The ABC's of Self-Love (2024)

And the gorgeous women who contributed to this guide do to! As you probably know, I spent two weeks in February hosting a Fierce Love Blog Crawl to start a lively conversation across the internet about the meaning and practice of self-love. This is the aftermath of the experiment…

A 74 page guide with 26 inspiring essays written by 26 inspiring women exploring self-love in its many iterations, sharing personal stories, and empowering *YOU* to practice Fierce Self-Love in your own world.

DOWNLOAD the ABC’s of Self-Love Guide HERE


Fierce Love is the first step to an authentically joyful life.

Your journey to live life on your own terms demands a lot from you, dear one. You’ve got to be courageous. You need to stand up for your own desires in the face of others’ expectations. You must be dedicated to sharing your gifts and finding your voice in the world. Sometimes, you’ve got to cut your losses and move on, to leave outgrown friendships, demand more from your work, and realize you’re deserving of true love. You may need to recommit to your health, your dreams, your creativity, or your own happiness.

All of this? It starts with Fierce Love.

You are the voice, the heart, and the one who brings this conversation to life. Without *YOU* this guide languishes in the recesses of the internet, a lonely PDF experiment without life, without spark, without consideration. Thank you for reading and using the wisdom within as juicy fuel to spark Fierce Love in your world, on your terms!

DOWNLOAD the ABC’s of Self-Love Guide HERE

Prefer to surf around the internet to read the essays?
You can do that to!

A is for Acceptance by Molly Mahar “Acceptance isn’t handing the reigns of your live over to fate, but relishing the present moment.

B is for Beauty by Rebecca Bass-Ching “I now revel in the awe-inspiring beauty of courage, generosity, gentleness, kindness, sacrificial love, compassion, vulnerability, motherhood and respect.”

C is for Celebration by Dani “Stand in front of the mirror and point out all the things you love about yourself. Instant self-love!”

D is for Determination by Ash Ambirge “Want success? Make more decisions, choose more often, gain more control, and then take responsibility over your success. Period.”

E is for Enough by Amy Kessel “The resistance to loving ourselves disappears when we know, really know, that we are enough.”

F is for Freedom by Jenny Blake “A fallacy of freedom is that we must not allow ourselves to be tied-down, lest we lock the cage on our ability to fly.”

G is for Growth by Justine Musk
“It’s how you grow through and out of it – the meaning you make of it – that can not only shape yourself and your creative work (and your life) — but inspire others.”

H is for Honoring by Randi Buckley
: “The deepest honor in the name of self-love shines light onto the whispers in the heart.”

I is for Integrity by Sarah Peck “Integrity is a consistency of action, over time, that builds in what you say, believe, and do.”

J is for Joy by Hannah Marcotti “Joy can live inside of you, at all times. It is your option.”

K is for Kindness by Erin Haslag “Celebrate you. Love you. Be kind to you.”

L is for Lucky by Susan Hyatt “You ARE the shiny. YOU are the honey. The sooner you align with that basic truth, the luckier you are going to get. Romantically and otherwise.”

M is for Moxie by Alexia Vernon “The more we recognize and embrace our moxie, the more we shift into seeing fear as a reminder to listen to our inner voices.”

N is for Natural by Michelle Ward: “Equally scared and excited?It means you’re guaranteed to learn, to grow, to take away – and that is always The Right Track.”

O is for Ownership by Tiffany Moore “Taking ownership of your life is the ultimate step in self-care.”

P is for Pleasure by Rachel Cole“With pleasure as my carrot I don’t need a stick. And neither do you.”

Q is for Questioning by Tara Sophia Mohr “It’s sometimes said that the quality of our lives is determined by the quality of our questions.”

R is for Release by Julie Daley“You are beautiful because the core of who you is beauty itself.”

S is for Strength by Pam Slim“We are all capable of so many things. We can endure challenge, tragedy and heartbreak and come out clearer, stronger and more loving on the other end. Trust yourself.”

T is for Truth by Amber Rae “With honesty, there is unlimited potential for growth.”

U is for Understanding by Andrea Owen “This is a place where no one is broken. We are human and messy.”

V is for Values by Tanya Geisler“See, as juicy as values are, they are so foundational to self-love that it’s almost impossible for me to uncollapse the two.”

W is for Worth by Tara Gentile “Your self-worth isn’t a number. Your earning potential doesn’t indicate your living potential.”

X is for X-Rated by Kelly Diels“Being an X-rated woman means deliberately choosing who you will please.”

Y is for Yes by Sarah Von Bargen “Yes to monthly pedicures with my BFF. Even in the winter. Even when my toes are inside boots all day long.”

Z is for Zen by Amanda Oaks “Zen is the gateway into showing you what it is to fiercely yet gently love yourself.”

Inspired? Electrified? Ready to practice Fierce Love in your own world?

I can’t wait to witness the flames of your love.

It’s all about *YOU* and that’s a damn good thing.


p.s. Dig this Guide? Find out more about the Fierce Love Course!

Molly Mahar is a life coach, speaker, writer, fierce love advocate and joy enthusiast. She is the founder of Stratejoy, this positive corner of the Internet that provides thousands of women the tools, strategies and camaraderie to lead authentically joyful lives. Molly’s work is delivered through several live and digital group programs, focused on creating *YOUR* joyful world. She works one-on-one with clients who are ready for soul-level personal alignment and big transitions.

Molly also laughs loudly, swims naked, and wears a lot of costumes. And she’s expecting a tiny boy person on June 2, which will her give her loads of opportunity to practice fierce lovin’.

She’d love to hear from you on Twitter or Facebook. Connect away!

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

As an expert and enthusiast, I have access to a wide range of information on various topics. While I have personal experiences or emotions like a human, I can provide factual information and insights based on the data I have been trained on. I can help answer questions, provide explanations, and engage in discussions on a wide range of subjects.

Now, let's dive into the concepts mentioned in this article.

Fierce Love Blog Crawl

The Fierce Love Blog Crawl is an event that took place in February, where a conversation about the meaning and practice of self-love was initiated across the internet. The purpose of this event was to explore self-love in its various forms and empower individuals to practice fierce self-love in their own lives.


Self-love refers to the practice of caring for and valuing oneself. It involves treating oneself with kindness, compassion, and acceptance. Self-love is about recognizing one's worth, embracing imperfections, and prioritizing self-care and self-acceptance. It is an important aspect of personal well-being and can contribute to a more fulfilling and joyful life.

The ABC's of Self-Love Guide

The ABC's of Self-Love Guide is a 74-page guide that contains 26 inspiring essays written by 26 women. Each essay explores self-love from a different perspective and shares personal stories and insights. The guide aims to empower readers to practice fierce self-love in their own lives by providing wisdom and guidance.

Meaning and Practice of Self-Love

The meaning of self-love refers to the concept of valuing and caring for oneself. It involves recognizing one's worth, embracing self-acceptance, and prioritizing self-care. The practice of self-love involves taking actions and making choices that support one's well-being, happiness, and personal growth. It can include activities such as self-care routines, setting boundaries, practicing self-compassion, and nurturing one's physical, emotional, and mental health.

Fierce Self-Love

Fierce self-love is a term used to describe a powerful and unapologetic form of self-love. It involves embracing and celebrating oneself fully, without holding back. Fierce self-love is about standing up for one's desires, setting boundaries, and pursuing a life that aligns with one's values and passions. It requires courage, self-acceptance, and a commitment to personal growth and well-being.


Empowerment refers to the process of gaining confidence, control, and autonomy in one's life. It involves recognizing and utilizing one's strengths, abilities, and resources to make informed decisions and take action. Empowerment can come from within oneself or be facilitated by external factors such as supportive relationships, education, and access to resources. The ABC's of Self-Love Guide aims to empower readers to practice fierce self-love by providing them with insights, stories, and tools to support their personal growth and well-being.

I hope this information helps you understand the concepts mentioned in the article. If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!

The ABC's of Self-Love (2024)
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