The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

"A v. i THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10. low SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE, SEYMOUR, INDIANA PAGE TWENTYTHREJB Loo.ung For A Heme? You'll Find Your Dream tee in the Tribune Classified 127-FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 126-FOR SALE AGRICULTURAL HadoVTheyH Do It Every Time 122-FORSAIB SUBURBAN PROPERTY FIVE MILES Northeast or 3 milea North of Junction. 20 Acres, mostly tillable. 5 room houM with bath, double gar age, barn, frontage on two roada.


vfl an 1 2w mmri 1 Weiss wrshei RUMMAGE SALE: Odds ends and clothing, Thursday, riday and Saturday, 8:00 m. to 8:00 p. hi, 817 "Carter Street; BAsem*nT SALE: Gean cheap. .306 East Friday and Sat- clothing and Third Street. RUMMAGE SALE: Redeemer Lutheran Church Annex, Fri day, Saturday.

12:00. 1 RUMMAGE SALE: December 10, 11, 12. Feather pillows. 91.00; Feather Beds, 83.00. Road 30, east, next to mcju-fresh Motel.

130-AUTOMOTIVE RENT OR LEASE NEED TRANSFORTATIOr- Rent a Hertz Car or trut from Brown Marathon, Tipton Broadway. Phone 522 4426. RENT-A-CAR: Plymouth Daily Rentals. Dusters with Air Furys with Air. Low rate Ruddick's Garage, 522 2982.

140-PUBLIC SALES FOSTER'S AUCTION Service. Deb Foster, Auctioneer. Guarantee appraisal. 522-6617. LUIS TRACY, Auctioneer, com plete auction service, apprais als, notary puuic.

aeymour. Route 1.522-3284. FREETOWN AUCTION: Every Saturday, 7:30 p. m. Take consignments on Thursdsys and Saturdays.

Phone 322-3ZIB. RUSSELL McKINNEY, Auction eer. Call 342-31 16. Columbus. Indiana, collect.

IF YOU have anything to sell. cau us, wnne uaE Auction 522-6581. Jet. 50 31 on 31 Public Sale every Saturday at inurman and Katie Winburn, owners. 170-LODGES Seymour Com-mandery Mo.

oti. Knights Templar, meeting, election and installation of officers, 7:30 p.m. 10. preceded by December carry-in dinner at 6:30. How- ard Elliott, Commander.

160 CARD OF THANKS ALENE SKIRVIN: We wish to thank all our friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy and for all your cards and memorials. We thank the Rev. Dewey All-man for his comfort to our Mother before she paased away and to the family after her death. We thank Pat Stout, the hospital staff, the staff at Jackson Park Convalescent Home and the Burkholder Funeral Home for their services. Husband and Family A VERY Cordial thank you.

The member of The Third Members Car Club wish to extend our sincereat thank to all of youwho supported, our car wash project on November 21. which waa to money to purchase club jack-eta. We again thank you and hope to see you at our next club project. The Third Members Car Club. Seymour.

Indiana. 161-IN MEMORIAM NORA LUCAS FRANKLIN: In loving memory of Nora Lucas Franklin who passed away December 10. 1964. We little knew when we woke that morn. The sorrow the day would bring.

The call waa audden. the shock severe. To part wiUt one we loved so dear. Sometimes It's hard to understand. Why some things have to be.

In His wisdom. God has planned Beyond our power to see. Sadly missed by Oscar, Edison, and Walter FOHSALE Consisting of 1 Vs-ton Ford chassis, S-erllnder engine, van type body with LP gaa heater. New tires, new engine Installed one year ago. Well suited for camper, mobile office, etc.

Contact Mrs. Cerdea, Sey mour Public Library. mm mum AG LIME, fill dirt, crushed stone, sand and aravei; R. "ile-GilhBpyr Route -ft -822- 5329. CHRISTMAS A A A Gentlemen, get your wife a SlimGym.522-4102 or 522-6402.

CHRIST MAS LA YA WAYS: i wuicinan uems, camping ac- cessones. rree Coleman caps. FORMICA CABINET Tops: Hackman's Cabinet Shop. Phone 3Z2-41 18. USED 85 GALLON FISH AQUARIUM: Complete with fish, stand, filter, air pump, heater, decorations, etc.

ONE 75,000 BTU NATURAL GAS FIRED UNIT HEATER: Used one season. USED LAVATORIES: Wall hung with faucets, and trim. COMMODES AND TUBS. PARDIECK MECHANICAL 522-7662 311 Ewing Street Seymour FLORIDA RETIREMENT: Rent a trailer for winter. De livered in Florida, If desired.

Bill Stein, 522-1644. UNIQUE COIN cut out jewelry orders accepted through Dec. 12th for Christmas. Available on tie tacs. cuff anus, ear rings, etc.

Custom made to in' dude anniversary or birth year if desired. Also, -birth year coin sets. Call 522-4063. CREEK GRAVEL, crushed atone, river gravel, field dirt and sand. Gene Marsh.

497- 2029. FEATHER PILLOWS cleaned. New licking. Revitalized and germ-free. $1.95 each.

Par dleck Norge Village. 708 W. Tipton. LAMP PARTS and glass shades. Neawedde Sales and Service, 408 South Walnut Street.

FOR THE best in heating and cooling comfort, buy American from Neawedde'a Sales and Service. 408 South Wal nut Street. BEAUTIFUL TROPHIES. 40 per cent off. Spencer a Crafts and Hobbles.

522-7480. CRUSHED STONE. Gravel, sana, top soil, fill dirt. Steve Gill, 314 E. 7th.

522-2947. ONE OF the finer things of life Blue Lustre carpet and upholstery cleaner. Rent electric ahampooer, $1. Union Hard ware Inc. BABY CRIB and mattress sale.

Phone 358-2840. for CONN CORNET. $70. Excellent condition. Phone 522-2201.

FOR SALE: Fuel oil tank. 279 gallon. Phone 358-2035. FOR SALE: Mouton fur Jacket, sewing machine head with attachments, portable stereo record player. Phone 522-1806 after 5 p.m.

MARBLE TOP dresser and nice assortment of class wart, in- -dudlngarnivalf-cuti pressed? pattern, milk glass, all old. Deegee's Town of Harmony Antiques. Medora VERY OLD unusual carved oak china cabinet with claw feet, also RoseviUe. Weller Hull Deegee's Town of Harmony Antiques. Medora.

966-4056, 966-4276. FOR SALE: Electric guitar. case and amplifier, like new. Complete line or goir equipment. 522-6179.

ASH AND Cherry firewood. Cord $15. delivered. 3264135. Edinburgh 128 SPORT AND RECREATION "CMP LETS LINE of Travel Trailers and truck campers 14 mile west of Seymour on Highway 50.

Phone 522-3250. kers Auto and Camper Salea. 129 RUMMAGE SALES GARAGE SALE: 511 Berkshire Road. Eastbrook Addition off North O'Brien Street. Buttles.

Jars, clothing, and miscellaneous. Friday and 10 a. m. to 8 p. m.

RUMMAGE SALE: Men's roller skates, ladles clothing size 12 to 16, men's and baby clothing, toya. household Items. Friday and Saturday. 930 North O'Brien. BAsem*nT SALE: 828 South Poplar Street.

Thursday. 10:00 through Saturday noon. A little bit of everything. Come, browse around. RUMMAGE SALE: Beren'a Garage, 710 North Street, Sey mour.

Thursday and Friday. 124-POmAU HOUSEHOLD ANTIQUES: North- 7673. Closed Tueaday. Thura-day. Complete assort-S remon rroaucu on the Country Club LUCILLE'8 HOUSE of A.

tlquea: 603 S. Chestnut. Dail chance or appointment. Baur ley'a. DO YOUR feather pillows need new ticking? Bring them to Pardleck Norge Village.

708 West Tipton. VACUUM CLEANERS Christmas Specials. The best for leu. No payment until February 1971 with approved credit. Kirby Vacuum, 2739 Central Avenue, 372-7823, Columbus, Indiana.

USED WASHERS and dryers at Uhlon Hardware Co. 116 South Chestnut. 522-1663. BEATEN down carpet patha go wnen Blue Lustre arrives, Rent electric ahampooer, Baldwin Drug Store. $1.

LAMPS LAMPS: Come in. have a look. Dozens and dozens of beautiful table lamps. Starting at lust $4.95 each. Berry's Furniture.

2 miles west Seymour, Hi-way 50. WALLPAPER Bargains. Parker's Furniture Store. 630 East Tipton. FURNACES INSTALLED complete.

$495. Wiring and plumbing. Call 522-1633. TAKING A TRIP: Call Sam Martin for Trip Coverage. 358-2434.

WHY PAY more? Children's shoes. $2.88. Men's, shoes. $5.00 up. Townhouse, Highway 50, Brownstown.

TWO BLACK and white television sets. Floor model and portable. 21" acreen: man's sport coat, size large. 522-3466. COMPLETE line of Philco appliancea.

Fenton Producta, on the Country Club Road. 522-4493. SINGER TOUCH ft SEW $37.11 FULL BALANCE Easy payments. Good condition. Equipped to monogram, mend and darn, applique, blind hem akirta, zig-cag, winds bobbin In machine, etc.

Guaranteed. Call 5224363. Select Sewing Service. 1971 KELV1NAT0R APPLIANCES" Washers, Dryers Refrigerators Electric and Gaa Stoves Air Conditioners Immediate Delivery Priced to fit your budget CENTRAL LUMBER SUPPLY- 8th Pershing SU. 522-2326 COLOR TV: From $299.00.

Fenton Producta. on the Country Club Road. 522-4493. ELECTRIC AND plumbing service. Neawedde'a Sales Service.

922-3891. FOR SALE: 23" Zenith color TV. Early American. Excellent condition. Phone 522-5757.

USED GULBRANSEN spinet piano and bench, payments if desired. Also new pianos and organs, band instruments, guitars $19.95 up. Gary Davis' Music Makers Store, Inc. (the music people since 1812). 2438 Central Columbus.

Ind. Open evenings and Sunday afternoon, until Christmas. FOR SALE: 21" BW television, good condition. 522-5048. VINYL LATEX flat odorless paint.

9 colon, $2.95 gallon Parker Furniture Store. 630 East Tipton. TAPPAN GAS range, $25.00: 15' refrigerator. $40.00. 314 Kesaler Boulevard.

ANTIQUE ORGAN and bench, made Into electric. 5224283. VACUUM CLEANER parts and service. Parta to fix Electrolux. Filter Queen, etc.

Neawedde'a Salea ft Service, 408 South Walnut Street FOR SALE: 11' 12' beige rut; Norge refrigerator. Phone 522-1027. Tol kf.Kt 1 rooma of furni ture, used, also new furniture. Hilltop Trailer Park. 115 South O'Brien.

FOR SALE by Owner: Living room suite, end tablea, den furniture, etc. Very clean, very reaaonable. Must aell Immedi ately. Make an offer. 822-8067.

SWIVEL ROCKERS) With ny-Ion reinforced vinyl cover. Very comfortable. Good ejection. Real nice gift, Just $39.08: Boston rockers; maple or walnut finish, only $21.50. Berry's Furniture.

1 milea west. Seymour, Hlway 50. 4 AUTOMOTIVE 1141 WILLY'S Jtep. Full top, 1968 RAMBLER, ClaMlc V-S. Excellent CalljafteiL 8:80.

Phon FOR SALE: Two 800 lb. corn fed ready to butch- er. Harry W. Shoemaker, 358-3801. MACHINERY AC C-II Combine.

Gr. head. ACf-C Combine with corn head J.D. 55 Combine with corn head 4.D.-45 Combine with corn head J.D.-42 Combine 2-Kewanee Discs Oliver 12' 8' Disc 3-pt. Scraper Blade 2 Used Post Hole Diggers 1967 Oliver 1790 Diesel Two 2T Oliver Balers' 2-Brady 144" Chopper 165 bushel Parker beds 1961 Ford 671 1964 Ford 4000 Diesel 1953 IHC Super Ford 8N Gas 1963 Oliver 770 Gas 1963 MF-65 DSL.

JACKSON COUNTY FARM BUREAU CO-OP Farm Implement Department TRADE UP to a newer, faster. more dependable New Holland manure spreader. (Choose from the country's No. 1 spreader line, 14 models. Par-dieck Sales and Service, 708 W.Tipton.

127-FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS LINCOLN WELDERS: 180-225 amp. $95 It $100 each. Sief-ker'a Machine Shop. REYNOLDS TRUMPET and case. Good condition.

522-4284 after 5 p. m. BARBIE and talking Ken doll clothes, all kinds. Phone 522- 2915. FOR SALE: Baby bed.

high chair. Phone 338-ZZ18. FOR SALE: Bear fur cover let, tape recorder, box of assorted "what-nots' (some Occupied Japan), antique eight dav wall clock, excellent con dition. Avon bottles, trestle table and two benches, dark finish. Phone 522-1720.

After 5:00. 522-1478. 16' GLASTRON with 40 hp motor; 8 track car stereo IVi hp outboard. 713 W. 8th.

FOR SALE: Electric guitar and electric amplifier, made by Gibson. 522-1491. FOR SALE: Cedar from 4 to 6 ft. tall, $1.00. Four miles south.

Road 11. Seymour. Gladys Johnson. FOR SALE: 9 piece nativity scene, tallest figure, Cedar chest. 9" Craftsman radial arm aaw.

Medora, 966-4706. LOOKING FOR something special for that somebody special? See our display of genuine stone Jewelry in Jade, turquoise, agates, tiger eye and other gems. All hand made-in Indian -Trail -toclr Shop by Cap and Lenore Jenkins. Route 5. Seymour, tnd.

Tel. 522-7756. FOR SALE: Warm Morning wood and coal stove with fan. 522-3264. FIREPLACE WOOD for sale.

$10.00 a rick. 522-6169. CHRISTMAS TREES: Largest selection in town. Reasonably priced. Natural color trees.

Free off-street parking while making selection. Dairy Queen Lot and Ed's Motel. LADY'S VERY old unique desk, lea leaf ironstone bowl A pitcher, cherry corner glass door cupboard and many other nice gift items. Deegee's Town of Harmony Antiques. Main Street.

Medora. 966-4056 or FOR SALE: Bedroom suite, including box spring and mattress. Refrigerator, chord organ, AM-FM radio, bird cage on stand. Make nice Christmas presents. Call after 5 p.

m. or weekends to 500 Indianapolis Ave. FOR SALE: Boys bicycle. Roa dm aster Stingray. Hand brakes, slicks on back.

Call after 5. 522-3520. OAK FIREWOOD. $6.00 rick, plua delivery. 497-2025.

FOR SALE: Two snow tires, mounted on 13 Inch Ford Falcon wheels. $25. 822-7895. CHRISTMAS TREE Headquar- ters, the presentation la large, the aroma la real. Indiana Srbwn.

Attendant on the lot a. m. to 9 p. m. Between Spencer's it Rlchart'a at Rock-ford.

FOR SALt4: Pieced quilt topa. Large slit, phono 522-9413. MENS A WOMEN'S Wilson golf clubs and bags, complete set. all new, each $200 value. Sale price $90 each.

922-3929. 416 DOUBLE Barrel shotgun. $89.00. 4494224. TV ANTENNAS, $7.77 A up.

Baker Antitna Salea. 822-4948. VERY OLD cherry platform rocker, perfect also square oak, rope leg, claw foot stand table and cherry love seat and chair. Deesee a Town of Harmony Antiques, Main Street Medor. 066-4036.

WORTH AT ASTROS MET6" 125-FOR SALE AUTOMOTIVE MAKE OFFER on 1959 Chevy Viton pickup. 522-2810. FREE TURKEY With each purchase of a new or used car or true, aunng me month of December from JOHN BOTTORFF FORD 78 FORD Galaxie 500 4 dr. AC 70 CHEV. Impala, 4 8-A P.

PB, VT, Tape, AC 69 LTD 2 dr HT, 8-A. PS. PB. VT. Tape.

AC PS. PB. VT. AC 69 FORD Galaxie 500 4 8A. PS.

PB. AC 69 MUSTANG Grande, 2 dr. HT, 8A.PS.VT 69 PLY. Rd. Runner 2 dr.

HT, 8A PS 68 FORD Galaxie 500 4 8A, PS PB AC 68 MUSTANG 2 dr. spts roof. 8A 68 OLDS Delta Custom 2 dr HT, 8A, PS, PB, TW, VT. PW. SC, AC 68 PONTIAC Catalina 2 dr HT, 8A.PS.PB, AC 67 MUSTANG 2 dr.

HT. 8-std, PS. 20,000 mi. TRUCKS 69 CHEV. ton pickup 68 FORD Vi ton pickup 67 VW Bus with camper equip.

65GMC Van Luther Steltenpohl John Bobbins Tom Taylor Ed Chambers Open 8:00 to 8:00 Mon. Fri. Open 8:00 to 5:00 Wed. Sat. YOU'RE BETTER OFF IN A JOHN BOTTORFF FORD Corner Tipton Carter Streets Phone 522-7777 FOREIGN CAR Sale: 1968 Volkswagen, 1964 Renault.

Hopewell's. 522-3380. NEW MERCURY TRADE-INS 69 Ford 4 door 66 Olds 98. .4 door, air 66 Chevrolet, Station Wagon 65 Ford. 2 dr.

HT 65 Mercury Cyclone. 2 dr. HT 65 Mercury. 2 dr. HT 65 Mercury.

4 door Air NO DOWN PAYMENT 64 Dodge, 4 door 64 01da.2drHT 64 Mercury. 4 dr. HT 63 Ford, 4 door 63 Mercury, 4 door 63 Pontiac, 4 dr. HT 61 Comet. 2 door STERLING AUTO SALES Highway 50.

West 522-2696 1960 CHEVROLET, needs tires! 8150. 522-4515. FOR SALE: 1970 Fan motor home, 22', Bleeps 6. Diesel motor. Completely aelf contained.

Hilltop Mobile Homes Park and Salea, 119 S. O'Brien. 1966 AMBASSADOR, p.b.. automatic, bucket seats, extra clean. Hopewell's.

822-3380. FOR SALE: 1967 Mustang fast-back, 390. 4 speed. 822-2633. IMS CHEVROLET Impala convertible.

Full oower. 327. air condition. Just overhauled. 522-t 9645.

126-FOR SALE AGRICULTURAL REGISTERED YORKSHIRE Boars. Service age. Disque Brothers. Brownstown. Phone 398-3899.

id bi pur bred shire boars. Virgil Ktoater- 4173. iM nrnn nlva for mis. Wil- lUm Radford, Routt 8 Colum 342083. nwetjveiioi Joneivtllt.

ABOUT kiM TWO MILES, V4 mile south of Highway BO. brick veneer. 7 rooma, 2 batha, full baaement with fireplace, Double garage. Immediate possession. Henry Krumme, Realtor.

Phone 522-4366. HIGHWAY 11: South, milea. 6 acrea with 6 room modern home, baaement. double garage, other buildings. Also 13 acrea more or leu, atrip of land.

A real building site. Also 11 acrea. more or less, likewise, real building site. Also 8 acrea. more or leas.

A 'good building aite. Henry Krumme. Realtor. Phone 522-4366. 123 FOR SALE FARM LAND 8 ML NE: 60 Acrea.

39 tillable. Nice 7 room modern home, full baaement, large porch. Home excellent condition. Also large barn, double garage, tool shed. Henry Krumme, Realtor.

Phone 522-4366. HOUSE FOR Sale: 2' a miles north of Freetown. 4 bedroom, aluminum siding. baths. Garage.

Approximately 6 acres. Phone 407-3136. VALLONlA: On Lake Road. 1 acre lota. These are good building lota.

Henry Krumme, Realtor. Phone 522-4366. SIX MILES-weat: 228 acrea of extra good White River bottom land, all in one tract A goot1 buy. Henry Krumme, Phone 522-4366 or 522-4367. Mile north of nor-' MAN: 40 acrea.

mostly tillable. Semi timber. Home haa 4 rooms and bath. Screened back porch. W1U aell all furniture and farm tools aa one deal.

Henry Krumme, Realtor. Phone 522-4366. MEDORA: 4 mile out, 241 acrea of bottom land. Selling land with landlord's portion of growing crop. Priced to aell.

Henry Krumme, Realtor. Phone 522-4366. MILES EAST of Uniontown: mile aouth of Highway 250. 115 acres. Half tiUable.

Henry Krumme, Realtor. Phone 5224366. 124 FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD PLATEGLASS MIRRORS: 30x40, $17.50: 24x36. $14.50. Round with gold frame, Early American emblem.

siz.oo. Berry's Furniture, 2 miles west Seymour, Hi-way 50. Zippy Trio! PRINTED PATTERN ZIP FAR AHEAD of everybody la mobile, marvelous prlncesa tfresa with ribbon trim or tunic with contrast trim aame color a pant. Printed Pattern 4R0O: Nf Uses' 8ises $. 10, It, 14.

16. 1. Hist II (bust 141 takea It yards 40-Inch fabric. tlVtNTV'PIVB CENTS for each pattern add IS oenta for each pattern for Air Mall ant Special Handling. Send to Anne Adams, Care of Seymour Dally Tribune Patters Dept.

141 Weal itt St, New York, M. T. lfOll. Frlat HAMIj ADPMM Dynamic faahlon changes In new FelLWlnter pattern CaU lor. Free Pattern Coupon.

10 INSTANT IUW1NO BOOK -eut tit, aew modem INSTANT FASHION BOOK--? wardrobe piannim crw-i fl ttry, ecceawory tips, if 4800 SA sizes Aitf. RED CARPfT FOR THE IRE'S AN AIRLINE- OO YOU FLY? I WAMT" ED TO GET IN THE InIM) 9yt4Mf. II 7 WmM ntktt MtM 126 FOR SALE AGRICULTURAL WESTERN WEAR equip ment make useful attract ive Christmas gifts. Shop leisurely at the Country Sad-lery. Open 10 a.

m. till 9 p. weekdays. Closed Sun days. USED EQUIPMENT Oliver 550 Gas Tractor Oliver hrs.) 1250 Gas Tractor (486 Oliver 88 DSL Tractor IHC 560 DSL Tractor Massey Ferguson 65 Gas tractor Oliver No.

52a Combine cab corn head. with Oliver No. 5 one row picker Kewanee elevator 40 ft. long. Gehl Feed Mix-Mill Farm Hand Feedmaster sheller with Bradey 4 row stalk shredder Oliver manure spreader Kewanee Wheel Disc CORDES HARDWARE INC.

Seymour, Indiana phone 522-3918 or 522-1701, evenings FOR THE best In Post and Paneled Farm Buildings. We will build to suit your particular needs. For complete information contact Borkholder Buildings, Al Zurcher. P. O.

Box 287, Seymour. Phone 522-8063. SADDLES and Western Wear. The Country SaddleryrU. S.

31, at Reddington. FarmaU 460 Farm all 504 MF65 IH 1206 Turbo, extra good IHB-414 Tractor 706 Tractor IH Grain Drill IH 70 Cadet Blade for Cadet MF 3-14" 3-pt. hitch plow Oliver 40 Blade Disk Gehl Forage Harvester TIMPERMAN SALES SERVICE Randall Lucas. town 358-3794 50 West 522-5288 WINDSOR PRODUCTS: The most complete line of chain, bare, sprockets and acceaaories in the Industry. Your local distributor, Seymour Small Engines.

DEAR JOHN Did you know that from Nov. 15 thru Dec. 24. 1970. with a retail purchase at Browning Brothers of any new lawn and garden tractor you will get free of charge a new children's lawn and garden riding tractor cycle, valued at $45.00 Before buying your Christmas toys, be sure to check complete line of John Fre toys and their low low prts.

P. S. Be sure and get your order In for genuine John Deere colonial baler twine. For April delivery of 10 bajea or more, only 87.90 per bale. EFFIE BROWNING BROS.

West Second Street Road Seymour, Indiana Phone 6X8-1929 Choose From The Long Qreea Line THREE SO TOYS: 24 pigs for sale. 643-2602, IH FARM TOYSi See our com plete line. TImperman Sales service. DUROC BOARS, open gilts, 1V miles northeast of Hope. F.

U. Waddle and son. tBobir 125-FOR SALE AUTOMOTIVE FOE SALE: 1969 Phone 522-6661. 350 Hond- FORD C-1000 truck. 534 engine.

Bill Huber. 358-2368. FOR SALE: 1965 Mercury Mont-clair, 4 door HT, P. PB. 390.

ready for winter. 522-3422. DON MORRIS CHEVROLET-OLDS GUARANTEED USED CARS 71 OLDS LUX. SEDAN 70 IMP ALA Door HT 69 RAMBLER SST Sedan 89 OLDSMOBILE 88 Sedan 89 PLYMOUTH Satellite Cpe. 68 CHRYSLER New Yorker 67 BUICK Skylark Cpe.

67 EL CAMINO 8 cyl. 67 IMPERIAL 4 door 87 FORD door HT 67 OLDSMOBILE 88 4 door 87 CHEVELLE 2 door HT 67 FORD Vi ton Pickup 66 CHEV. Nova 2 door 68 CHEVROLET C60 Diesel trk 88 OLDS F-85 Sedan 88 CHRYSLER New Yorker 88 OLDSMOBILE 88 Sed. 88 OLDS F-85 Sedan MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM Salea Representatives Floyd Butler LoulcVonStrohe-- Willard Hackman Larry Joray OPEN EVENINGS Except Wed. and Sat.

DON MORRIS CHEVROLET-OLDS INC. "House of Service" 1209 East Tipton, Hwy. 50 East Phone 622-4187 1976 VOLKSWAGEN, good condition, $1,795. or best offer. 522-1650 daya, or evenings, Sclpio.

392-2481. 1981 CHEVY. 2 door, straight shift. 6 cylinder, good tires and safety checked. Good transportation, $123.

522-3069. MARK IV Auto air conditioner. Mark IV Auto Air. eut cools 'en alL Install today. We Install and service all makes and models.

Ante Radiator Repair Shop. $191 East Second. Phone 5ZMI33. 1968 CHEVROLET ton pickup with racks, good condition, $900. Call from 5:30 to evening.

522-7322. FOR SALE: 1968 Chevrolet ton truck, custom cab. V-8. hew Urea. Highway 11.

1 mile aouth of Dudleytown, turn right. 2 milea. Dale Schults, afterS. FOR SALE: 1965 Pontiac Le Mans, 2-door, sport coupe. HT.

good condition. 522-4409. MAKE OFFER: 1960 Chevrolet. Phone 522-4315. 1876 VOLKSWAGEN Sedan Demonstrator, Clean Used 1969 Volkswagens, Automatic and Four Speed.

Several 1967 through 1968 on display. Birch-er Volkswagen. Hlway 107., Madison, Indiana. 1 1876 CHEVROLET Caprice 4 door. 1069 Chevelle, door HT, 1967 Camaro, 4 apeed, 1967 GTO, 8 dr.

HT. Blrcher Volka-wagen, Hlway 107, Madlaon, Indiana. BRAND NEW Honda Mini 80'a and Trail 70'a now in stock for Christmas. Lay one away now. All parte and accessories In stock.

Honda of Madlaon. Hlway 107, Madison, Indiana. 1 1868 RAMBLER Convertible. P.a p.b. Priced right.

607 Indianapolis FOR SALEi 1969.Malibu 850 automatic, ih ft a ulnul It 83.000 mi 'iZ-lZZZX'Z' ruT. J8 Jeirerson--Vllle Ave, before 8 p. m. 1 l' Sfenhy Say Thini Ycj To end vriJi a Bis Prto Ssb. Csy cno th rogukr cried end get likiiitsni jt V4 Pries, Vi Contest xtmT St 4aty twy A 4-' ft.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.