen to kitchen. What works for mine won’t necessarily work for yours since the cookies are so thin! You might try baking them on parchment paper instead of directly on the pan to see if that extra layer helps them cook more evenly!


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Homemade Fortune Cookies Recipe (Video) (2024)


How rare is it to not get a fortune in a fortune cookie? ›

Therefore, in my experience, the probability is less than 1 in 8640 of a cookie with no fortune.

How to make custom fortune cookies? ›

Tips for Making Custom Fortune Cookies

Print (or write) your own fortunes and cut them into thin rectangle shapes before you start making the batter. Once the cookies are baked you only have a few seconds to get the fortunes stuffed inside and the cookies folded before they set and harden.

How to make your fortune cookie come true? ›

After reading the fortune, you must not tell anyone your fortune, and then eat your fortune cookie and put paper on fire for it to come true. 7.) If there is no fortune in a fortune cookie, it is a sign that something good will happen to you soon. (Because fortune-cookie-fairy owes you one fortune.)

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The reasoning behind this is that you are now owed a fortune and it will be repaid to you with a good event. The second is that your fortune is a blank slate. You are in control of your own future and are able to take the reins and make what you want to happen, happen.

Are fortune cookies Chinese or Japanese? ›

The latest history of the fortune cookie is that it originated in Japan. A wood block image from 1878 shows what seems to be a Japanese street vendor grilling, fortune cookies. They can still be found in certain districts of Kyoto Japan, but are larger and darker than the fortune cookie we are familiar with.

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The six numbers in FORTUNE COOKIES associated with the most winners are: 4, 14, 15, 22, 26 and 28.

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Answer. The cookies are baked as flat circles. After they are removed from the oven, slips of paper are folded inside while the cookies are still warm and flexible. As the fortune cookies cool, they harden into shape.

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THE instructions on the red wrapper are very explicit: (1) Open the packaging. (2) Use both hands to break open the fortune cookie. (3) Retrieve and read the fortune. (4) Eat the cookie.

Are Chinese fortune cookies true? ›

The exact origin of fortune cookies is unclear, though various immigrant groups in California claim to have popularized them in the early 20th century. They most likely originated from cookies made by Japanese immigrants to the United States in the late 19th or early 20th century.

How to break a fortune cookie? ›

Here's how I do it:
  1. I break the fortune cookie in half and pull it apart.
  2. I set aside the half that retains the fortune and eat the other half.
  3. I then read the fortune. If I like it, I eat the remaining half. If not, I discard it.
Mar 3, 2020

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We are not perfect, but that does not mean we are a bad mold. We can still create beautiful people and things. Our children will never be the perfect “statues” that this fortune claims, because the mold will always have a flaw. We should accept that and be content that they are pliable enough to correct their wrongs.

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For so many around the world, cookies symbolize that spirit of giving. In all shapes and flavors, they're a bite-size emblem for generosity, solidarity, and seasonal joy. Here is the recipe for the first recorded American Christmas cookie.

Why do fortune cookies not have fortunes? ›

Simply put, they no longer tell fortunes because the family-run companies that dominate this business cannot keep up with demand. Yet that doesn't spoil the fun of fortune cookies. Some companies create "adult" messages, and a few allow patrons to create their own fortunes.

Are fortune cookies random? ›

As for predicting the future, no, fortune cookies don't have special powers of foresight. The fortune cookie you open at a Chinese restaurant came into your hands randomly. If it happens to contain a fortune that comes true, it's just coincidence. Besides, many fortunes don't even predict the future.

Do fortune cookies exist in China? ›

Due to its popularization by Chinese-Americans, many people believe that the fortune cookie originates from China. But the cookies actually do not exist in China – because they were based off a traditional Japanese cookie-cracker called tsujiura senbei or “fortune crackers”.

Are fortune cookie numbers random? ›

If you choose not to input any customized numbers, the fortune will just return random numbers on the fortune cookie paper.

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.